Mission Impossible

(Elektra's POV)


My eyes shot open at the sound of someone shouting my name. I look to the side of my bed and see Alexa. "Girl wake up and get ready or we will be late for class." she said as she pulled my arms to sit up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned then my eyes went to my alarm clock. My eyes flew open real quick when I saw the time. It was six forty in the morning. I only have ten minutes to get ready before we have to go to class. I over slept? How is that possible?

I shot up from my bed and gathered my school clothes and ran to the bathroom. I took a real quick shower,brushed my teeth and got myself ready in exactly seven minutes. I had three minutes to go before we leave for class. I grabbed my bag and ran to the kitchen where everybody was. When I reached the kitchen, I was literally gasping for breath. "Woah are you okay? What happened to you?" Damon asked. I raised my finger indicating him to give me a god damn minute to breathe.

Once I finally caught my breath, I answered "I somehow overslept and had to hurry to get ready". I ran my hand through my hair to fix it and then I grabbed an apple.I ate my apple as we left and walked to class. Wow what a way to start a morning.

For most of the day, it was pretty boring. Nothing much to do really. Well that was until we were in art class and the dean went on the loud speaker. "Sorry for the interruption, but will Team NEAD please come to my office, immediately". We all looked at each other in confusion and gathered our stuff and left to his office.

We entered his office and stood in front of his desk. Dean Winchester looked up from his desk and stood up. " Thank you for coming. Today I received a call from an associate of mine giving us a heads up. Chairman Zambrana has moved forward into attacking us Mythical creatures. They have a plan set up and we need to stop them. So this calls for a mission to Russia. You have an hour to pack and be on the jet. I will debrief you on the jet. Now Go." Oh shit a mission. My very first mission. Yes!

Within the next hour, we all were packed and in a jet ready for take off. I was so excited. I couldn't stop moving in my chair. Neo looked at me like I was crazy. "Can you calm down?" he asked and I shook my head frantically. "Nope I'm way too excited. It's my first mission". He laughed and placed a hand on top of my head. " Yes I know it's your first mission but you need to calm down and pay attention." he said. I calmed a little like he said but his hand was still on my head and his eyes were staring directly into mine. His deep brown eyes suddenly became so enchanting.

Realizing what he was doing, he quickly retracted his hand and we both averted our gaze from each other. I slightly blushed looking towards the window pretending like nothing happened. What the fuck is going on with me?Ugggghh.

Once we were in the air, the attendant gave us some tablets and turned on a tv and Dean Winchester appeared on the tv. Well I guess it's a webcam. "Okay is everyone there?" he asked. We all said yes in unison. "Okay if you look at the tablets that were given to you it discusses the mission. In two days there will be a party thrown at the chairman's mansion. Damon has called a friend of his who has gracefully given you guys his invite and a place to stay."

"The plan is to go to the party then sneak away to his private office that is upstairs in the mansion. It will most likely be blocked off from the party so find a way to sneak in. Once you enter his office, get to his computer. Download their plans and then destroy them. Then return safely to the party and then leave. Got it?". "Yes sir." We all said in unison. "Good. Now complete the mission and get back safe and sound." and with that the connection ended.

I scrolled through the details of the mission. This is pretty interesting. Looks like we are going undercover. Awesome! Ooo maybe I'll get to wear a disguise. I giggled slightly at the thought. "What you giggling about?" Neo asked. I snapped out of my train of thought and just shook my head and said "nothing".

I don't even know how long we were on the jet, but all I know is that I fell asleep after reading the details about the mission for like the fifth time.

When I woke up, I felt something on me. I looked and saw a blanket draped over me. 'When did I get a blanket?' I said to myself. Then that's when I notice where my head is.. literally. My head is up against Neo's shoulder and his head is on top of mine.

Right now I'm really in shock. The reason is because this actually feel nice and I don't want to move. Ugh Why don't I want to move? This should feel uncomfortable, but it doesn't. 'Should I move or not?' I asked myself. I fell back to sleep thinking about it.

Ugh who's shaking me? I slapped the person's hand away and continued sleeping. Then I felt a sharp pain on my forehead. Did someone just flick my forehead? I opened my eyes and rubbed my forehead to ease the pain. "Finally you woke up. I have been trying to wake you up but you kept slapping my hand away. So I flicked your forehead which seemed to work."

I glared at him and he just chuckled. "Come on. We just arrived. Damon's friend sent us a car". With that he got up from his seat with his duffel bag. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked out the window and saw it was snowing a little. 'Pretty' I said to myself. I got up from my chair with my bag and exited the jet. Let's go mission impossible.