Their “maid”

•Everlys POV•

I woke up with the sun in my eyes.

"Ugh" I groaned.

I eventually got up and brushed my teeth and got dressed. I was wearing a white off the shoulder top with some ripped skinny jeans. As I walked down the stairs I noticed it was all too quiet for 7 guys to be living in this house. So I figured they must be sleeping. I went to the kitchen and decided to make food for all of us because I had been probably a pain and it wouldn't hurt to make them breakfast.

•Time Skip•

After making a huge meal for the 8 of us I went to check their rooms to wake them up. I walked up stairs and knocked on Jin's door.

"Jin, wakey wakey I made breakfast and I think you'll like it" I said.

I heard no response so I opened the door to find nobody in the room.

"Ugh, I'm so dumb!" I should have checked first before making a huge meal I'm not even going to eat half of."

I looked around Jin's room to see scattered clothing on the floor and the bed unmade. I thought I could help out by cleaning their rooms.

•Time Skip•

After I finished cleaning all of their rooms I headed downstairs to the kitchen to eat when I find the bowls empty and the 7 of them in the living room.

"Who ate all of the food?!" I said.

"Us duh." Junkook said.

"And you didn't leave any for me?!" I replied.

Before Junkook could reply I heard a yell.

"Who came into my room!" I identified as Hobi's voice.

"It must have been the maids I guess we did something and they're rewarding us" Namjoon replied.

•Namjoon's POV•

"It must have been the maids I guess we did something and they're rewarding us" I said.

Then Everly went storming out after she got her shoes on.

"What's her problem?" Jungkook said.

"I dunno." Hobi replied.

"Did I say something bad." I questioned myself.

•Everly's POV•

I grabbed my boots and stormed out of the apartment. I was really angry and hungry so I headed to the closest coffee shop and got myself a coffee and some banana nut bread. While enjoying my meal I received a text from Jungkook.

"Hey since you're a the coffee shop can you get us some too."

"I didn't know I looked I a maid. Maybe I should just go out buy a maid costume too so everyone can ask me to do what they want." I grumbled.

I got their orders and paid before heading to BigHit to give them their orders.

I entered to practice room a bit a saw them dancing. They were REALLY good I had to admit and I really didn't want to think it but Jungkook looked really good practicing. As the song ended I knocked and while entering.

"Everlyyyyyyy" They said while grabbing their drinks.

"You're so nice." The one I believed to be Jimin said.

"Aww, thank you!" I replied while blushing a bit.

As turned and headed to the door I headed Hobi yell, "wait Everly!"

"Yes?" I replied.

"D-do you wanna watch us practice. I-I mean you don't have too but we all love company." Hobi said.

I smiled, "Yeah sure I don't have anywhere else I should be."