The bravest are children!

Dara, didn't like it at all!

"Why are they making some kind of monster out of me?"

"I don't agree with that!"

"I'll go get them all in the face"

"What scoundrels!"

"It's like I'm here, villain!"

"I brought them all peace and quiet!"

"Ungrateful bastards" !!!!

This cry, spreading to distant distances. From what the howl of the monsters became even more terrible and compassionate.

People, brave knights, began to tremble even more, and do for themselves. This was the first time it happened to them. Wild horror fettered their hearts, brave souls, trembled and could not stop from trepidation and despair.

Although in these moments, if they knew the prayers, they could restore their minds. But their faith was not great, as they came to conquer the ruins because of gold, wealth and oppression. The unenviable fate of all accomplices of evil who lost their souls in the pursuit of wealth acquired through oppression and enslavement!

The elves, on the other hand, were bound simply by the ice of trepidation and shock.

They could not imagine that there is such a monster in their world! It is not clear why, it appeared inside their barrier! It also broke him! And now, all people and monsters from him are in panic and horror! Isn't it the spirit of Deimos ??? But this spirit protector Deimos himself sat in a dark corner and looked with fear at this fat man, where was he found and who sent to this world ??? They said it was he, the spirit of horror ???!

Not something like that! Compared to this fat man, he is Deimos, he was a cute little kid !!! This fat man brought 5 hippos that could destroy their other world, all dimensions, lower, middle and high world hundreds of thousands of times!

And they were also afraid of different ones, capable of destroying all the planets of this and any other world! To top it off, this fat man got angry in earnest that from the sight of his army, everyone fell into shaking and lost themselves!

He was angry! He wanted to beat them already shaking and crap !!! What monster? !!!! What a bastard has summoned this walking horror into their world !!! Deimos, was sincerely glad that all the guardian spirits were sealed in their realm! He didn't want to fight this fat maniac! There wasn't even one chance for Deimos to win! The fat man continued to swear and make various threatening gestures with his hands. And the hippos from this fell into a frenzy, stamping their feet and hitting the ground with their tail.

And the monsters in different armor, furiously rolled their eyes. The remnants of the forces were gone and the elves, they all fell to the ground unconscious. The monsters were silent, they passed out. And the poor knights froth from their mouths.

Deimos turned pale, closed his eyes and pretended not to see, hear or comment, even not express his fears and concerns about the situation. Dara swore evilly. He shook his fist. This time he did not vaporize anyone. All his mood was spoiled, these stinkers !!!

"What scoundrels!"

He did not stop. Tiger, Lion, Demon Emperor, only pursed their lips and looked with glass eyes at their spheres, they were dumbfounded by the fat man's wickedness. Internally, they were glad they hadn't entered this battlefield. It was horror and a great shame for life!

- How lucky we are!

- Undoubtedly, while this fat man is in our world, you should not participate in any dubious events to conquer the world, it is better to sit in your palace and drink wine.

- Well, Prime Minister, what do you say? You advised me to show this fat man a place? But the Prime Minister could not answer, he lay unconscious, white smoke oozed from all five of his senses.

- Well, that's finished, you freak! When he comes to his senses, tell me that I will personally beat him later! Moron!

- I wanted to let me down under such horror !!!

The tiger, looked at his luxurious tail, said nothing, went to bed and think about how to avoid this fat man. The lion whined pitifully on the carpet. He had experienced all this before.

"Well ... everyone is lying around, they smell bad."

Dara was disappointed. He expected something different from the elves. With a wave of his hand, he, his pets and the army rushed into the depths of the forest, towards the ruins. And children, women and old people stood astonished and did not move when terrible monsters passed around them. In a moment, the battlefield was immersed in peace and quiet.

All creatures of darkness and light froze in horror. Even those who came to their senses did not dare to move. Not knowing what to do! Better to pretend they haven't come to their senses yet! Suddenly, this fat man will get angry and mercilessly tear them all to pieces and then greedily and greedily begin to eat them!

Some noblemen recalled the terrible and ridiculous rumors they heard from the higher ranks. It seems that it was he, a fat maniac who erase the palaces of kings and emperors in one glance, destroying entire empires with a snap of his fingers! Now they understood that this was reality and not a fairy tale! This is a very scary reality!

They regretted that they were tempted to quick fame and enrichment! Life is so sweet! In vain they went against the will of their mothers and fathers!

Now, if they survived, in this carnage, they made a promise to themselves that they would never enter the battlefield again! While this fat monster was in their world! Never again!

"Bastards, scoundrels, I'll paint you all in cabbage, what bastards, they all scold me like that!"

"They themselves are maniacs, their fathers are maniacs!"

"I'll show them" !!!

"What bastards!" Dara, he heard what all these living beings were saying in their thoughts. He fell into anger! But he changed his mind, he snapped his fingers, cold water poured out of the ring. I washed my face with it, as it was written in the holy books, and calmed my causeless anger. People are all different, so they can react differently to his actions! So he tried to calm himself!

Alas, his words were heard ... everyone began to tremble even more and tried not to think about anything at all. The elves ... they arrived in silence, they were also afraid to show any movement.

Only the children were spontaneous, they smiled at the strange fat man who saved them from certain death, then when their mothers and wives were on their guard.

And the old people thoughtfully tried to remember the ancient legends about such monsters. But such data was not in their memory!

The children ran to Dara without fear!