
Many have understood, it dawned on them that if you do not touch this strange fat man, then he will not pay attention to them. But next to him, you need to moderate your destructive desires. Since he does not like suffering, therefore he can arrange suffering for others. He has no pity, he is cruel, besides, he can hear what is said about him, wherever it is.

From here everyone understood that it was better to be silent and not think about the fat man at all. Probably, if he once came here to another world, it is possible that he will one day leave, if you do not catch his eye, then you can survive! The activation circle lit up and Dara and his retinue disappeared in a flash of light. Silence reigned in the forest for a moment, and then again one fat man from the circle appeared.

- I forgot to give valuable instructions!

- I am appointing a senior, here you are! He pointed at the first monster that hit.

- You are now in charge, protect the forest, gates, elves, like, so that there is peace in the district!

- I leave you the grouping of the 10 thousandth army.

- Then bye!

- And yes, elves, you can safely walk throughout the forest, no one will touch you!

- To those in the clearing, tell them that you yourself ... let them go home!

- I went, a lot of things to do in a new place!

Northern continent. Ruins of cities, forgotten agricultural lands. Scraps of armor, rusty weapons, swords and spears.


Broken bridges.

The northern continent was inhabited only by 30 percent.

The great war of people from the continents and the dwarves led the land to degradation. From the use of magic. People of the northern continent lived along the coast and near mountain water sources. T

he place where Dara appeared was the wasteland, once one of the mighty human empire of Frosty Light.

Now, it was only ruins.

Nobody lived for hundreds of kilometers.

On the edge of the former frontiers of the Frostlight Empire, stood a small fort, with 50 warriors and 20 knights and 10 wyvern riders. It was an outpost of the human kingdom, one of a dozen remaining on the northern continent.

"Send messengers to the capital urgently ... the invasion has begun!"

"... we will not stand ...".

"But at least we will learn more information about the enemy!"

"Maybe these are not enemies"?

"Friends? They do not come at night, without an invitation "! "

Someone has appeared from the side of the abandoned lands"? !!!

"There is no life" !!!

- Urgently send riders on wyverns, let them scout who it is?

"They are death row, they will not come back for sure!"

"Look at the sphere, there are so many red dots, but there are also a couple of thousand that glow very brightly and just huge!"

"This army exceeds the size of our entire kingdom!"

- This is our duty!

- We have to find out!

On the wasteland was built a base of protection, an exit.

New fortifications, defense golems, beasts of the ancient world appeared. Lined up ranks of soldiers in black, gray, purple, red, burgundy armor, hundreds, thousands of legions.

Hippos walked in rows, tens, hundreds. Strange creatures on six legs, three stories high, dotted with thousands of eyes. Wolves of destruction, drones and dragons of destruction of planets flew in the sky.

The once lifeless wasteland was full of movement and bustle. New buildings rose out of nothing, dark elves, gnomes, elf explorers emerged from the gates. They were followed by battalions of search parties, alchemists, miners.

New resources were needed in the already depleted lands of the southern continent. Their homes and bases were located behind the protective barrier and bunkers of strange creatures that the fat man summoned.

They were now his allies.

Their decided to make good use of this opportunity to develop trade and crafts. Together with the fat man's army, several platoons of researchers also went.

The whole other world was on the ears. A fat maniac, he began to show unprecedented activity for another world. The leaders of countries and factions began to show interest, in addition to fear, to new opportunities and resources. Hotheads, still incompletely calmed down, began to make insidious plans to destroy the Dara.

But as soon as such thoughts arose in their heads, they immediately disappeared from their countries, ending up on new uninhabited islands. Some especially zealous had their hair cut off, their ears twisted, but left alive.

After this outburst of politicized violence, the understanding came again in the other world that the world is best. But now, the rulers of another world, wanted to go out to the fat maniac in order to negotiate the development of trade relations. Therefore, the first emissaries were drawn to the lands of monsters and elves.