There are alway the tests in life (1)

Wirata told the taxi driver that she wanted to stop at the supermarket on the way to the apartment. There was a place that allowed small pets to go in with their owners.

She wanted to buy a few things, milk and coffee for example.

When being outside like this, she felt lonely. She missed him because of the habit that he had always been with her by her side. Why did she let the silly emotions attack her like this? The feelings of jealousy and painful memory. She should not let it hurt her at all. As it was not the present. It was the past and it's long gone.

"Oh ... I'm sorry."

Wirata hurried to apologize when her trolley accidentally bumped into the back of an American woman.

"It's okay. No worries."

She turned to said to Wirata and she was staring at her for a second.  

"Um ... Are you Thai?"

She asked. Wirata nodded and gave her a smile.

"Yes. I am. How did you know?"

She was surprised that the lady could point out.