Wands may have a temperament

Philip and Harry walked into the slightly run-down shop, the first thing they noticed as they walked in was boxes upon boxes all across the walls reaching as high as the roof. Philip assumed that the boxes all contained wands which when you look at it from this perspective, it was truly a huge amount of them.

After a few seconds of them staring around the store, they walked up to the empty counter.

"Hello?" Harry whispered, "Is anyone here?" Philip said in a slightly raised voice.

Shortly after, a man came gliding across a ladder before looking straight towards the two boys.

He smiled before saying, "I wondered when i'd be seeing the two of you"

From that, Philip and Harry could already tell that the man knew of them in some way from before, perhaps he had heard the tales of what transpired that night and was expecting their visit.

The man made his way down from the ladder before making his way over to the counter,

"Hold out your arm. That's it." He measured Harry from shoulder to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and round his head. As he measured, he said, "Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers and the heartstrings of dragons. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand." the man said. He then took Philip's arm and measured him in the exact same way.

"I remember now, it seems like it was only yesterday your mother and father were in here buying their first wands" He said whilst skimming across some of the box fronts. "Ah!" he said, as though he had some form on enlightenment, he took out a box before gently blowing away the accumulated dust and taking off the lid, he made his way back over to the counter.

"Here we are" he said whilst gently taking out the wand and placing it in Harry's hand. Harry readily took the wand but stood there only looking at the man and Philip, "Well give it a wave!" the man said whilst Philip giggled a little and Fen stuck his tongue out.

Harry feeling slightly embarrassed, quickly gave the wand a small waving motion before abruptly knocking a dozen or so boxes off of a shelf behind the counter. His eyes widened when he saw this, whilst Philip just looked on with some interest and amusement. Harry quickly placed the wand back onto the counter, "Apparently not" the man said with a slightly disappointed expression, "If you would be so kind" the man said whilst looking at Philip.

This time, Philip took the wand into his hand before proceeding to give it a slight whirl... strangely enough, there was no reaction for a few seconds, until suddenly more than half a shelf worth of boxes were thrown across the floor leaving wands scattered everywhere.

The mans eyes had already widened in shock as did Harry's and even Fen's from the commotion caused. Philip thought for a second before gently putting the wand back down. "No, no, no! that's definitely not the right one either of you!" the man said whilst making his way to an even higher shelf. He pulled out another box before making his way back down to the counter once more.

"Perhaps.... this" he said whilst handing another wand to Harry. Harry took the wand into his hands once more before giving it another whirl, to which a glass broke into pieces. "No, nope! certainly not for you! What about for the other Potter, I wonder?" he said as Harry gave the wand to Philip.

Philip gave it a whirl.. causing all the lights within the store to abruptly shatter into pieces causing for a very loud ear-piercing sound and glass to fall onto them from above. Luckily all the shards were incredibly small leaving it almost like glitter, hence no one got physically hurt.

"NOPE!" the man said aloud, "Most Certainly not!" he said once more. "No matter" he said as he made his way further into the back area of the store, he picked up a certain wand left lying atop the rest. "I wonder" he whispered, to which both Harry and Philip didn't hear. From deep within the store, they could see the man looking at them briefly before making his way back over to them.

He took the wand out of the casing, before briefly looking at the wand once more then proceeding to hold it out in front of Philip. Philip took the wand into his hands and noticed it was a different shade from the ones he had seen so far, it was much darker and yet seemed quite irregular. He gave the wand a light whirl, this time however, nothing had happened at all.

Seeing this, the man frowned before taking the wand from Philips hands and placing it in front of Harry. Harry looked towards Philip first with a slight frown before taking the wand from the mans hands. After a couple of seconds, you could see a dim yellow aura surround Harry with a slight wind propelling his hair into the air. The man and Philip looked around the building and noticed the slight gust of wind that had seemingly came from nowhere.

"Bravo, yes, yes, how very curious, curious I say." said the man as he looked into the distance and then back towards Harry. "Sorry, but what's curious?" Harry asked the man,

The man fixed his gaze onto Harry, "Well, you see.. I remember every wand I have ever sold, Mr Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather... just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother... why, its brother gave you that scar." The man said whilst looking at the scar on Harry's forehead.

"A-and who owned that wand?" Harry asked curiously.

"We do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter, it's not always clear why. But, I think we can expect great things from you..." The man said as he inched closer.

Harry seemed slightly shocked by this revelation whilst Philip had a deep frown across his forehead. He didn't seem very pleased that Harry resonated with a brother wand of that man, however, since the wand had chosen Harry... there was nothing much he could do.