The ruins were approaching! 

The elf children ran in a joyful crowd towards the strange fat man. He appeared beautifully, unexpectedly in a stream of greenish light! How wonderful salvation! Although the children were small, they understood what fear and death were

They saw the frightened faces of elders, mothers, their feelings were understandable. With their little feet, they tried to run into the forest, into its depths into the unknown.

The children, the villagers themselves, had never gone far into the forest before. But now they were forced to look for salvation there, hoping for a miracle, which, of course, would not have happened. Since the ruins were the remnants of an older and more powerful civilization.

But now there were no Dawn Activation Crystals. They were just tools with no energy charge. No one could graze there! But in the minds of the elves there was a spark of hope that the old ruins possessed some ancient power capable of protecting the purest souls! Of course, it was only an unrealizable hope for a miracle! The children surrounded the fat man and began vying with each other to babble in their own language.

Dara, the translator turned on, he heard separate phrases:

"Thank you, fat uncle"!

"... you saved us, fat ...".

"Uncle, thanks! We want to eat, let me eat and drink "!

"We want to eat, sleep, protect!"

"Help my father"!

"Wu, wu, wu".

"We want peace and tranquility!"

"We want to play in the meadow again"!

"Thank you"!

"… I want a present"!

"I also want a gift and eat!"

The women, frozen with shock, came to their senses and ran to the children, hugging them to themselves, covering them at the level of instinct with their bodies.

The older woman hurried up to Dara, bowed politely and began to speak.

- O great magician, do not be angry at the speech of children, they are not intelligent!

- If you want to pour out your anger, then let it be me!

Dara waved his hand to shut up the lady.

"Only the Creator of 22 thousand worlds is great, I am an ordinary person"!

"Children have nothing to do with, like you, there is no anger, I don't care about all of you!"

"This is about people and monsters, shut up, lie down and do not move if you don't want to be skinned alive from you"!

Here Dara, he remembered a fragment from the anime "Pumpkin scissors" written Iwanaga Ryoutarou Sensei. In the last episode 24 - The Military, the Commoners and the Nobility. The main character was told how to intimidate the townsfolk.

Dara, he decided to try it out. Indeed, it worked! The whole field, the forest, everyone lay motionless!

- Dear magician, forgive this woman for not knowing how to address you correctly!

"Never mind, I won't let the elves hurt you, don't be afraid!"

"Now, give a guide to the ruins, for this I will thank you all and give everyone good gifts!"

The women were the first to come to their senses. Winter was coming soon, the barrier was destroyed, there was little to eat, resources were spent on maintaining the manna crystals. For the past three months they have eaten little, scarcely. The children needed vitamins and wholesome food. The elf men could not provide protection, although they fought bravely, they could not withstand an armada of people and monsters.

Here this strange and scary fat man offers gifts and are clearly not simple ones. He will be able to protect their children and themselves, their parents! They will have a future. If this fat man is pissed off, they will simply disappear.

Such an army of monsters with this fat man can destroy their entire continent, including elves, monsters, demons and humans.

All kingdoms, principalities and empires in one go!

The elves believed in the spirit of the light of Rava, it was from the eastern interpretation of the spirits, and the dark elves had a patron saint, Deimos, from the northern continent. No matter how they appealed to them, no one showed up. Dara, sealed them all, without realizing it. Protector spirits were only spirits and nothing more.

Dara himself, fell into this other world, only to wean him from laziness. Nothing more. In the course of his new journey, Dara did not become more diligent or more efficient. He just showed himself as is, did not lose himself. It was a test of him as a person.

The fat man passed his tests with power, money, strength. If he passed them, he would return to his world. And if not? Then all living beings in this other world would be very scared and hard to endure such a creature as Dara!

"We will show you the way!"

Mothers stepped forward, they took care of the future of the children. The children frolicked about the fat man's legs, for some reason it was easy for them around him.

Dara, saw the emaciated faces of the children, he felt sorry for them.

He himself loved to eat well, so it was unpleasant for him to see the hungry shine, the thin hands of the children.

He snapped his fingers, a greenish light appeared, on the arms of all the children appeared small bracelets made of light bones with several stones - red, blue, green, yellow.

They were magical tools. They gave fire for food, clean water, which renewed and restored natural energy.

Green stones, gave their owners food, berries, fruits, vegetables, locusts for 100 years.

An emergency supply so that you could always have a snack and not remain hungry, and yellow provided its owner with a protective barrier within a radius of 50 meters from any kind of threat.

Women now have earrings with red, yellow and orange stones. They provided them with constant fire for cooking and hunting animals, and could fire bolts of fire at a distance of 10 thousand steps. The yellow ones gave a protective barrier for the whole family at 1000 meters, and the orange ones gave access to space magic, where food was stored - meat, sausages, cheeses, wine, beer, pies with berries, whiskey, ale, bread, fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, medicines for known diseases, elixirs for all viral and magical diseases. They were always fresh, enough food for 1000 people for 600 years.

Elderly women got rings with a white stone, he provided everything at once - protection, cooking, food, medicine, but he also gave an overview of the forest and the situation around it for 100 thousand steps. In addition, the elderly women could summon in case of danger, each of three hundred mephril golems, capable of destroying a third of the empire each. Such a small gift for helping us find the ruins. In the course of his movement, he saw the dark elves bowed in a position of submission, for which he chided them, since one can kneel only before the Creator, but not before people!

Dark elves did not get along with ordinary elves and could not leave the forest, since there were many monsters, they needed their shelter.

Yes, and ordinary elves asked, Dara, to remove the dark elves who stole food and weapons from them.

Dara had such a place, so the dark elves moved in the blink of an eye, to a cave that was a deposit of Dawn crystals. And there a real base was already equipped, with food, weapons, protective barriers, cultivation teaching methods, gold, precious stones and everything else for a happy and successful development.

The dark elves were overjoyed, with onsen to boot. They made a promise to Dar to come to his aid to solve any of his everyday problems. Since from the point of view of combat assistance, no one threatened the fat man in all three levels of the other world.

Cool guys from the high world, somehow tried to show who is the most important in this world ... Until now, in the upper world, the palaces of those fools have not been dismantled. Until now, they were kept in the palace of the emperor of the high world, he beat them every morning, personally, so that they understood that they did not need to throw themselves at every stranger.

That was the order, the fat man. So that young rakes know their place.

Their parents and patriarchs regretted giving too much will to their grandchildren and children.

Seeing only part of the fat man's power, they were all horrified! Since the transfer of monsters from the gorge went to the upper world, in its capital.

But that was already a completely different story. Children, women, elderly elves walked joyfully in front of Dara, showing him the way.

On all sides it was surrounded by an army and hippos.

The ruins were approaching!