MCF recruitment

"Welcome new recruit you have been selected because of your magic skills and because of blood inheritance."

Ryan only wanted to run his hotel not deal with this bullshit. "Hey Sir when can I go back to my hotel?"

"After you complete 3 rank ups and become a 4th rank whisperer you may leave the guild but you must accept quests in the area of your hotel until then. Our ranks work as it says on the big board in the lobby. But here is a link download that and everything will become known after that." It was a link to a website with only one button in the middle. Ryan tapped the button and the download started. One to two minutes later the install finished. It was a app called RNR (Resources and reference) for MCF. Ryan opened the app while walking with the man. "God damn man this hallway is really long."

"I know but the reason for that is because there are a bunch of traps and ghost warding spells in the hallway because that room is the maximum security room for ghosts and such. I'm surprised that your ghost wasn't killed once he was summoned to be honest."

"What does that mean?"

"I mean he is no normal ghost it was like be is based off of something that we have never encountered ghosts like that are really rare and only other ghosts can harm them or people who have the correct type of talisman everywhere or it's because the ghost is linked to your soul making it immune to the specific type of spells and traps we use which only affect neutral ghosts evil ghosts but the ghosts have to be unbound to be attacked. Meaning i'm surprised that you could make a contract with a ghost."

Ryan was still walking looking at the end of the hallway after he stashed his phone into his pocket. Ryan walked to see a large lobby made of marble so clean you could eat off of it. There was multiple tables and a large reception desk with 8 people behind it with lines of people in it. "Hey John Is this the new rookie?"

"Yeah it is man." The man ryan has been walking with responded. The man stepped out of the line and walked up to ryan straightening himself up right standing at about 6 foot 6 inches just utterly towering over ryan who is 5 feet 9 inches. Ryan gulped "Hello sir nice to meet you my name is Ryan Tethers."

"Nice to meet you kid" The man sounded nice but sneered right after. "Listen to me rookie if you step over the line here i'll kill you and will bulldoze that little hotel of your family's ."

Sigh, Ryan sighed at the threat thinking that he now has a new hit contract now and sure enough. *Ding* Ryan pulled out his phone *A enemy has been put on your head hunter board meaning that if you kill them you will get a reward for how difficult the kill was. Also there is a chance that they may become a very good amount of food for you ghost.* "Sir if I may, Trust me when I say that you won't destroy me or my hotel. Because it would be too difficult for you unless you do it within a week otherwise it'll be impossible."

"You got guts kid I respect that but" The man bent down and got very close to Ryan's face Ryan feeling the man's hot breath. "Fine then let's bet on it in 1 week I will come and fight you if I win I will destroy your hotel after I kill you. And if you win you get to do whatever you want kill me even and take all my things if you want I don't care."

Grinning Ryan stuck out his hand and got spit instead of a handshake. Ryan had a unwavering grin at that point. 'Oh I will have this man's head in a week.' Ryan couldn't help but feel excited that he is gonna clean the world of this asshole. Ryan projected his thoughts to his phone 'Activate the determined trait that I want to get as strong as possible in 1 week.'

The system responded back *Ding* *Determined trait activated. Host wants to acquire strength to beat his adversary in 1 week. Host do know that the best way is to do missions.*

Ryan checked his missions.

Daily missions:

Easy mission:

Officially join MCF

Normal mission:

Become higher in the ranks by defeating ghost targets of the organization (0/10)

Hellish mission:

Evolve your knife 2 times.

Please do the quests in order to make the Hellish mission easier.

Ryan went and signed the papers to join *Ding* *You have received blood of a wolf (1 gallon).*

Ryan then went over to the board of quests right next to the reception desk and looked at the hit list for medium difficulty ghosts or ghost users. Ryan decided to grab a mission where a dungeon appeared and was based around ghosts, zombies, and skeletons.

Ryan put his name on the party list for the quest and after that asked if he got any place to live or if he could go back to the hotel. The guy at the desk answered "Because there is nowhere to live but this is our international HQ you can take a tele-ring which will let you teleport between two set locations. The boss had me prepare the ring ahead of time for you so here."

The man handed Ryan a ring that was a plain ring made out of silver. Ryan focused on the ring "Hey kid you gonna shit yourself?"

Ryan looked up at the man "What do you mean i'm trying to activate it."

"You need to go there then set it the only spot that was set was the guild hall."

"Oh then I guess I need to catch a ride to the hotel."

Ryan shook the man's hand as a thank you and walked off fairly embarrassed. 'Fuck this is a bad start.'