Ichikawa Maki

"I have been seen... the appearance of Mitsuki wearing only underwear. Nii-sama is currently seeing me... Please look at me carefully..."

"Why are you excited? You're a pervert. I haven't seen you. I haven't seen a bit. And even if I did, I won't generate any thoughts towards my younger sister wearing only underwear... Where's your uniform?"

Mitsuki gestured to the top of the table. A folded uniform was placed there.

It was the National Knights Academy women's uniform.

The female uniform of the Academy was a kimono style narrow-sleeved blouse with a hakama style miniskirt, combining a suite consisting of both Japanese and Western-style.

After helping Mitsuki get dressed, Egun finally sighed relief.

"Okay. Compared to that type of pajamas, you're still more suitable for this type of clothing.

That was the real "storm" swordsman.

Having said this, all swordsmen take into account their nicknames, techniques of certain death, etc...

Egun also once had a nickname... But not as a swordsman, but as a lancer.

"Nii-sama wearing his branded uniform, is also very, very suitable!"

Egun wore a different uniform than Mitsuki because he attended a different high school. Because he was not a swordsman, Egun was not eligible to attend the Academy.

"A gentle Nii-sama, along with an intellectual jacket, is wonderful coordination. This is the type that gives me the number one feeling of wanting to embrace Nii-sama. Nii-Sama, I love you... Haa haah"

"Calm down, Mitsuki. As a Ryujin swordsman, you cannot lose your calm... Don't get excited breathing short in front of your brother."

"But, although Nii-sama praised my appearance wearing the uniform and made me happy, Mitsuki hopes that Nii-sama will also be more aware of the sexy underwear of before. Though I am your younger sister, it is only in name..."

"The fact is you're my younger sister by name, so I have to be more aware of it."

Egun, who was once an orphan, was in a position where he was accepted as an adopted son by the prestigious family with the old sword skills, the Ryujin family.

In other words, Mitsuki was the daughter of the family to whom he owed a high debt.

Egun did not remember much about his past, only his name, and that he once had parents. They died in the same fire in which Egun lost his memories. Not long after, Egun was adopted by the Ryujin family, so he considered them his true family.

"Even if it's just a kiss on the cheeks, it's fine. I want a kiss from Nii-sama. How sad..."

Mitsuki revealed an expression as if she had lost a duel and whispered. She placed a Katana at her waist. She was already accustomed to the weight of the blade. She turned her gaze to Egun aside.

"Nii-sama... You look very cool as you wear your uniform... But as expected, will you not wear your spear?"

"You already asked me last year... How can I wear it? My Academy is normal, not like yours."

Hearing Egun's reply, Mitsuki's gaze became strange.

"A normal Academy..."

"Hmm, did you say something?"

"I didn't say anything!"


Because the morning temperature had dropped so much, the spring fog had appeared outside.

Mitsuki and Egun got off the train at the station platform.

Since they had left home early enough, the figures of other first-year students were minimal, and it was very calm. The shopping street near the station was also the same. In addition to the convenience store, the roller blinds of the other stores had not yet been lifted.

"Nii-sama, we must separate now. When are we going to see each other again?" Mitsuki asked, sadly.

"For now, don't think about it. We can see each other on holiday." Egun replied.

Mitsuki Academy was a boarding school. Mitsuki was going to make her daily life there, so she was not going to return home until the holidays. Proof of this was the suitcase she carried with her.

Mitsuki and Egun split in different directions. Mitsuki couldn't yet accept the result.

Golden Dawn Academy was the name of the Academy Egun attended. This was a private academy created by a foreign company, so many of the students were not Japanese.

Egun itself was a European person, although, in reality, he was mixed. From what he had been told, his father was German, while his mother was Japanese. From his mother, he inherited the slanted eyes of Asians and their dark hair, while from his father, he inherited his blue eyes and his mighty physique.

Students who are not familiar with him would say, "Isn't that Egun?", which made him wonder to himself how it was that they knew his name.

Is Egun popular, you say?

No, it's not that. Egun was one of those guys who would usually go unnoticed at school. If it weren't for his muscular physique and blue eyes, probably no one close to him would know of Egun's existence.

However, something so wonderful happened to a guy like him, who spent his school time studying and then took refuge at home.

"Ryujin-kun, I love you! Please, go out with me!"

It was a girl's confession!

Egun felt what it was like to be young. For a guy like him who had never had a girlfriend before, it was like a dream come true.

Ichikawa Maki was his girlfriend's name. She has silky black hair and a slim body. She was so pretty that anyone would have fallen in love with her at first sight.

Anyone would have said yes, if some beauty came up to you and said, "I love you, Ryujin-kun! Please go out with me!"

That would be something out of a dream for a guy who had never had a girlfriend before, and even Egun felt that way for a moment. But he quickly returned to reality, who was this girl? Why was she asking him out?

Egun's doubts were reasonable. Now, he was the heir to the Ryujin family, an ancestral family in Japan. The chances of the girl approaching him to join the family were high; she could also be a spy for other families.

It wouldn't be if someone said, "What game did you get that from, Bishoujo?" but it really happened.

But Egun didn't feel that she had bad intentions towards him, so he accepted Maki's confession. He indeed accepted her because she was cute, but the real reason was that he wanted to know what her motives were for going out with him.

On his first date, Egun was ready to use the plan he had made some time ago. He was so nervous that he had brushed his teeth dozens of times the night before. He had even bought a new pair of boxers in case... Something, something happened.

Well, actually, the date was pretty standard. They went to different kinds of stores, ate in a family restaurant...

They did not kiss or hold hands at any time, Egun was quite embarrassed to be his first date, and it seemed that Maki was also embarrassed.

At the end of the appointment, Egun accompanied Maki to her home. She lived in a luxury apartment building in Tokyo. This was not uncommon as many of the Golden Dawn Academy students were wealthy.

The Golden Dawn Academy was the Academy Egun attended. Before, it was a girls-only school, but the year before it became a mixed Academy. For this reason, there were more girls than boys in school. In Egun's case, there was a 7:3 ratio in his class. For third-year students, it was made up entirely of girls. Even now, the girls had the most authority, and most of the members of the Student Council are girls, even the Principal of the school is a girl. It was a school where boys can't do what they want, but Egun joined anyway. The reason was very simple: this school was just a few kilometers away from the Mitsuki Knights Academy.

Mitsuki had already informed Egun that she was going to attend the Knights Academy, so Egun had no choice but to register at the nearest Academy to Mitsuki.

Six months had passed since Egun and Maki had started dating, and a new school year was beginning. During this time, Egun had been watching Maki, and he could not find anything suspicious in her.

Due to an agreement between the two, their relationship had remained secret. Although they spent a lot of time together, people did not think they were dating. A normal boy like Egun couldn't go out with one of the idols of the school.

That's right; Maki was one of the school idols. No wonder, given her curvaceous figure and great beauty. Many boys were in love with her openly and secretly, although none had confessed to her before.

If she was an idol, why didn't Egun know about her? The answer is easy; she was an exchange student. She had been studying abroad for many years and had recently returned to Japan.


Speaking of the king of Rome, well, the queen of Rome. Egun looked at the person who had called him with a smile on his face. She was the person with whom he had been in a relationship for six months.

Ichikawa Maki