The Meeting:

I woke up really early, like at around eight in the morning which gave me plenty of time to get ready and do everything I needed to before the concert. So I showered and went to my closet and found our planned outfit. The outfit consisted of a light brown thigh length dress with a bear on a pocket in the front.

It was a cute bear outfit that I wore often because I thought it was cute. I curled my hair and quickly grabbed my bonding ring before finally leaving my house. I showed up at the desired meeting place, the cafe, and decided to grab something to eat before the concert.

I woke up really early, like at around eight in the morning which gave me plenty of time to get ready and do everything I needed to before the concert. So I showered and went to my closet and found our planned outfit. It looked like this:

It was a cute bear outfit that I wore often because I thought it was cute. I curled my hair and quickly grabbed my bonding ring before finally leaving my house. I showed up at the desired meeting place, the cafe, and decided to grab something to eat before the concert.


Everly's bonding ring looks like this:)

Jungkooks bonding ring looks like this:)

•Time Skip (At the Concert)•

It was loud, and I was being crushed by the hundreds of ARMYS behind me. Somehow Stella managed to snatch front row seats. I knew most of them by name at this point, I may have not exactly liked them before, but they were all extremely good looking, and they sang and danced perfectly without casualties. They performed around four songs, each one special and linked in a long story with the next. Once a new song would start then ARMYS would do a little chant and I would try and join in with the names I knew. I was enjoying myself, this is the first time in months I have smiled this much. BTS was so open with their ARMY, and I thought it was adorable. Once it was over, Stel and I headed toward the fan signing. I have a booklet that was Harper's that I was going to get signed for her..

((The line went : Namjoon, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and finally, Jungkook. The fanchant order basically))

As I patiently awaited in the overly- long line crowded with international ARMYS, I began to grow nervous.

•Time Skip 45 minutes later•

I was beginning to get tired of waiting. Mine and Stella's turn was soon though, so I kept my mouth shut, awaiting the now short wait to be over..

•Time Skip to 5 minutes later•

It was finally our turn to meet the boys. Stella was in front of me, so she met them first. After Stella spoke with Namjoon it was my turn, and I was extremely nervous,

What if I say the wrong name?

What if he doesn't like me?

I walked toward the platform, and our eyes met. "Hello I'm Everly I'm new so if I mess up your name I apologize." I confessed.

"Ah! It's no problem Everly." Namjoon said. Then he took the small mic into his huge hand and exclaimed, "Guys we got a new fan!"

I felt the heat creeping up my face towards my cheeks, and my immediate reaction was to cover my it with my hands. I could feel everyone's lingering stares, "Namjoon! You've embarrassed her."Jin screamed into his own mic while the boys joined him in hitting Namjoon repeatedly.

Namjoon only chuckled, showing his dimpled smile, and continued talking with me. The staff came to Namjoon and I saying that our time was up. "I hope to see you again at our future concerts, Everly." With that, Everly moved over to Jin.

"Hello I'm Everly and I'm new so if I get your name wrong I'm sorry." I said. Yes, I'm going to say this to the rest of the members as well.

"Ah you're fine." he said, dismissing my statement with his hand, "I'm Jin, I'm the eldest. I'm the Worldwide Handsome, and I make the best jokes." Jin replies.

"Ah really! Can you tell me one?" I said, eager to know what was so funny. Little did I know, that this would be the worst decision I've ever made.

"Okay, why shouldn't you be sad?" Jin asked.

"Why?" I replied.

"Because sad spelled backwards is das and das not good." Jin said and then laughed his windshield wiper laugh.

"It's true!" I said.

"What's true?" Jin asked.

"You have a windshield wiper laugh!" I said, giggling.

"I do not!" Jin said. He grabbed his mic and said, "She says I have a windshield wiper laugh, is that true?"

He got a cluster of yells in response, mostly composed of 'yes' and 'yes dad'.

Jin then acted fake hurt, and put his hand up to his chest with an offended expression on his face. But then our interaction got cut short when the staff asked me to move again.

"Hello I'm Everly and I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize." I said.

"I'm Suga nice to meet you!" He said.

•Time Skip•

The staff asked me to move again because time was up.

"Hello I'm Everly I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize." I said.

"Ah hello! I'm your hope! I'm your angel! I'm J-Hope!" J-Hope screamed.

"Awe, you're so cute."

"So when did you become an ARMY?" Hobi asked.

"Actually earlier today, I was just gonna fill in for my friend, but you guys are so cool." I replied.

"Awe thanks, we work and try hard on our dances and songs." Hobi said.

Just when J-Hope and I started to get to know each other more it was time to switch.

"Hello I'm Everly I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize." Everly said.

