
"Fortunately for the demons, the most important casualties of the civil war were the Demon Emperor and the Infernal Princes. Some heads of families died, but the strong block of the demon army remained. Most of the credit went to the house of the great king, who intervened for the good of the demons."

Luna continued to speak.

"But the demons lack public figures, powers that can go out and represent the demon race. This is when the new generation of Infernal Princes appears, and the new Demon Emperor. The great king hopes that you can represent the demons soon and be the pride of your race."

It feels complicated. Representing the demon race... Egun already had to represent the Ryujin family in the future, wouldn't it be too much work to represent the demon race too?

Wait. Was it okay to represent the Ryujin family and the demon race at the same time?

"I'm not a mature demon yet. I don't even know how to use magic. Even if I could, I have other things to do. In short, I have no interest in representing the demon race, much less ruling it."

"Does that mean you're not going to claim your place as Lucifer?"

"For the time being, no."

Egun answered Luna's question.

The world of demons seems strange. Egun used to imagine them as evil and terrifying, but it seems that his imagination is wrong. Although he was a pervert, Flavio didn't seem like a bad guy.

Maybe he felt that way because he was still ignorant about the idea of living in a world of the Demons, and in the magic world in general.

"Luna-senpai, what are your jobs?"

"Our jobs are-

Luna stopped there.

Egun knew the answer. He could feel the presence and the killer instinct of the approaching enemy.

Egun sharpened his senses. Smell, hearing.

"Ten different bloody smells, at least ten people are coming. Down the corridor on the right, through the door on the left and..."

"Which way?"

They had no time to doubt Egun.

"Behind us."

Luna and the rest were put on alert. They were surrounded.

"The boss said something was wrong, and there was a good chance someone would visit us today. As expected from the boss, she is so wise."

From the hotel entrance, a middle-aged man spoke in a low voice. No matter how low the volume of his voice was, the room was silent, so his words were easily heard.

This guy was not normal. Egun could feel the blood lust he was emitting, and it was one he had not seen many times.

Egun had dealt with all manner of enemies in the past, but very few of them could match or come close to this bloodlust.

"Gudbrand Eriksen, leader of the terrorist group The Sun. We are here to eliminate you."

Luna says.


The abnormal laughter of man makes around the hotel. For Egun, that was not the laughter of a human. And neither was it the laughter of a demon.

"You are only five wizards and a mere mortal. How are you going to eliminate us?"


The doors that Egun had previously pointed out opened and nine men came out. There were no women in the group, which is a curious fact.

Four men on the left, five on the right and one in front. These were the numbers of enemies. But there was one problem, where was Misty?

Luna seemed to have noticed it too, as she had a scowl.

"Ignoring the London magic treaty and slaughtering non-magicians to your liking, you definitely deserve death. In the name of Golden Dawn, I will happily eliminate you!"

"Golden Dawn? Wow, the big boys are coming for us. Should we be honored?"

The leader barks, but Luna-senpai only laughs with his nose.

"Gudbrand, you're very rude. Arthur, take care of the ones on the left!"

"Kaori, take care of the ones on the right."

"You'll take care of Gudbrand, Maki."



Arthur, who was near Egun, accelerated forward as soon as Luna gave the order. Quickly. He was incredibly fast. Egun doubted he could keep up with that speed!

A golden light surrounded Arthur's body. It was similar to the aura Egun had seen around Misty, but it was darker.

"Egun, I'll continue with the explanation from last time."

"Arthur's job is 'Saber'. It's one of the best early works. It gives a boost to Physical Attack attributes, 10%, Magical Attack, 5%, Dexterity, 12%, and Agility, 15%. In return, he weakens his Physical Defense and Magical Defense by 15%. For a swordsman like him, this job is perfect for a start."

"Its main feature is speed, which it boosts with the use of its elements. And as you know, its ultimate weapon is swords."

Just as Luna said, the aura around Arthur intensified, and his speed increased. He grabbed his European sword with both hands and cut through one of the wizards, cutting off both arms and his thorax. All four parts of the wizard's body fell to the ground.

Barely five seconds had passed.

"This is Arthur's power. A speed you cannot follow with your eyes, and the skill in a master's sword. Combined with his elements of wind and light, he becomes the fastest knight."

"You are wrong, Kaichou. I am the Knight King."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."

Arthur stopped to say something silly. The three remaining men didn't waste any time and rushed to Arthur. Three red auras surrounded them.


Three fireballs the size of footballs headed towards Arthur. Just as they were about to make contact with Arthur, he disappeared. Or so it seemed to the opposing wizards. Egun saw how the aura around Arthur took on a greenish color, and his speed multiplied.


When Arthur stopped again, the three remaining wizards met the same end as the first. Their arms were cut cleanly, as was their torso. Sixteen pieces of flesh were strewn across the floor.

"Hahaha, a beautiful girl wants to play with us."

"Yes, I'm very playful, you know?"

Kaori-senpai was talking calmly to the terrorists. That group of five idiots was mesmerized as they watched Kaori's curves. She walked over to the group of men, and one of them approached her.

"Wind Blade!"

"Aaaah! My arm! It hurts!"

With a quick hand movement, Kaori cut off the arm of the man who sought to touch her body. The clean-cut reminded Egun of the cut made with a katana.

"Ketsumiko Kaori, her work is Samurai. It gives her an increase in Physical Atack attributes, 7%, Physical Defense, 5%, Magical Defense, 5%, Dexterity, 10%, and Agility, 12%. The only attribute that is weakened is Magical Attack, 15%."

Luna explained to Egun.

"That seems like a lot, doesn't it? You said mine was a soldier, and it only raised Physical Attack and Physical Defense by 5%, why do their jobs go up so much?"

Egun asked. Luna smiled slightly.

"Your work, soldier, is not bad. In fact, it might be the best of all jobs, to begin with. That would be if it weren't for the attributes it weakens."

"Weakens attributes? You didn't say anything like that last time."

"Phew, that's because you didn't give me time to tell you."

"Your work, soldier, improves your physical attributes by 5% but decreases the rest of your attributes by 15%. It's a job that weakens you more than it improves you. That's why it's called 'trash'.

Luna laughed slightly as she said it. She gave Egun a provocative look.

"Are you sure you don't want to join Golden Dawn? We'll help you change the job there. Better forget it, the great Lucifer wouldn't bow his head to anyone."

She asked jokingly, but her eyes could not hide the anticipation.

"Hehe, I will not go back to my words, Luna-senpai."

"It's like this..."

They were watching Kaori's fight as they spoke. She had already finished four of the men, and only one was left standing. Kaori took both hands to her left hip.

"Is she... drawing a sword?"

Surprised to recognize the gesture Kaori was making, Egun could not help but ask.

"Yes. Kaori can use her element of wind to create an elemental katana. She does not use a real katana if she doesn't believe her opponent deserves it."

"Iai Wind-Sword: First Form"

Kaori senpai drew the "katana". Egun thought the technique was very similar to that used by Flavio with that bow. He could see a green katana hanging from Kaori's waist, which was drawn by her.


A head fell to the ground. Another group of terrorists was eliminated

Now only the leader was left. Gudbrand Eriksen.