Petrov's Mansion

(Elektra's POV)

'Wow it looks beautiful' I said to myself as I watched the scenery pass by through the window. We have been in the car for about an hour now waiting to arrive at the place that was prepared for us. Everybody was talking but I just kept quiet and was stuck in my thoughts. I was thinking about what happened on the jet between Neo and I. Something feels really weird. It wasn't until Alexa noticed me being quiet that she stopped everyone and spoke to me. "Hey you okay? You've been very quiet."

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to see everyone just staring at me waiting for an answer. I just nodded and turned back towards the window.

After about another fifteen, we arrived at a huge house in a secluded area. The car stopped in front of the house and we all exited the car. At the door stood a very handsome man with a glass that looked like it was filled with whiskey. He looked to be in his early to mid twenties and had a business-like attire.

We walked up to the door and stood before him. He had a smile on his face and the first person to greet him was Damon. "Privet! Moy drug. Davno ne videlis'" (Hey! My Friend. Long time no see.) the man said and held out his hand. Damon smiled and shook his hand and they went into a bro hug. "Da, eto bylo tak dolgo. Spasibo za eto." (Yes it has been so long. Thank you for doing this.) Damon replied.

They both turned to us and Damon started to introduce us. "Guys this is Aleksander Petrov, a family friend of mine. Aleksander you remember Neo and Alexa right?" Damon asked. With a very heavy Russian accent, he nodded and said "Ah yes. Of course I remember. Welcome back. Alexa you still look beautiful as ever". Alexa looked at him with a slightly disgusted face while Damon punched him in the shoulder and scolded him. "Don't even think about it. If you try, I will kill you with my bare hands". Alexa laughed a little and said in Russian "Ne volnuysya, Damon. Etot chelovek nikogda ne smozhet poluchit' menya za million let." (Don't worry Damon. This man can never get me in a million years.) We all chuckled at her statement.

Then they both looked at me. "And who is she?" he asked. Remembering that I actually speak a little russian, I walked to the man and introduced myself before Damon could. "Privet, ya Elektra. YA novyy chlen komandy." (Hi I'm Elektra. I'm a new member of the team.) I said as I held my hand out. They all looked at me in astonishment. "Elektra you speak Russian?" Alexa asked and I nodded and replied "Of course. I had to survive for years by myself so I had to learn some new languages."

Aleksander laughed and shook my hand and said "Nu, togda dobro pozhalovat' v moy dom, i ya dolzhen skazat', chto vy neveroyatno krasivy. Damon, dekan, vybirayet kakuyu-to ochen' privlekatel'nuyu moloduyu zhenshchinu, chtoby postupit' v etu shkolu." (Well then welcome to my home and I must say you are incredibly beautiful. Damon the dean is picking some very attractive young woman to join this school of yours.)

After he said that, Neo started to glare at him but Aleksander did not notice. "Well shall we go inside?" Aleksander asked and we all nodded.

We entered the house with our bags. Aleksander gave us a tour of the house before he had to leave for some business reason. Before he left, he showed us to our rooms. My room was pretty big and it even had its own balcony.

I set my stuff on the bed and layed on the bed. Ugh my head is killing me. I don't understand what is going on with Neo. Why did he look like that towards Aleksander when he complemented that I was beautiful? Am I not pretty to him? Does he like me and that's why he is acting like that? If so do I like him too? All these thoughts kept banging back and forth in my head and I started to have a real big headache.

I got up from the bed and decided to go take a shower. I went into the bathroom that was in my room and took a shower. The shower lasted for about forty five minutes. I know it was very long but my head was all over the place. I got out and got changed into some sweatpants and a tank top.

After getting dressed, there was a knock on my door. I walked to the door and opened only to find Neo. I gulped a little bit at the surprising coincidence that because I'm thinking about him and here he is. He seems somewhat nervous though. Hmm I don't know. Maybe I'm seeing things. 'Okay Elektra act casual' I said to myself. "Hey What's up?" I asked. "Oh um we are about to watch a movie in the home theater Aleksander has here if you want to join us." he replied.

"Oh uh yeah sure. I'll be right down." I answered and he nodded and walked away. I shut the door and leaned against it. My life is so damn complicated ugh. I dried my hair real quick and put it up into a ponytail. I then put on a pair sandals and walked out of the room. I walked to the home theater in the house and saw Alexa, Damon, and Neo waiting with a whole bunch of snacks in their hands. "There she is. Come on Darling let's go watch a movie." Alexa said as she saw me and pulled me into the room.