"Hello I'm Jimin! I'm always teased about my height, and according to Namjoon, I have no jams. But personally, I think I have jams." Jimin said

I giggled "Can you hold up your pinky? I have extremely small hands as well." I asked. So Jimin and I held up our pinkies and I had a smaller pinky then Jimin.

"Guys! She has a smaller pinky then I do. So tease her not me." Jimin then quickly yelled into his mic.

"Really?" Asked Taehyung.

"Yeah, come look." Jimin replied. The rest of BTS came over as well and saw that I had a smaller pinky than Jimin.

Then staff asked me to move soon after the whole pinky incident.

"Hello I'm Everly I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize." I confessed once again.

"It's alright I'm V." Taehyung said, holding the peace sign up to his eye.

•Time Skip•

After a very interesting talk with V, I had to move on to the last and final member.

"Hello I'm Everly and I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize."

"Hello! I'm Jungkook I'm the golden maknae." Jungkook said.

"Ah I'm the youngest too!" I replied.

"Really? High five to bring the youngest." Jungkook said. We high fived but then realized we make a huge mistake, because their bonding rings started glowing, meaning they were bonded. They both quickly hid their rings so that the present ARMYS couldn't tell that anything was out of the ordinary.

"Crap, this is not good." Jungkook said. Jungkook was infuriated that he was bonded and his mother didn't tell him. Jungkook began to panic.

"I'll be right back stay there." Jungkook said in a shaky voice.


Jungkook told PD-nim, and they sneakily took me behind the curtains. I was told to wait patiently because they still had 45 minutes left of their meet and greet. So I got on my phone and told Stella the situation, she offered to stay behind and wait for me, but I sent her away.

•Time Skip•

The boys finished their meet and greet, and came backstage, only to see me waiting.

"Hey Everly, what are you doing here?" Namjoon asked.

I was obviously a little shocked that he remembered my name. I nervously rubbed my palms on my jeans and said, "I'm bonded to your youngest."

The members were shocked, and looked between Jungkook and I.

"Really! Is that true? Show us." Taehyung said excitedly.

So Jungkook and I hesitantly held up our rings close to each other and they started to glow.

"So what's gonna happen?" Asked Taehyung.

"I honestly have no clue." I said.

PD-nim came and asked for Jungkook and I alone. He brought us to his office and we all sat down. "So did either of you know you were bonded?" Asked PD-nim.

"No, I knew my parents were, but my mom said I wasn't going to be." I inquired.

"I was told my ring was a family heirloom, not a bonding ring." Jungkook said.

"This complicates this situation a lot, but we're going to try and make this work. Everly, you will being staying with BTS, but you can not, and shall not, be seen with them out in the public eye. I don't want a scandal, or any sasaeng fans attacking either one of you. You may plan dates and other things, but they must be secret and out of the public eye. Understand?" PD-nim said.

"We understand, sir Jungkook said.

•Time Skip (At the Concert)•

It was loud, and I was being crushed by the hundreds of ARMYS behind me. Somehow Stella managed to snatch front row seats. I knew most of them by name at this point, I may have not exactly liked them before, but they were all extremely good looking, and they sang and danced perfectly without casualties. They performed around four songs, each one special and linked in a long story with the next. Once a new song would start then ARMYS would do a little chant and I would try and join in with the names I knew. I was enjoying myself, this is the first time in months I have smiled this much. BTS was so open with their ARMY, and I thought it was adorable. Once it was over, Stel and I headed toward the fan signing. I have a booklet that was Harper's that I was going to get signed for her..

((The line went : Namjoon, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and finally, Jungkook. The fanchant order basically))

As I patiently awaited in the overly- long line crowded with international ARMYS, I began to grow nervous.

•Time Skip 45 minutes later•

I was beginning to get tired of waiting. Mine and Stella's turn was soon though, so I kept my mouth shut, awaiting the now short wait to be over..

•Time Skip to 5 minutes later•

It was finally our turn to meet the boys. Stella was in front of me, so she met them first. After Stella spoke with Namjoon it was my turn, and I was extremely nervous,

What if I say the wrong name?

What if he doesn't like me?

I walked toward the platform, and our eyes met. "Hello I'm Everly I'm new so if I mess up your name I apologize." I confessed.

"Ah! It's no problem Everly." Namjoon said. Then he took the small mic into his huge hand and exclaimed, "Guys we got a new fan!"

I felt the heat creeping up my face towards my cheeks, and my immediate reaction was to cover my it with my hands. I could feel everyone's lingering stares, "Namjoon! You've embarrassed her."Jin screamed into his own mic while the boys joined him in hitting Namjoon repeatedly.

Namjoon only chuckled, showing his dimpled smile, and continued talking with me. The staff came to Namjoon and I saying that our time was up. "I hope to see you again at our future concerts, Everly." With that, Everly moved over to Jin.

