Angels needs demons, and demons need angels

A terrorist group. That's what they were.

"I can't believe she was a terrorist. I didn't feel any blood lust on her part, and I'm extremely sensitive."

Egun sighed. Beauty of that caliber wasted...

Too bad, too bad.

Right now, Egun was in front of The Mandarin Oriental Tokyo Hotel. Next to him were the student council members and Maki. Flavius had told her not to come near it again, but by fate, he had ended up in this place.

"Would you like to see what real battles between magicians look like?"

That's what Luna told him. Egun couldn't say Luna's offer didn't tempt him. Perhaps seeing the magic in action would give him some inspiration to feel that "something" Flavio was talking about.

And so he had come here again. He accompanied Luna, Arthur, and Sakura. At the door of the hotel were Maki and Kaori waiting for them. They were surprised to see him, but Luna quickly explained the situation.

Luna told them that it was Egun who had found this place and that he was here as a spectator and representative of the Ryujin family.

They both nodded as they listened to her and did not voice any complaints. Maki glanced at Egun from time to time, while he seemed not to notice.

Now they were going to finish off a group of terrorist magicians.

To begin with, what are terrorist magicians?

There are two groups of illegal magicians.

The first group is called independents mages. They're magicians who don't belong to any organization, and they usually practice evil magic. They seek to improve their magic by using extreme means, like experimenting on living humans.

This group also includes magicians who have been expelled from their respective organizations or are persecuted by them. They do not report their arrival in the country for fear that the organization in charge of that country will reveal their location and sell it to their persecutors.

The members of this group were not Golden Dawn's priority, and they were not paid attention as long as they did not cause problems.

The second group was the most problematic. They were the so-called terrorist magicians.

They used magic to create chaos. Apparently, most of them were motivated by the motto "Wizards are superior. Those not blessed with magic should die."

This group was sought after internationally by all organizations. Because of what Luna had told Egun on the way, the underworld and heaven were also chasing this group of magicians. They also had the responsibility to finish them off, as members from both places also entered this group.

Do not misunderstand. The underworld wasn't considered an evil group in this world; they were just another group. The only ones who found them to be evil were the angels and the Christian church.

The reason that Golden Dawn and the other organizations wanted to kill Egun when he woke up his powers was to weaken the underworld. The only descendant of an infernal prince was very important to hell, and it would be a hard blow to lose one of the most powerful bloodlines in the demonic race.

The information that Luna gave Egun was critical to him. Little by little, he came to understand better the situation in the magic world.

The group they were going to deal with was a group of internationally wanted terrorist magicians. Luna had assured him that there was no danger.

"Arthur would be able to wipe them all out."

That's what he said when Egun asked him. Seeing how confident Luna was, Egun didn't know whether to relax or worry even more.

"Relax, Egun. She's Golden Dawn's manager for a reason. She can't be a total loser." Egun thought to himself to feel a little better.

Still, a group of terrorist magicians... There's nothing more terrifying than a magician who doesn't respect any rules. They were capable of anything.

This particular group was accused of causing massacres in different parts of Europe. Apparently, they had chosen Japan as their next target.

"Don't you think this is strange, Kaichou?"

It was Kaori-senpai who asked the question. Luna fell silent.

"I find nothing unusual, Kaori-senpai. The terrorist group is staying here. We just have to finish them off."

Maki intervened. It was the first time Egun heard her voice since they separated days before at the school gate. It was a voice he had heard so much in the past and felt so familiar with, but now he felt so distant. They were only a few meters apart, but he felt as if they were miles apart.

"Hmph, just watch me cut them with my sword. They won't last ten seconds in front of the Knight King."

Arthur had a sword. Egun didn't know where the fuck he got it, but the truth was he had a sword. People were looking at them strangely, and Egun could swear a middle-aged woman was talking to the police on the phone.

What would happen if the police came? The mission wasn't going to be interrupted by the police, was it? Egun would lose all the little respect he had for this "genius" from Golden Dawn.

"Kaori is right. Something smells bad here. This group is famous for attacking unprotected places to have an easy escape. It's not normal for them to hide in such a conspicuous place. Don't let your guard down."

Oh, it looked like she wasn't that dumb. Even she didn't underestimate an unknown enemy.

The group formed by Egun, Luna, Maki, Sakura, Kaori, and Arthur entered the hotel. Luna approached the receptionist and spoke a few words with her. The receptionist dialed a number, and a middle-aged man in black tie came out. He exchanged a few words with Luna again and left the building with the receptionist. Luna then returned to the group.

"I hate these people. I had already called to evict all the staff, but there was still the idiot manager who wanted to form personal relationships. Idiots, they're idiots."

"What about the rest of the people who are staying at the hotel?"

"There's no one. There is no special event, and the prices of this hotel are very high. The only people who would come to this hotel would be the rich businessmen who stay in the suites, but they've all been booked by the terrorist group."

Luna turned to Egun.

"Egun, this is a good opportunity for you to see how the magicians fight. Pay attention."

Egun nodded seriously. He had participated in a battle of the magical world, but it could not be said to be a battle of magic as neither he nor Zelig had used magic.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, I can't be of any help."

"Yes. Right now, you're useless."

Luna told him straight out. You couldn't say she wasn't sincere.

"But you can watch the magicians fight. Today, just concentrate and watch us fight. Oh, yes. I'll also explain some things about magic and jobs. What I explained last time was the theory, today we will teach you the practice."

Egun made a confused face, but Luna continued.

"You must be wondering why I want to help you. Well, even if you don't join us, I'd like to form a good relationship with you. The influence of a hellish prince is enormous. It would not be bad to be friends with one of them."

"If I am not mistaken, you are the last prince left to wake up. Once they know about your broken seals, the war for succession will begin. Right now, you're at a disadvantage, so you should move quickly before the secret comes out."

Luna began to explain about the current situation of the demons.

"Twenty years ago, there was a civil war in the underworld. The infernal princes, led by Lucifer, faced the Demon Emperor. Lucifer and the other infernal princes sacrificed themselves to finish off the Demon Emperor. That war ended eight years ago, the day you awakened your powers. But you weren't the only one to wake them up. Five kids woke them up at the same time. You are the new generation of infernal princes."

Kaori continued after Luna.

"The demons lost many troops in that war. Both from the Emperor, and the infernal princes. The losses are such that they had to stop their ancestral fight against the angels to recover from the losses."

Egun interrupted.

"The angels could have allied themselves with other organizations. Why didn't they?"

Luna shrugged.

"It wasn't that they couldn't; it was that they couldn't. The angels, commanded by God, and the demons, commanded by the Demon Emperor, are factions that are on the same level as Golden Dawn. While Golden Dawn rules the human world, it has too many enemies from other human organizations that leave their hands tied, and their members are not very united. That would leave angels and demons as the main powers. If the angels finish off the demons, they will become the number one enemy of the magic world. The same thing would happen otherwise. For this reason, angels need demons, and demons need angels."