I turned and saw a man in a zombie costume and makeup ( of course it is a man in costume, where you expecting an actual ghost ) but max still screamed and pulled me away. ( you won't believe how strong he is ) after a few minutes of max pulling me we soon found out that we where LOST!? max was trying to calm himself but I will tell you it didn't work so well. we tried to find a way out but it was no use since it was dark and both of us didn't know how we reached there. a few minutes later I and max sat down discussing everything we had tried. first we searched for a light source since the light source could lead to the exit ( didn't work ), then we tried calling Anna and Cleo ( but no signal ), we tried all the possible part ( still we ended up in the same place ) we thought of some more ideas that didn't work soon we came with another idea...
fighting skills 3/5
speed 4/5
courage 4/5
smart 4/5
lazy 1/5
fighting skills 4/5
speed 3/5
courage 3/5
smart ( when it comes to school work 2/5 but when it is anything else 4/5)
lazy 1/5
fighting skills 1/5
speed 2/5
courage 2/5
smart 4/5
lazy 2/5
fighting skills 2/5
speed 2/5
courage 4/5
smart 4/5
lazy 5/5
fighting skills 4/5
speed 4/5
courage 3/5
smart 4/5
lazy 2/5