The ghost of the past (2)

Stefan was in the car back to the hotel. He put his hand in his pocket and frowned when there was no phone in there!

"Holy shit! My phone. I've lost my phone."

He said furiously.

"Where did you lose it, boss?"

James turned to ask. Stefan shoved a hand in his hair. He felt so frustrated to just realize as he was going to call Wirata to tell her that he was on the way home.

"I think when I was fighting and jumping around. Or it could be in my jacket's pocket. Call Bernardo's men. Ask them to look for it for me, James."

Stefan told James. James had Murphy's number so he hurried to call.

"What is it?" Murphy's voice came through.

"My boss has lost his phone somewhere in your boss's property. Find it for him, will you?"

James asked. Stefan had noticed that his bodyguards and Bernardo's bodyguards were acting like friends rather than enemies.

"How the hell could I do that?"

Murphy asked and sounded unwilling to do so.