murder attempt

something hit me from my back and sam's hand slipped out of my hand. he fell down and before I could have the same fate max and Cleo caught me. a few minutes later the ambulance arrived and took Sam to the hospital. the murder attempt was a failure as Sam didn't die but that doesn't make things any better as Sam is not exactly in the best shape. while others were busy chatting about what is going to happen we investigated around a bit and found out that the things that hit me were sandbags. if everything thing had gone according to the killer's plan then sam wouldn't be alive because of sam's fall and the sandbags were supposed to fall on him which would have finished him but instead I got hit by it. the killer seemed to be really good at camouflage as he was able to set a trap in the set and rearrange the sandbags without max finding out. we investigated the place where Sam fell there were a few words written. Cleo took a photo of it while max read it out loud

"killer is...I can't read the rest of it. it looks like someone smudged it".

"mostly probably by the killer". said Cleo trying to find other clues.

"wait...this means that Sam knew who the killer was". I said

max told that it could have also been done by the killer but for some reason I just couldn't believe that the killer will write that as luna has been careful about everything so why would luna do such a mistake now.the questions in my head seemed to have doubled and the answers I had has reduced and we are almost out of leads.

we were all taken back to the school and as soon as all five of us had assembled i said, "we have to start working hard and fast so that no other person is hurt. jack, you will find about sam's condition and other details with the help of the highschool student council. Anna, you will find more information about luna from the victim's family (she is the best person for this job afterall she is from the newspaper club so I think she have more than enough excuse to tell). Cleo, you will find out the similarity between the victims and the reason they are targeted. max, fix your spycams because we are going to need them and meanwhile I will read the dairy we found".

"diary? what diary? " Anna asked alarmed

I completely forgot I didn't tell about the diary to Anna and jack (I didn't really want to tell to Anna as she might not feel right about what we were doing and tell mis jas everything)

I took a second to think and said,"we don't have any time to waste right now I will tell both of you everything tomorrow".

we decided to not use the rings to share the clues as we didn't want it to leak anywhere and when we were done planning to meet at sunrise cafe tomorrow, Anna went to visit the victims houses,jack went to the hospital Sam was admitted, Cleo stayed in the clubroom,max went to buy some spare parts for the spycams and I returned to my room in the apartment. I sat on my bed and began reading "today was the day I for the first time I saw....