
"Kakakaka. It looks like the boss was right once again. This town has strong people, but it's a shame they're not strong enough. You're nothing compared to the boss. And now that she's got those two with her, there's no one here who can stop her."

Luna frowned.

"Your boss? The Sun works for someone?"

"Kakaka. Don't you get it yet? All, absolutely all organizations of Chaos are subordinate to one entity. You should know about it, Luna Crowley."

"I knew they were involved from the moment Egun told me about the girl with the Malkuth necklace, but to think that their influence would be so profound."

Luna gritted her teeth.

"Finish him off, Maki. It's useless to get any information out of him. There's no one else left in the building."

"Yes, nee-sama."

A crystal blue aura surrounded Maki's body. She was a magician, too.

Egun had been dating her for six months and had never expected anything like this. He doubted her motives because of her unexpected confession, but he would never have imagined something like this.

"First World Freeze"

Gudbrand Eriksen didn't try to defend himself. He only looked at them with a smile as his body froze.

"The famous Valkyria. To die at the hands of one of the great lord's daughter is a dream that comes true."

Maki's gaze grew cold, and she let out a little bloodlust. Egun was surprised; this was a facet of Maki that he had never seen before. This hatred...

"I'm not relate to that beast."


The cold voice echoed through the hotel entrance. The terrorist leader's body was finally frozen and exploded into pieces.

"Maki's job is a bit special. Valkyria is a final work; it has no developments. Having a final job as a first job is extremely rare, and Valkyria's job is even rarer. She's the first Valkyrie not to be born in Asgard, so Golden Dawn holds her in high esteem."

"The attributes that increase are Physical Attack, 15%, Physical Defense, 5%, Magical Defense, 10%, and the most important is Magical Attack, 60%. This work does not diminish any attribute."

Wow, up 60% on the magic attack. Wasn't that too much OP?

"Okay, let's clean up the area before we go."

Luna waved her hands, and a firestorm swept through the place. No trace was left of the ten wizards of the terrorist group. She made another gesture with her hand, and a stream of water took all the blood away.

Just as Luna had said, the area was immaculate. There was no trace of battle in the place.

"Well, the ten members of the terrorist group The Sun have been eradicated. Mission accomplished, good job."

Luna tells everyone here. Everyone went back to their usual state. So the hunt for illegal wizards was over, huh?

The fate of the illegal magicians. Egun didn't know what to say. They were internationally wanted criminals, but they should have a reason for their actions. What was it?

So this is a fight between magicians... It was a fierce fight. No, it was a massacre. Was this the level of the magicians of Golden Dawn? An internationally wanted terrorist group couldn't do anything against him; they didn't even have a chance to defend themselves.

Egun had learned a lot. This had been his first direct contact with magic, and he had learned more about the works.

The works not only increased the attributes but also diminished them. There were also special jobs, like Maki's Valkyria job.

"Luna-senpai, is there something you haven't told me yet?"

"What is it?"

Luna responds with a smile.

"Your job... What is your job?"

If Maki had a special job, would Luna have a special job too?

"My job is a normal job, but at the same time, it's not."

Egun inclined his head. What nonsense was this girl saying?

"The president's job is a variant. Her job is Sage, but she has the Rozetta variant. So the name of her job is Sage [Rozetta]"

"Haa... The road to the top is sure to be difficult."

Egun was in his room looking at the ceiling and reflecting on what had happened the previous afternoon.


That was his job. A soldier, that's the worst job there is.

With all the disadvantages that work brought, Egun had to keep working hard to aim for the top. The path to reach that goal is not going to be easy.

The first problem was being able to use magic.

By the way, supposedly, Egun had used magic twice before. Flavio was the one who told him.

"The first time you used it was when you caused that fire years ago. The second was when you summoned Laevateinn. You have no memory of the first time, so you have to try to remember what you felt when you first summoned Laevateinn. Maybe it will help you find that feeling."

That's what he said. What was the feeling? Why didn't Egun remember that at all?

So he used magic in invoking Laevateinn...

"But I don't understand. All I did was scream her name, does that count as magic? Well, I guess I'm gonna do it again."


Egun screamed as he raised his arm and posed like a hero. As expected from a Lucifer, even his poses were great.



The door to the room opened, and a person entered the room and pounced on Egun.

"Hey! Get off me, I can't breathe!"

Egun, who was lying quietly in bed, found a couple of mountains pressing against his face. Leave's two big guns were leaving him no room to breathe.

"Huh? What's this under here, Master? It's hard, and it's pouncing me."

"No, don't touch there..."

Laevateinn ignored Egun and grabbed the object that was bothering her with her hand.

"Oh, it's hard and hot. What is this, Master? It looks like a little spear. Oh, you missed me, and you got a little version of me? That's got to be it, yeah. Let me see, let me see."

Laevateinn stepped back and let Egun breathe.

"No! Laevateinn!"

Laevateinn had his face in front of Egun's underpants. She had already gotten rid of the boy's pants and was lowering the last barrier.

"Huh?" What's this? It looks nothing like my original form. Wow, it's attached to Master's body. And these round balls... Wow, the stick shakes if I gently stroke the balls!"

"Laeva, stop, please, I beg you."

"Is something wrong, Master?"

"Yes, it's very uncomfortable. Can you stop it?"



"I can feel from our bond that you are feeling pleasure. You cannot lie to me, Master."

Laevateinn could feel the emotions their Master was feeling thanks to the contract they formed. She could tell when Egun was lying or when he was in danger.

"Ora. There's something hidden here, let me bring it out."

She pulled down the foreskin of Egun's penis, which caused a wave of pleasure to sweep through Egun's body. Laevateinn looked curiously at Egun's penis, wondering how he could get so much fun from one stick.

She noticed that Egun had received a lot of pleasure when she had lowered the skin hood. Happy and excited that she could make her Master feel good, Laevateinn repeated the action.

Egun could no longer think clearly. Though she was not at all skilled, not to mention that she did not even seem to know that it was the male reproductive system she was grasping, Laeva was making use of the bond they had to exploit all their weaknesses.

"Oh? What is this white liquid?"

Laeva was looking at the tip of Egun's penis, from which pre-seminal fluid was coming out. For some reason, she thought it looked tasty, so she stuck out her tongue and licked all the liquid. Egun's dick grew a little bigger and started to shake slightly. Laeva moved her head back a bit to see what was happening.

"I'm cumming!"

Egun screamed, and all the semen fell on Laeva's face. She put her hands to her face and sucked her fingers.

"As I thought, this liquid is tasty!"