Vacation part 1

After watching them practice their manager busted into the practice room huffing and puffing. He looked tired and out of breath. "PD what's wrong why do you look so out of breath?" J-Hope said.

"I-I j—just got word that you guys will be going on the show weekly idol." PD said.

"Oo that sounds fun." Jimin said.

"Load up and get in the van guys." PD said.

"N-now." Namjoon asked a little taken aback that they would be doing the show now.

"Yes right now." PD said.

"Uhh, I guess that's my cue to leave — uh bye." I said.

"No no no you're coming with us." Said Yoongi.

"Yeah you're coming with us plus you're already with us so it's fine." Taehyung stated.

"I - uh - should - uh be you know - be like - cleaning - or something - yeah." I added.

"Oh come on Ev stop acting like a baby and let's go before I drag you out of the practice room with us." Jungkook said.

"Bet." I replied.

"Okay bet." Jungkook said.

He stared me down before walking my direction. Every step he took I took one back until eventually I hit the wall. Slightly cursing and I hit the wall Jungkook smirked and got really really close. Like real close it was intense and the other members had already left so it was just us. He got up to my ear and gently whispered "I didn't want to do this the hard way Ev." He said saying my nickname he gave me a bit louder. Me being me got flustered real quick. "Uh y-y-you don't h-have t-t-to c-carry m-m-m-me I-I c-can walk p-perfectly f-f-fine." I stuttered.

"Ev sweetie a bet is a bet." He replied all cutely.

"Ahhh!" I yelled. Within a blink of an eye I was whisked off my feet and Jungkook was now carrying me to the van.

"I can walk myself Jungkook! Put me down now!" I yelled.

"Nuh uh."

"Pleaseeeeeeeee." I said.

"I'll put you down if you give me a kiss."

"No way!" I replied.

He kept walking til we reached the van and set me down right before we entered the van. With the 7 of them already in a somewhat small van I was basically sitting in Yoongi's lap by the way we had gotten in. Jungkook didn't want to get into the very back so he squished in with Yoongi, Jimin and I.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to Yoongi.

In one swift moment he quickly picked me up and sat me on his lap.

"There much better." He replied.

I felt heat creeping up to my cheeks the rest of the ride. Jungkook didn't look exactly happy when Yoongi did that but he didn't say anything an angrily looked out the window for the rest of the ride.

•Time Skip•

After a few car songs and a quick snack break we had FINALLY made it to the weekly idol building where they hold the show. We got out of the van and started stretching from the 45 minute car trip and started walking into the building. Everything was fine and going smoothly until I realized that Andrew was hosting the show. "CrAp crap crAp crap crAp CrAp." I whispered. "Ugh run me over with a bus."

Jimin chuckled. "What's wrong Ev?" Jimin asked.

"D-do you happen to have a mask?" I asked.

"Uhh sure why?" Jimin replied.

"Please I think I got a bit bloated from the snacks." I quickly lied.

"You look beautiful Ev and you're not bloated." Yoongi said.

"Jimin pleaseeeee." I said.

"Here." Jimin said while handing me a basic black mask.

"Thank you." I said while slipping on the black mask to hide myself a bit so Andrew won't automatically think It's me. I sat in the back with staff while they were airing the show. The boys were playing a game where the music was 2 times faster and if someone made a mistake they would lose a prize they wanted. It was on their new comeback so they had knew the dance really well and didn't mess up.

"Cut" yelled the director.

"Look I'll get your manager to give you the top prize you wanted but one of you is going to have to mess up for the fun of the show." Said the director.

"Oh okay." Namjoon said.

"We will give you a 10 minute break so you don't look like you just danced." Said the cameraman.

I grabbed 7 waters and a cold towel and walked over to the boys. 

"Here." I said while handing out the waters and pressing the tag against their foreheads and necks.

"Thanks Ev." Jimin and Yoongi said.

"No problem." I said.

"Everly?" Andrew said.

"Ahh no no no I'm uhm Eva." I said quickly.

"Everly! I know it's you" Andrew said.

"Come here." Andrew said.

"No!" I yelled while running off to the bathroom.

"Ev!" Yoongi said running after me.

"Everly! Get back here." Jungkook said.

Once I had got to the bathroom and kinda locked myself in the bathroom I stayed there breathing heavily. I didn't realize how long it had been and decided to peep my head out.

Obviously I shouldn't have peeped my head out because Andrew was standing outside the door waiting for me. In one quick movement Andrew had grabbed my wrists by force and pinned me up against a wall. "Everly I'm not stupid! I know it's you why did you leave me I've been trying to contact you and find you." Andrew said.

"I got a new phone." I lied.

"That's not an excuse Everly I've been worried so so so much and so has everyone else. It drove me insane that I couldn't find you. I figured dating you for 3 years would be long enough for you to trust me and not run away from me." Andrew said disappointment laced in his voice.

"A-Andrew I-Im really sorry but I-I have some new." I said in an almost whisper.

Jungkook was walking towards us in a fast angry.

"What are you doing!" Jungkook yelled throwing Andrew off me.

"Talking to MY girlfriend." Andrew replied.

"Haha that's so funny because I'm bonded to her so she's MINE." Jungkook replied fuming.

"Ev-Everly? Is this true." Andrew said looking at me with big eyes.

"Y-Yes I'm bonded to this dork." I replied. "I'm no dork babygirl." Jungkook whispered into my ear. He sent shivers down my spine whispering into my ear seductively. He obviously knew what he was doing and chuckled when he saw my reaction.

"N-no! I-I don't believe you!" Andrew stammered.

"Back off of what is MINE and we won't have a problem Ev baby come on." Jungkook said all sweetly.

I followed Jungkook and he took me over to the boys. "I-I'm so so sorry for the trouble I've caused I knew I shouldn't have come." I said bowing to the boys tears stinging my eyes.

"Ev baby get up we're not mad." Yoongi said.

"This is too much stress let's use our vacation we won." Jimin said.

We all agreed by nodding our heads vigorously.