"Hello I'm Everly and I'm new so if I get your name wrong I'm sorry." I said. Yes, I'm going to say this to the rest of the members as well.

"Ah you're fine." he said, dismissing my statement with his hand, "I'm Jin, I'm the eldest. I'm the Worldwide Handsome, and I make the best jokes." Jin replies.

"Ah really! Can you tell me one?" I said, eager to know what was so funny. Little did I know, that this would be the worst decision I've ever made.

"Okay, why shouldn't you be sad?" Jin asked.

"Why?" I replied.

"Because sad spelled backwards is das and das not good." Jin said and then laughed his windshield wiper laugh.

"It's true!" I said.

"What's true?" Jin asked.

"You have a windshield wiper laugh!" I said, giggling.

"I do not!" Jin said. He grabbed his mic and said, "She says I have a windshield wiper laugh, is that true?"

He got a cluster of yells in response, mostly composed of 'yes' and 'yes dad'.

Jin then acted fake hurt, and put his hand up to his chest with an offended expression on his face. But then our interaction got cut short when the staff asked me to move again.

"Hello I'm Everly and I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize." I said.

"I'm Suga nice to meet you!" He said.

•Time Skip•

The staff asked me to move again because time was up.

"Hello I'm Everly I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize." I said.

"Ah hello! I'm your hope! I'm your angel! I'm J-Hope!" J-Hope screamed.

"Awe, you're so cute."

"So when did you become an ARMY?" Hobi asked.

"Actually earlier today, I was just gonna fill in for my friend, but you guys are so cool." I replied.

"Awe thanks, we work and try hard on our dances and songs." Hobi said.

Just when J-Hope and I started to get to know each other more it was time to switch.

"Hello I'm Everly I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize." Everly said.

"Hello I'm Jimin! I'm always teased about my height, and according to Namjoon, I have no jams. But personally, I think I have jams." Jimin said

I giggled "Can you hold up your pinky? I have extremely small hands as well." I asked. So Jimin and I held up our pinkies and I had a smaller pinky then Jimin.

"Guys! She has a smaller pinky then I do. So tease her not me." Jimin then quickly yelled into his mic.

"Really?" Asked Taehyung.

"Yeah, come look." Jimin replied. The rest of BTS came over as well and saw that I had a smaller pinky than Jimin.

Then staff asked me to move soon after the whole pinky incident.

"Hello I'm Everly I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize." I confessed once again.

"It's alright I'm V." Taehyung said, holding the peace sign up to his eye.

•Time Skip•

After a very interesting talk with V, I had to move on to the last and final member.

"Hello I'm Everly and I'm new so if I get your name wrong I apologize."

"Hello! I'm Jungkook I'm the golden maknae." Jungkook said.

"Ah I'm the youngest too!" I replied.

"Really? High five to being the youngest." Jungkook said. We high fived but then realized we make a huge mistake, because their bonding rings started glowing, meaning they were bonded. They both quickly hid their rings so that the present ARMYS couldn't tell that anything was out of the ordinary.

"Crap, this is not good." Jungkook said. Jungkook was infuriated that he was bonded and his mother didn't tell him. Jungkook began to panic.

"I'll be right back stay there." Jungkook said in a shaky voice.


Jungkook told PD-nim, and they sneakily took me behind the curtains. I was told to wait patiently because they still had 45 minutes left of their meet and greet. So I got on my phone and told Stella the situation, she offered to stay behind and wait for me, but I sent her away.

•Time Skip•

The boys finished their meet and greet, and came backstage, only to see me waiting.

"Hey Everly, what are you doing here?" Namjoon asked.

I was obviously a little shocked that he remembered my name. I nervously rubbed my palms on my jeans and said, "I'm bonded to your youngest."

The members were shocked, and looked between Jungkook and I.

"Really! Is that true? Show us." Taehyung said excitedly.

So Jungkook and I hesitantly held up our rings close to each other and they started to glow.

"So what's gonna happen?" Asked Taehyung.

"I honestly have no clue." I said.

PD-nim came and asked for Jungkook and I alone. He brought us to his office and we all sat down. "So did either of you know you were bonded?" Asked PD-nim.

"No, I knew my parents were, but my mom said I wasn't going to be." I inquired.

"I was told my ring was a family heirloom, not a bonding ring." Jungkook said.

"This complicates this situation a lot, but we're going to try and make this work. Everly, you will being staying with BTS, but you can not, and shall not, be seen with them out in the public eye. I don't want a scandal, or any sasaeng fans attacking either one of you. You may plan dates and other things, but they must be secret and out of the public eye. Understand?" PD-nim said.

"We understand, sir Jungkook said.