Staying with them

•Everly's POV•

I was a bit dazed and confused the whole rest of the day. I had went home and got my stuff, explained the situation to my mom and then went to the boys dorm to unpack and get settled. I was so dazed and confused and I was going to have to break the news to Andrew.

"Dinner." Jin called interrupting my thoughts.

I didn't exactly know if I should go down or not seeing as I didn't exactly know them all that well and I'm not sure if they cook well. Nobody can compare to my mother's food it's the best.

I heard a tapping at my door.

•Jin's POV•

"Dinner." I yelled

I set down the last plate on the table and sat down at my seat.

I heard a stampede of feet rushing to the living room. I saw my members sit down and quickly did a head count before getting my food.

"1 2 3 4 5 6 7." I mumbled

"That right, but then why are there 8 chairs... crap where is Everly?" Jin thought.

"Uhh guys" I said.

"Yeah" Namjoon replied.

"Where's Everly?" I said.

"I don't know probably in her room." Junkook said.

"We'll go inform her it's dinner time right now mister." I said.

"Hyung! I'm hungry and you're the one making a fuss about it you do it." Junkook said.

I quickly got up and walked over to Everly's room and knocked at her door.

"Everly" I called.

"Mhm?" Everly said.

"Dinner is ready, you might wanna hurry up because they're pigs and will eat all of the food." I said.

I heard Everly chuckle and I opened her door. Everly was laying in her bed.

"Come on" I said.

"Nah I'm fine Jin Oppa I think I'll skip dinner." Everly said.

"No come on." I said.

I grabbed Everly's hand a dragged her into the living room.

•Everly's POV•

"Jinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn." I whined as he dragged me into the living room where the boys were.

I sat down at the empty seat and everything went quiet. Jin filled my plate up and sat down and then stuffed his face and acted like nothing happened.

I ate a bit before the members had already finished and left. I picked around at my food a bit more before taking standing up when I head Jin yell.


"Al-Alright." I replied a bit scared.

Jin huffed and sat down next to me and watched me eat the rest of my food.

"Now do you want some dessert?" Jin asked.

"No... I don't think I can eat anymore." I replied.

"Oh come on, everyone has a second stomach for dessert." Jin said.

"Not me." I replied

I stood up and washed my plate and put it in the drying rack and continued to wash the other plates.

"You don't have to do that." I heard someone say behind me.

"Oh it's fine." I replied.

"Then at least let me help you."

I turned around thinking I was talking to Jin but it was actually Namjoon.

Namjoon dried the plates and I washed. I figured I would help out by cleaning the place like doing the dishes and sweeping and mopping. The place was a bit of a mess but it wasn't that bad and they were always busy.


I finished cleaning I looked around to see if anybody was watching and did a small victory dance before heading to my room to shower and the sleep.

I went up the steps to my room and walked into the bathroom. I peeled off my clothes and put a towel around myself and walked it my room when I saw all 7 of the boys in my room.

"AHH!" I screamed.

"OoOo" I heard one of them say.


"I'M NOT A CHILD HYUNG!" Junkook yelled.

"GET OUT NOW!" I yelled.

They all didn't move so I threw the closest things at them. They all scrambled to the door.

"Finally." I sighed.

I grabbed my close and took a bath, I enjoyed a nice hot long bath.

•Time Skip•

After my bath I went into the kitchen real quick to grab me some milk. I saw the boys in the living room watching the TV. I didn't want to talk to them after the whole me almost being naked in front of their eyes so I quietly tried to go back to my room.

I had almost successfully made it to my room so I was really happy but jus to my luck I tripped over something and fell.

"Ugh." The boys saw me and they all quickly got up.

"Crap!" I got up my ankle was hurting like heck but I had to walk it off. I quickly went to my room and shut and locked the door.

"Everly!" I heard the boys yell.

"What?" I asked.

"Come out!"

"I just... I just wanna get some sleep you guys should too it's late." I lied.

It was only like 9 PM.