
Classes that day were over, and Egun was on his way home. Outside of that strange debate with Zelig and Flavio, nothing out of the ordinary had happened at school (although conversations like that weren't as rare for perverts as they were).


Egun sighed. Today he intended to ask Zelig the reason for his attack, but he had had no chance. The guy left the moment the bell rang as he shouted, "The girls from the volleyball club are waiting for me! Butts, tits! Yes!"

He, too, had tried to look for that feeling he talked about so much in class, but he hadn't been able to find anything. Seriously, even his master's most complicated techniques had been mastered by him in days. How could it be so difficult to feel something?

"Now I am an infernal prince, the son of Lucifer. I don't know how to feel about this. That Flavio wants me to claim my position as Lucifer... The sin of pride, I'm not even that proud. I just have a little self-confidence. I was unable to kill a werewolf and was about to die under his clutches. There is nothing to be proud of. Right now, I wouldn't be able to look at my master's face."

If some magician listened to Egun speak right now, he would be puking blood and depressing to death. A no-magician complaining about not being able to kill a member of one of the races with the most powerful physique that existed in this world. Let's not talk about novice magicians. Even intermediate magicians would have a lot of problems facing an ordinary werewolf while in their full transformation.


Egun heard a sudden scream. From the direction the scream came from, Egun assumed that the girl who had screamed was inside the alley through which delinquents used to spend their time.

"Some girl must have gone in there, or maybe she was dragged in. Well, it's not like it had anything to do with me. I'm not a hero saving damsels in distress, that would go more with Arthur."

Egun shrugged as he passed by. As he reached the alley, he looked to see what the girl who had screamed looked like.


There was a girl inside the alley, but she didn't seem to be being harassed at all. Egun saw no boy surrounding her. Wait, there were. Two boys were unconscious on the floor. Had the girl caused this? But she looked weak, how had she done it?

The answer came soon. A faint golden aura covered the girl's body. It was the first time Egun had seen such a color. He felt it was disgusting and repugnant.

"That should be the light element, the counterpart of the dark element."

It was unnecessary to stand there, staring at the girl. She seemed to be a magician, and with the few experiences Egun had with the supernatural world, he could say that they only brought problems.

Of course, events don't always happen the way you'd like them to.

"Wait! Aah!"

At the same time Egun heard the girl, the sound of something falling to the floor was heard. When he turned around, the girl was lying on the floor. She was opening her arms wide, and her face was glued to the asphalt. That was a clumsy way to fall.

"This... Are you okay?"

Egun could no longer do what he couldn't see. He approached her and held out his hand so that she could get up.

"Thank you."

She accepted the hand and got up. Egun could better appreciate the girl now that they were close.

She seemed to be the same age as him and was about the same height as Maki. Her pink hair fell down her back, and her bangs covered one of her eyes. The eye that could be seen was amber, and the color of her skin was somewhat pink. She wore a green and white striped shirt next to short brown jeans. Green stockings covered most of the skin on her legs, leaving her calf visible. On her chest, she had a pendant in the shape of a crowned young woman sitting on a throne.

There was no doubt; she was a Bishoujo.

For a time, Egun stared at her.

"U-Umm... Is something wrong?"

The girl stared at his face with a worried expression.

"No, it's nothing."

They looked at each other silently. It was a bit of an awkward situation. For some reason, Egun felt he wanted to talk more with this girl. This kept him on his toes; it was too supernatural this feeling the girl gave him.

Egun realized that the girl had a suitcase with her.

"On a trip?"

"Hmm, yes! I'm on a trip!"

So she was on a trip... Egun felt that was not the truth. A magician appeared in Tokyo... Well, she may be telling the truth and on vacation, but Egun couldn't let his guard down.

"Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you. I'll see you around."

She was an incredibly beautiful foreign Bishoujo, but Egun had already experienced firsthand what these Bishoujos were capable of doing. He was already leaving as he said goodbye.

"Wait- Aah!"

She ran after Egun and managed to grab the sleeve of her shirt, but backed off in fear at the sight of Egun's cold look.

"What do you need?"

The girl took another step back. She seemed to be building up courage as she squeezed her hands tightly.

"I... I can't find my hotel!"


"I know I'm a useless, insignificant girl, but I can't find my hotel."

Egun gave her a strange look. Was this girl serious?

"You know, there's an application called Google Maps that serves to find a place and not get lost."

"Google Maps? What's Google?"

Egun's gaze became even stranger. Did this girl come from somewhere isolated without technology?

"Sigh, it's okay. Tell me the name of your hotel."

"Yes, just a moment."

The girl pulled a card out of the pocket of her pants.

"The name should be... yes, here it is. The Mandarin Oriental Tokyo Hotel."

"The Oriental Mandarin... Are you telling me you don't know how to get to the best hotel in Tokyo?"

She nodded.

"Well, call a taxi and tell her to take you there. Do you know how to do that?"

"Yes, I know, but I have a problem."

"Which one?"

"I don't have any money."

Egun was walking towards the center of Tokyo, accompanied by a western Bishoujo. He didn't have any money with him either, let alone pay for a taxi. In the end, Egun had to escort the girl to the hotel.

Finally, they arrived at the hotel. He was enormous and luxurious, totally worthy of his reputation.

"Are you here with your family?"

Egun asked him.

"No, I'm with some friends."

They stopped in front of the hotel.


Egun felt a chill. He looked up, the room on the top floor. If he was not mistaken, that should be the hotel's Suite of Honor. Egun felt a glance penetrate him coming from that Suite.

"I shouldn't stay here long," he thought.

It was a pity to say goodbye to a Beauty like her. Along the way, Egun had been talking to her and had realized that she was quite pure.

But he had to go. It felt like a frog being watched by a snake. It was a sensation he hated, but he could do nothing at the moment.

"Then, I'll go my way."

"Please, wait!"

Egun said goodbye and tried to leave, but the girl's words stop him.

"I'd like to prepare some tea in gratitude for bringing me here."

"Oh, but I'm in a hurry, so I have to go."

"My friends and I are living in the Honor Suite, don't you want to see it? I was impressed when I first saw her. It reminded me a little of the universal father's palace."


"I'm sorry, I really have to go."

"But that's it..."

She seems grieved. She probably wants to prepare tea for him to show her gratitude, but drinking tea here would be dangerous. That was what Egun's senses were telling him, and he trusted them.

"My name is Ryujin Egun. Everyone calls me Egun, so you can call me Egun too. What's your name?"

When Egun tells her his name, she responds with a smile.

"My name is Misty Tenn! Please call me Misty!"

"So, Misty, let's meet again."

"Yes, Egun! I will definitely come and see you!"

No, please don't come. Egun was sure this girl was going to get him in trouble, and he didn't want to get involved.

Egun left the place after waving his hands at her. She looked at him until it was out of her reach. He understood that she was a good girl, pure in soul and heart.

That was the fateful day when the fate of the girl and Egun crossed paths. The day of their first meeting.


When Egun left, Misty stared at the hotel entrance. She seemed to be hesitating whether to enter or not.

"You seem to have made a good friend, Mistilteinn. Maybe I should meet this 'friend' of yours."

The girl shook at the voice. She backed away scared but was forced to face him. That boy Egun had treated her very well. Since she had woken up, no one had treated her as well as he had.

"Don't do anything to him. He has nothing to do with us!"

"Remember this, rubbish. You're just a weapon that I use. You're garbage. You can't consider yourself a person. If you approach a human again, I'll kill him in front of you so you can learn your place."