questions than answers

I sat on my bed and began reading "today was the day I for the first time saw him. he had just joined as a teacher here and I couldn't wait to see how he would teach in class."

miss jas's diary had less writing in each page and in a lot of dates she didn't write. I turned to the next page to continue reading

"even though today was the start of summer al lot of students were still wearing warm jackets and coats to school. I saw him once again but today he had a little girl with him and I can't stop wondering if it is his daughter".

"days have passed and seeing him with the girl has become more frequent I wonder what their relationship is".

I turned the page "I was too curious that I checked her records and found out something I shouldn't have. now I feel nervous around him".

"it's been almost two weeks and today was the day he finally found out that she was killed by the principal and the other teachers because she came inbetween their plans but thanks to her I found out about their plans and I know this won't end here."

I checked for the date when this was written and found out that it was written 10 years ago. and I also understand that the girl must be luna and the other teacher must be the killer. what did miss jas find out about luna? what was the principal's and the teachers plan? why did all the incidents take place before 10 years? why is he talking revenge after 10 years? the more I read I get more questions than answers. as I was about to continue reading I heard the door bell ring so I hid the book and rushed to the door. (WHY DO I KEEP GETTING DISTURBED WHEN I AM READING THIS BOOK!!!) I saw through the spyhole but I couldn't see anyone so I slowly opened the door and saw a punch aiming my face...


ANNA (newspaper club member)


who knocked the door?


(made with blood

of the first victim)

Miss jas

a book called "death"

contains info on the

people who died

new victim- Emma

lake or school


U - undercover

S - student

D - detective


victim 2- emma- lake- drowning

victim 1- rose


1) the Cresent moon

symbols - SAM - third victim


secret passage- newspaper club room-photo

miss jas's diary-information about all five of us

the killer is a he

sam- mountain or river

victim 3- sam- mountain

