3. She is changed

In the middle of a large room an elegant lady who looks in her 20's. The lady has soft white skin, sharp eyes, round face and slightly fat body. In the middle of the room the lady sat on soft couch wearing light makeup and light purple Hanfu. If she was in modern times people might find her chubby yet currently she is considered as beauty.

The Lady is Madam Song song. The only wife of General Song and mother of Song Li Na and Song Li Jing.

Madam Song was from a wealthy family. Although only being from wealthy family she had been learned how to behave like a nobel since childhood as well as controlling her emotions.

She married General Song at the age of 14 and gave birth to the twin girls at the age of 15 with difficult delivery.

Currently madam Song just reached the age of 30 while her two daughters are about to turn 15 soon.

A maidservant came in and bowed before her.

"What happened?" the lady asked with frown on her face. Precisely because usually no one comes to disturb her at this time of day.

"Madam' second young miss wants to have a talk with you." the servant girl said respectfully.

"let her in." taking a deep breath the lady schooled her expressions before ordering the servant girl.

Getting Madam Song's permission the servant girl bowed and left immediately. After a few minutes she returned with Song Li Na in tow.

"This young miss greets Madam song."

Song Li  Na gave a 45 degree bow to Madam Song as soon as she entered Madam Song's chamber.

"arise" Madam song commanded her to rise and then continue softly "Xiao LiNa, what happened?"

Madam Song sized up her young daughter. Song Li Na had a slender figure and delicate face. She inherited her mother's eyes and fathers facial feature. But Madam song felt a bit worried about her two daughters who were identical to each other. Her both daughters had slender figure which is a bit of a problem. According to this era girls should be plump and round while her two daughters are no where near to fat.

"mother, that,It's about elder sister." Song Li Na stuttered.

Madam Song frowned and asked  "Xiao Li Jing (Myra)?"

Song Li Na lowered her head and continued with a meek tone.

" yes mother, sister... Sister.. She isn't the same anymore. Since, she is back she is acting strange."

" don't worry Xiao LiNa it is because she is injured." hearing her words madam song relaxed her furrowed brows and consoled her young daughter.

"Does head injury change a person's personality fully? Even the past habits should be remembered by body at least right? But Elder sister doesn't. She seems like a completely different person. Since childhood we've been so close how come, how come it's like this now?" Song Li Na raised her head and looked at madam' Song's eyes.

The two girls were twins and had a unique connection between them. How could she not feel her sister's heart anymore? She felt confused inside. She used to have a unique connection with her sister which was same for Song Li Jing but now she could not feel that connection anymore.

Madam Song also had the same question at the start but after the miracle doctor explained her elder daughters condition she let go of her doubts. All she care was her daughter was alive and happy. It's okay if she forget past and doesn't remember her teachings. She could teach her again.

But hearing her younger daughter's concern madam Song felt a heartache. How can Madam' Song explain to her that her sister is in big shock because of assassination. Song Li Jing is just a teenager it's natural for her to act strange.

"Xiao Li don't worry about your elder sister she will be fine soon. We have to take good care of her from now on. But right now she need some space give her some time to recuperate." Madam Song said gently.

"okay mother, then I will go to market for a look." Song Li Na schooled her expression and nodded.

'I don't want to stay here right now.' that's what she wanted to say but she can only twist her words.

Madam song smile at her and said "Xiao LiNa be careful on your way. Have a good time"

Although Madam Song was raised in strict environment she does not raise her daughters so strictly. She only her her daughters follow the etiquettes when in front of others. When in Song Manner she let them do whatever they wanted.

Song Li Na nodded and left Madam' Song's chamber. She knew that it's useless to say anything now. Song Li Jing was her twin sister, no one knew her sister better that her. But now Song Li Jing doesn't seems like the same person as before.


It was already dark when Song Li Na entered Myra's Chamber. Where Myra was sleeping peaceful.

She hold onto Myra's hands as she said in a low voice holding complicated feelings inside her.

"Elder sister when you will be back to normal? I, I want to talk to you so much. You know today I went to market and almost got crushed by a horse? But a Young Gentleman saved me. I, I still don't know his name but, But I promised to treat him to meal for Saving me. I, I was Really scared today. Did you..... Felt the same way when you got ambush by assassins? Was it too much of Shock? I'm really worried about you." Song Li Na stuttered while speaking. At first she could still hold her emotions but now she couldn't control her tears which were threatening to fall anytime.

Song Li Na hold Myra's hand and talked till a maid servant called her for dinner. After Song Li Na left Myra who was sleeping originally opened her eyes and started at the ceiling.