(Alexa's POV)
I gave him a curious look and he just smirked at me as he drank his wine. I leaned back against my chair and asked "So tell me Mr. Petrov how is it you know my favorite wine?".
He chuckled and leaned forward a little and said softly "Oh Ms.Gore why the formality? You know you can call me by my name. And to answer your question I have my resources and plus this is my favorite wine too.".
After saying that, he leaned back in his chair. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and scoffed. "Okay then answer this Aleksander. Why do you want to go out with me? What is so special about me that the CEO of CTECH Industries would want to go out with me?" I asked with an irritated tone.
The reason I am asking is because all guys ever want from me is sex. They look at my appearance and they just try to get me in bed. I never had a proper relationship because of how guys are so I just gave up. So what makes this man any different. Aleksander chuckled again. What the hell is wrong with this guy that he keeps laughing. Then he gives me a serious look.
"Ok Alexa I'll tell you why I want to go out with you. It's because you are a girl that I find interesting. Yes you are smart and beautiful, but that's not what I see in you. You are tough, you can be mature, responsible, and a little intimidating despite your age and height. You won't hesitate to defend your friends and will pick a fight if needed and that's what I like about you. You are the first girl I have ever met that I have found interesting this way." he answered in a serious tone.
I looked at him in shock. Someone actually thinks of me that way. Aleksander is a person that is not judging me on my looks. "Did you know that ever since that night that we spent together, I have never been with any other woman?" he suddenly asked. Hold on one fucking minute. No that's not possible. Even after all that he said I couldn't believe I was that special. Because I'm really not.
Before I could say anything he continued on. "I haven't touched a woman since I had been with you. You probably think I'm lying but I'm not. I even have made sure that any woman that needs to come to my office for business purposes, my assistant will always take care of them instead of me. Woman that come near me, I always pushed away because I only like one person and that's you. That's why I wanted to go on a date for you.".
My eyes widened in shock. This guy was actually really interested in me. Before I could say anything Vladimir came with a tray full of food. He placed a plate in front of me and I looked at my plate in confusion. My plate had a big T-bone steak on it. Then the waiter placed two more small bowls next to my steak. In one bowl had mashed potatoes and in the other had corn. How the hell does he know what I like?
Vladimir put Aleksander's steak and fries in front of him and Aleksander waves him off. I looked down at my food in confusion. I'm trying to remember the last I had steak in front of this man. It was a couple of years ago when the team and us all had dinner in celebration of a job well done. I had the exact same meal that I have in front of me. Was he really that observant of my likes and dislikes?
I honestly don't know whether to smile or cry. No one has ever treated me like this. I looked up from my plate and looked at Aleksander who was looking back at me. I couldn't even speak. "Don't think about it. Just enjoy." he said as if reading my thoughts. I looked back down at my plate and just stared.
I can't even think straight. I stood up from my chair suddenly without even thinking and said "I'm going to go to the restroom.". With that I walked away from the table leaving a confused Aleksander. I found the bathroom and quickly entered. I went in front of the mirror and looked at myself.
'What the hell am I doing? Should I really trust this man? I don't even know. Do I want to go through more heart break? After everything he said and has done so far. Is he like the other guys I have dated? Wait. What am I talking about? Of course he is not like other guys. He is fucking The Aleksander Petrov. But should I trust what he says or is he actually like the other guys? Ugh why does this have to be complicated? This is all Elektra's fault for making feel this way.'
'But he seemed really truthful for what he said. He noticed stuff that other guys never did. I don't know. What is going wrong with me? Maybe I should give him a chance. He's already done so much to impress me. Well I can't deny that I kind of like him. Maybe I should at least go through this date and see how it goes. Elektra I'm going to kill you for doing this to me. Okay. It's decided. I'm going to see how this goes.'
I turned on the faucet and wet my face a little. I took a paper towel and dried my face and fixed myself up. I walked out of the bathroom and was startled by Aleksander leaning against the wall. "Hey are you alright?" he asked. I nodded and replied "Yes I'm okay. let's continue this date. We will see how this date goes and then we will see what happens between us. So far you are off to a good start.". I walked past him after I said that and I knew he was smirking.