
Ryan was coming to slowly opening his eyes looking around. He tried to sit up but felt a leather strap around his torso. He couldn't lift his arms even they were tied down to his ring was taken off and set onto a desk next to him. He tried to kick around but his legs were also tied. He stopped trying to strain the bonds and decided to just lay there until something happened. A few hours past but there were no windows or indication of time so ryan started yelling "Hey get me out of this you ass hats!" A chuck of the wall started to move forwards and to the left and a man walked out with a knife and some needles along with crescent wrenches, screwdrivers and a abundance of other hardware ryan even saw a electric drill. Ryan talked to the man "So black site or 51? Or maybe a fun idea i didn't here of yet."

"You have no right to speak we studied your body you are not human."

"I've been a human since the day I was born man i'm a owner of a hotel in a american theme park called Funville ask my boss He was there when my parents were there and even when i was born he threw a baby shower for me."

"You trash you have no right to call yourself a human or blessed with any religion that exists."

"Fine fuck you then." Ryan was trying to keep calm but was failing at it.

The man still pushing the cart stopped next to ryan "This will hurt alien."

Ryan shut his eyes waiting to be felling endless pain but then opened his eyes and noticed that there was a camera in the corner and looked over to the side of the room to see a one way mirror. This was his final guess. "Besides some random place a government can hold me. Your a california cop and your job is to get a response out of me or else the torture would have already started."

Ryan focused on his ring. Jason sprouted out of ryan's ring and floated the ring onto ryan's finger. Ryan summoned the knife into his and cut his bonds and grabbed the collar of the cops jacket. The cop's eye widened by a large margin and was filled with fear.

Ryan didn't stab the man but punched him across the face knocking the man's head upwards. Ryan cut away his bonds and ran for the door that was closed and tried to wedge his finger where the door's cracks existed. Ryan gripped his knife and jammed it into the side of the door barley getting the tip of the knife into the crack. Ryan pulled the knife away realizing that it wouldn't work so he faced towards the one way mirror. Ryan walked over to the glass but glanced at the man seeing that he was waking up from being knocked out. Ryan walked over and put him into the bed and wrapping the bed sheets around him to let him rest knowing he won't be able to move.

Ryan walked over to the glass and slid the knife into the glass cutting away a circle the circle was clean cut and stayed in it's place. Ryan pushed away the circle as it fell into the ground. Once the glass broke noises of many guns locked and loaded. Ryan grabbed one of his socks and put it onto his knife and waved it around like a white flag. "I give guys I only request that I will not be held in a dumbass cell and won't be restricted in any way. But I will talk peacefully." Ryan put heavy emphasis on the last word he spoke. A clapping noise came from inside the bed where he tied the man down. "Good job there friend. You pass the test. You have proven yourself that you are not the mastermind."

Ryan looked over at the man tied down. "What do you mean by that? How does me giving up and not killing you prove that?"

"Because you didn't think of instant murder but to try and first pick the least violent way to fix a situation. The killer that we have been hunting setting up these games uses magic that we haven't figured out about yet. Welcome to MCF or known as the Magic Containment Force. We fight against others that can use magic to abuse normal people. Another thing is the killer we have been chasing uses blood magic. For some reason he has given you the ability called blood mutagen. You can mutate yourself in anyway that involves your blood. Oh and your immune to radioactivity for some reason."

Ryan walked over to the man and cut the binds away from the man. He smiled and looked into ryan's eyes "Your just like your parents. Before you ask questions about them or us know your parents were the founders of the organization but do note that draws no respect anymore. We have inner politics that has ruined your parents reputation."

The man got up and walked to the wall and the door opened once he got 2 meters away. Ryan took one last look at the baren white room. He heard the man chuckle "Ha ha ha ha Oh yeah you don't have a choice so in other words welcome to the MCF" All Ryan could think of is ´I'm so fucked now.´