Alexa and Aleksander (Part 3)

(Alexa's POV)

I walked to our table and started to eat without Aleksander. As I was cutting my steak, I noticed it's exactly how I like it, Well Done. God dammit he even knows how I like my steak. It's getting so hard not to hate this guy.

Aleksander came and sat down with a smile and started to eat his own steak. I notice that his steak is more bloody. Well a manticore is a man eater so he likes his blood. Can't judge a creature by their species.

Throughout the meal, Aleksander and I talked and laughed like no other. I swear I have never laughed so hard with a guy other than Damon and Neo in a very long time. In fact, I think he is actually the only date that I have been able to talk with during the whole meal. We talked about books, music, and a lot of other stuff.

I was surprised that I was having a great time with Aleksander. I thought he would be kind of like Donald Trump. You know egotistical, arrogant, full of himself, and rude, but no. He's nothing like that. He's unselfish, humble, kind of shy, and sophisticated. Even at the age of twenty four, he is very mature. Yeah I know what you are wondering 'How the hell does a twenty four year old become a CEO?'. Well let me answer that. It's because of dedication and hardwork which is something I admire about him.

Once we finished our dinner, we walked out of the restaurant after he paid and he pulled me back on to his bike. "Where are we going now?" I asked as I put on my helmet. He smiled and said "It's a surprise that I think you are going to like.". He put on his helmet and I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on as we sped away from the restaurant.

After about ten minutes or so, we stopped at a building that had a round dome on top and had a deserted parking lot. I hopped off his bike and took my helmet off. I placed the helmet on the bike and looked at the building while fixing my helmet hair. 'What is this place?' I asked myself.

Aleksander didn't give me enough time to ask and he grabbed my hand and we walked into the building. It seemed like a regular building at first while walking through some halls but when we entered into one room, I was amazed. He had brought me into a planetarium. I was mesmerized by the galaxy being shown.

'Wow' I said to myself and I could see from the corner of my eye that Aleksander is smiling at my reaction. He then went to the computer and took out a bag from underneath. He pulled out of the bag a blanket and layed it down on the floor next to the computer. "Have a seat." he said and I smiled at him as I sat down on the blanket. "Would you like to watch the little show of the stars or would you rather have music while the show is playing?" he asked. "Music would be nice." I answered.

He typed away onto the computer and when he was done, some beautiful soothing orchestral music came on the speakers and the show up top started to play. He sat down next to me and took out a couple of other stuff from the bag. He took out a couple of small pillows and another small blanket. He handed me a pillow and I placed it under my head as I layed on my back to watch. Aleksander did the same and then he placed the blanket on top of me.

The room was cold due to the air conditioner being on to cool down the computer so even though I had my jacket on, it was still kind of cold. I guess that's why he brought another blanket, but he only covered me and I could kind of tell he was getting cold too. "Hey come closer so you could get some of this blanket." I said to him. He shook his and said "That's okay. I'm fine.". " Come on. I'm not going to be selfish and hog all the blanket. It's okay. Just come closer." I replied.

He softly chuckled to himself and scooched a little bit closer to me and I put some of the blanket on him. We were laying shoulder to shoulder right now and surprisingly I wasn't uncomfortable. "How did you do this?" I asked as I watched the stars move across the dome. "I called in a favor from a friend and they let me have the planetarium open for tonight. Why? Do you not like it? " he asked with a tone that made him seem like he was nervous.

He turned his head to me and I turned my head towards his and said "I love it. Thank you." softly as I smiled lightly at him. He returned the smile and said "Your welcome.". We both turned our heads back up and continued to watch as the music played.

This has honestly been one of the best dates I have ever been on. He had everything planned out and it was perfect. Even right now. We are just laying on the ground, saying nothing and just watching the stars and planets and it felt great.

After probably about an hour(I don't know.It seemed like a long time), Aleksander turned to me and asked "Want to go back to the house?". I turned to him and nodded. We both got up and I helped him put the stuff away while he turned off everything. When everything was packed, we left the building.

We walked to his bike and I really had the sudden urge to drive it. I mean I have been having the urge to take ride it all night since I first saw it. "Um Alek?" I called out. 'Woah where did Alek come from. Oh come on I'm coming up with nicknames now.' I said to myself. Aleksander turned around and faced me with a raised eyebrow. "Um can I drive it this time?" I asked. I bit my lip while I waited for his answer.

Then I heard Aleksander chuckle softly before he spoke. "Sure why not" he answered. I smiled brightly at him as he handed me my helmet. I climbed on the bike and placed my helmet on my head. This is super exciting. It's been a long time since I have been able to ride. Aleksander put on his own helmet and climb on behind me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I can't help but feel a sense of warmth. It felt nice. I revved up the bike and soon we were back on the road headed back to Aleksander's house.