
both of us started searching for a hidden door and soon we found one together and got out, as soon as we got out a lot of people came towards us. I saw Anna and Cleo asking us if we were okay and others, people who were working there asked sorry and that's when i realised that we could have used the new rings to contact anna and cleo(i really wated to facepalm myself). after all the chaos this we went and had more fun, Anna and Cleo were stuck to the bench. after that we went to the movies. I wanted to watch a movie filled with horror and action, max wanted thriller and mystery(not a bad choice actually), and Anna and Cleo wanted to see a romantic movie. since they both wanted the same thing, the both of us were forced to watch. after the movie it was so awkward because the movie was about two friends who fell in love and after that- i seriously have no idea because i fell asleep! so i tried to not to talk about the movie because i was not sure if anyone noticed that i fell asleep. max tried to talk to me but everything was a big fail.Take 1 max said," isn't the sky so beautiful today and I replied," I can't see anything in the sky. it's so dark". Take 2 max said," do you want to go somewhere to have more fun?" anna said," more fun!?" Cleo said," more walking!?" "NO WAY" Cleo and Anna said this at the same time. Take 3 max said," Alex do you want me to leave you in your house?" I replied," we live in the same apartment and we are also neighbors so we kinda have to go together". cleo turned to us and said "ok, this is no longer funny. both of you fell asleep during the movie! how could you sleep through such a good movie." and all i and max could reply was a "oh". we saw each other and began chuckling and giggling. we soon said bye to Anna and Cleo and went to our apartment. I stood in front of my door staring at the number 04, I turned and saw max and said," thanks for everything today I really enjoyed it." "i am glad that you did" max said he unlocked his door and said " good night". "good night" i replied and went inside. as i laid on my bed, "today was fun" i thought to myself.