Mission Plan

(Elektra's POV)

My god who the fuck is knocking on my door? I slowly open my eyes and the knocking on the door does not cease. I turn to the clock on the bedside table and it's only seven in the morning. What the hell? Am I seriously waking up more later than I usually do? Well after what's been going on lately I can imagine why. Especially last night. I only slept for like an hour.

The knocking kept on going and I groaned as I got out of bed. I walked over to the door as I fixed my hair and then I opened to find Damon. "What the fuck do you want Damon?" I ask in annoyance. "Woah someone is in a cranky mood. What happened? Woke on the wrong side of the bed." he said as he raised his hands in defense. I glared at him and he said "Okay okay. Breakfast is being served right now and we have to go over the plan so you got to come down". I let out an annoyed sigh and closed the door on him.

I walked to the bathroom and took a well needed shower because I looked like hell. After taking a shower, I got dressed for the day and headed downstairs. I entered the dining room and saw everyone except for Neo looking at me. "Finally you are here. Come and sit down." Alexa said. I walked over and sat next to Alexa. She handed me a plate of food and I ate in silence. I wasn't the only one who was quiet either. Neo was being quiet too. We couldn't even make eye contact with eachother.

Alexa and Damon apparently noticed because Damon then asked "Are you guys okay? Did something happen between you two?". Almost instantly we both lifted up our heads and said in unison "No". They both were taken back by our sudden answer and were confused. We both just went back to eating our foods and they didn't question us further on the matter.

After everybody ate, we started to discuss the plan. Neo got up from his seat with a rolled up blue print in his hand. He layed it out on the table and began to discuss the plan. "Okay. The party tomorrow is going to be at Zambrana Mansion. Everyone will be on the bottom floor of the house. Zambrana's office is on the second floor all the way at the end of the hall. Two guards are guarding the hall at all times so I will inject them with a needle that will knock them out for ten minutes and they won't remember what happened."

Turning to Damon he said "Damon, you are going to hack into the security system from outside in the van. Make sure that we are good to go. The door had a keypad so you will need to hack-in in order for us to get in. When we get to his computer, we will help you hack in to get a hold of all the files. Then after we have it, I need you to install a virus so that the next time he tries to access the files, it will destroy it." Damon nodded and took out his laptop and fingers started to type at a fast pace.

"Alexa, you and I are going to go in to the party together. You and I will talk to Zambrana and distract him for a little while until Damon gives us the green light to go to his office. We will have to change our names and looks to make sure they don't know we are not human. So your name will Lucille Aude and my name will be Issac Lopez. Okay?". Alexa nodded and asked "okay, now what about Elektra?".

Neo looked at me and quickly averted his gaze and said "She will be look out for Damon. This is only her first mission and I'm not going to put her in too much danger". I looked at him with a disgusted look and said "Excuse me. So what if it's my first mission". Neo eyes returned back to mine and answered with a hint of arrogance "It does matter because that means you are inexperienced. You don't know what could happen and we have been on more missions than you have and frankly you will most likely be a distraction so let us handle it. I'm just trying to protect you."

At this point when he said 'a distraction' and inexperienced', this sudden anger just started to rise up. I stood up from my chair and looked him straight in the eye. "Distraction?Inexperienced? How the hell am I going to be a distraction when I'm only here to do my job. You say that im inexperienced when i survived nearly the last eight years of my life by myself with very little help! You say you are trying to protect me?! Where was this protection when I watched my parents being killed in front of my eyes?! Where was this protection when I was lying on a cold, hard, concrete floor getting my virginity taken away from me at the age of thirteen?! Where was this protection when I had to actually kill my rapist just so I could get away and stay alive?! I didn't have protection and yet here I am! Alive,well,and still breathing!"

"I was still a child and yet I still had to deal with other rapists, drug dealers, pimps, and murderers and you still say I'm "inexperienced"?! I disguised myself as a human for years just so I could survive! So stop it with that bullshit! I don't need your protection Neo! I have survived years without your protection! I didn't need it then to survive and I certainly don't need it now!".

Everyone around the room had heard me and they were just in shock. I didn't even notice that a couple of tears had ran down my face. Neo eyes showed hints of sadness. He was going to say something but I didn't want to hear it and I just walked away and left the room. "Elektra Wait!" I heard Neo's voice yell out as I walked away but I just didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I went in to my room and sat on the balcony. All the memories of the past eight years just started to flow through my mind and I couldn't help but cry. 'I knew it was a bad idea to come to mystic academy.' I said to myself.


(Neo's POV)

"Elektra! Wait! I didn't--" Damn it! I didn't mean it like that. Shit! I slammed my fists on the table out of frustration. "What the hell was that Neo? You made it seem like she wasn't important to this team." Alexa said with a hint of anger in her voice. I slumped down into my chair and ran my hand through my hair. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that she was still new to this and that she should observe so that she could be able to learn how we work through these stuff and then she would be able to work with us next time."

Alexa ran her hand over her face in frustration and asked "Did you know that all those stuff happened to her?". I shook my head and answered "She never told me. If I would have known, I would have searched harder for her". Damon and Alexa looked at me with confusion. "What do you mean searched harder for her?" Alexa asked. I sighed and replied "I asked my parents to look for her and her parents when I found out that they left. It felt weird for them leaving so sudden."

I suddenly started to get a headache and I began to massage my temples. "What the hell was that about with protection?" Damon asked. I sighed and answered "I just don't want her to get hurt anymore". Damon scoffed and stood from his chair and walked over to me. "Neo we will all get hurt just by being who we are! You were never like this before! Why so suddenly do you start acting like this with Elek--". I didn't even let him finish because I stood up and shook his shoulders and yelled out "I can't lose her again!". I murmured softly this time saying I can't lose her again.

They both looked at me in shock. "Um Neo do you love Elektra?" Alexa asked. It took me a couple of minutes to process being asked. "I-I don't know. I have had a crush on her ever since we were kids. I thought that when she was gone that it had gone away, but when I saw her again, all those feelings came back." Alexa and Damon looked at each other and then back at me. My head keeps hurting. "Ugh I need to go for a walk. I have to go clear my head. *Sigh* Alexa you go and try to talk to Elektra. Damon you keep working on the plan for tomorrow. I'll try to talk to Elektra later once she cools down." With that I left the room and walked outside. Why is life doing this to us.