4.Neglected twin sister of lead

After Song Li Na left, Myra Kept thinking of her words whole night. The names and places Song Li Jing mentioned as well as the past she talked about. all kept hovering in her mind whole night.

At first when Myra arrived in this strange world she thought of various possibilities. Such as, Its a prank? I'm in a reality show.

But which reality show will be able to teleport her from her room to a waterfall?

After staying there for three days Myra came to an conclusion that she have traveled to a another world. After getting attacked by assassin she found this world is not normal. People here can use magic.

But never in her dreams she has ever thought that she has transmigrated to her own novel.

Of course, this possibility only cane after she heard Song Li Na reminiscing.

Like who will believe such thing? There was only one person who knew the details of my unpublished novel... And that person is me!

"Never in my wildest dream I've thought of transmigrating in my own novel. Who the f*** I end up here? Can someone tell me? Please someone...? Oh there's no one!" Myra screamed inside her head.

"Calm down dear you still have hope.." she tried to calm down. But thinking about the names  and her novel characters how can she not relax at all.

' is it possible that those name are just coincidence?'

' but those names I've created on complete imagination! How can it mix up?'

'am I transmigrated in my novel for real or it's another place?'

'one or two similar character could be a coincidence but the whole background... It can't be a coincidence. I refuse to believe it.'

'If I'm trapped in my own novel there must be a solution to get out from here.'

'Wait! according to novel the story still hasn't started yet. It'll start when the female lead got her hairpin ceremony and because of an accident her soul was exchanged with a soul from modern world. Which means, I'm sister of main lead?

Song Li Jing was that twin sister of female lead which only appeared in first and last chapter of her novel. Then doesn't that mean.....

Myra started to remember the content of the. Sadly at the moment she could not remember the whole thing but she still tried to remember the past before female lead arrives.

{ General Song, Song Li Jing and Song Li Na's father was one of the Important court official. Many people tried to curry favor from him but General Song was an honest and kind person.

He often helped common people without demanding for anything in return. Which made him famous within the country even nearby by country praises him for his good deed.

General Song was born in a peasant family and rose to his current status with his own hard work. He had Power, money and heart. He often helped common people during his free time.

He married Madam Song at the age of 17. He had never been in love before. Since his most of time was spend on borders or helping poor people. But he did feel in love with at first sight Madam Song on they day of their marriage.

Even though he was allowed to have concubines General Song who was originally from Peasant family denied keeping any concubine and after finding his love of live and marrying her he was more stubborn against having any other women than his wife.

But Madam Song heart wasn't the same. At first she took her marriage as duty. She wasn't allowed to choose her husband and she has been educated about marriage life since childhood.

When General Song promised her not to have any other wife she just took it as sweet nothings. Which man ever resist having side wife? She could not believe such good thing.

Time goes by, although General Song wanted to spend some sweet time with his 'lovely' wife he had duty to carry after a month of their marriage he went to border to participate in upcoming war.

General Song has lost his family when he was young so there was no one at his home before but now that he was a person with family. He started sending letters every week asking Madam Song if she alright and if she needs anything she could tell him.

General Song has never been in love before and he could only show his concern this way.

Madam Song on the other hand felt slightly moved by him. The first time Madam Song loose control of her emotions was the day she gave birth to the pair of twin sisters.

It was also the day When General Song rushed back home. He was so happy that he left his army to come back slowly and rushed home alone. Who knew as soon as he reached home Madam Song will suddenly scream for maids.

That day many things changed. Madam Song decided to not let her daughters live like her. While General Song became typical over protective dad, who is ready to end his daughters endlessly and kick any guy who even glance at his daughter.

The two sisters were soiled by their father. While their mother taught them etiquettes and become a proper lady their father taught them how to fight and let them have whatever they wanted Madam Song didn't stop her husband to do so. All she wanted was her daughters to be happy and not to be mocked by public. They indeed spoiled their kids. The two twin sisters grew up having a contradictory personality.

While in public they they were gentle. While at home the two often played with swords and other weapons.

And now that girls grew up there are many things gonna happen. }

Myra grabbed her head dispirited.

No no!!! lets wait and see what will happen next. I can't jump to such conclusion. According to date... There is still 10 days for hairpin ceremony of Song Li Na and Song Li Jing.