The home theater in the house looked like a mini version of an actual movie theater except with recliner couches. Alexa and Damon wanted to sit in the very front but me and Neo wanted to sit in the back because being in the very front hurts your neck when you watch a movie. In the end, Neo took my hand and dragged me all the way in the back of the theater and Alexa and Damon sat in the very front. I admit it actually felt good holding his hand. 'Snap out of it Elektra! He has a girlfriend!' my mind snapped at me and I quickly snapped out of it and just followed him. We sat down next to eachother and he handed me the nachos he had while he held the popcorn and set down the big soda in the cup holder.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked softly. "We are watching 'IT'" he answered and I just nodded. The lights started to dim and the movie began. Neo pressed a button the couch slowly started to recline. The movie went on for a while. I like horror movies so they don't scare me like how it does to other people. I was so into the movie that I didn't notice that I was so close to Neo and he had his arm around my shoulder.

It was unusually comfortable. We finished the nachos already so all that was left was the nacho cheese. I grabbed a some popcorn and dipped it into the nacho cheese and ate it. "What the fuck? Did you just eat popcorn in nacho cheese?" Neo asked. I laughed a little and nodded. "I had to survive on a limited amount of food so I learned to eat certain stuff together. Surprisingly popcorn with nacho cheese is not that bad. Here try it." I answered.

I dipped a piece of popcorn into the cheese and held it up to his mouth. He was hesitant but he opened his mouth slowly and I placed the popcorn in his mouth. He chewed on it slowly then his eyes grew wide. "Wow that is actual really good." he said as he grabbed some more popcorn, dipped it in the cheese, and put it his mouth. I chuckled a little and we continued to eat like that. After a little while, I noticed Neo had cheese on the side of his mouth.

I laughed and he gave me a questioning look. "You have cheese on your face." I said. He wiped the side of his face, completely missing the cheese. "Did I get it?" he asked and I just shook my head trying to contain my laughter. "Here let me get it." I said as I took out a napkin. I turned his face towards me and started to wipe off the cheese.

As I was wiping his face, I looked into his dark brown eyes and I realized he was intensely staring back.His eyes reminded me of chocolate. It was like it melting into my soul. It was hard to look away. They were so enchanting and they were surprisingly very luring. My breathing suddenly became heavy and I bit my bottom lip. His eyes went to my lips and mine went to his. I honestly didn't realize that our heads were slowly getting closer to each other. We were getting closer and closer. Our lips were only a centimeter apart, but just when they were about to touch, Damon and Alexa screamed because something had popped out of nowhere on the movie screen.

Their yelling had startled us and we quickly pulled away from each other realizing what we were just about to do. We couldn't even speak. I got up from the couch so sudden and said while stuttering a little "Um I-I think I sho-uld go to bed. We have a l-lot of planning to do for the m-mission."

I couldn't even look at his face when I said that to him. I hastily walked out of the room and went to my room, blushing so intensely. I couldn't even sleep because I couldn't stop thinking of what just happened.


(Neo's POV)

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. Ughh. What the hell just fucking happened? I just couldn't stop looking at her when she started to wipe my face and when our eyes met, my god I couldn't stop staring into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes of hers. At first glance, her eyes are brown but when the light hits them just right, they change to amber. And if you look really closely around the iris part of her eyes, they almost look like honey. But when she would look into the sun, they almost look green. That's my favorite.They were so inviting.

My breathing suddenly started to get heavy when I saw her biting her bottom lip. Her lightly blushed colored lips looked so damn soft. I suddenly had the urge to taste them.

I don't know who started to move first, but our heads slowly moved closer together and when our lips were just about to touch, these two idiots had to scream because of being scared of the dumb movie. We both quickly moved away from eachother and she couldn't even look at me. I have never seen someone walk out so fast.

I don't even know what to do. I just can't seem to get away from her. On the jet when she was sleeping on my shoulder, it felt so nice. I actually wanted to be close to her. Then when I went to her room to see if she wanted to watch the movie and she opened the door, I couldn't stop staring at her skin. She looked like she had just got out of the shower because her hair was wet and the water droplets from her hair slowly went down her soft looking skin that had a light rosy red color to it.

Fuck! Get it together man. You have a girlfriend. Her name is Elektra-- No No I-I mean Angelica. Angelica. Yes that is her name. My girlfriend's name is Elekt-- NO ANGELICA! God Dammit!

I have no clue how I'm going to get through this trip. I thought this little crush that I had on her back in grade school would be gone by now but nope. I still like her. God dammit! I don't know what I'm going to do because next time... I don't think I'm going to be able to control myself.