[The Protagonist (Main Character) will be the narrator in the following chapters…PS: sorry for the confusion.]

"I was the one who send those thugs to harass your little friend…"

That's what he said, I snapped and created a huge tornado and destroyed the entire building. Those words they made me feel so angry, the RAC had gone too far! I mean how could they be so heartless to hurt someone else's feelings, just to conduct a test? After the explosion I was unconscious for an hour, when I woke up I was on a bed and Olivia was sitting on the couch. She was looking at me with an expression of annoyance, she got up came closer to me and *slapping sound* she slapped me right in the face and said "A moron is always a moron, he never changes. What were you thinking? Using your power at an event… you know what, now that you've woken up. Get out of my sight! Don't ever show your face!"

I was shocked by her words, I did nothing wrong that fool deserved to die. But wait a second, Olivia was the one standing right next to me but nothing happened to her.

"Why are you so mad? You were the person who was sitting right next to me but nothing happened to you, I wonder why is that?" I asked.

"You are such a shameless person, after what you were going to do, you ask me a question like that"- Olivia

"What I was going to do?"- Me

"I KO'd you right when you were about to explode. If I hadn't been careful a lot of people would have died."- Olivia

"Well if I didn't do anything how did the building collapse?"- Me

"Unfortunately I wasn't that quick at knocking you, by the time my chop landed on your neck, half the building was destroyed."

I felt really bad after listening that, I apologized to her and all the people who attended that ceremony. Luckily, there were no casualties and that means that guy named Alex was still alive, just imagining his face and his words made me angry.

After all the apologizing and buying get well soon flowers for the injured, I got tired and finally sat on a bench at a park. Soon after a familiar face called out my name, when I turned around to check who it was, the person patted me on my shoulder. When I had a clear look at him, he was none other than the director of RAC, I stood up immediately and bowed to greet him.

"Oh please, there is no need for such polite greetings." He said.

"No a worthless fool like me shouldn't even be in your presence. You talking to me makes me feel real proud, bowing down to a great man like you is the least bit of respect I can give."

"You really are embarrassed about the ceremony incident, huh?"- The Director

"Well what brings you here? I am sure that you have something important on your mind."

"Nah, it's nothing important. I just wanted to say sorry for pushing you so hard just to test your worth."

"I am fine with the RAC testing my worth, but please don't involve the people who are closest to me in this 'test' of yours. After all she was my first friend, what kind of person would I be if I'd do nothing to the person who hurt her."

"Oh yes, that right! I forgot to say this before, you can rejoin your school now. Just make sure that you don't spill any of our secrets… and there's just one more thing, Olivia told me that you live in a really broken house and that you don't have money for your daily requirements. So, I would like you to stay at one of our quarters, they are more luxurious, you have seen Olivia's place right? Your's will be the same."

"Thank you so much for everything. I will move in right away!"

A place as big as Olivia's, seems exciting. Plus, the RAC pays for all my living expenses! Aren't I a rich man now?

The next day, I moved into a house which was really close to Olivia's and by that I mean that her house was just next to mine, she was now a girl next door. It took me only 2 hours to move in and unpacking my stuff, it just shows how poor I was. Anyway, it was going to be my first day at school as a transfer student, so I dressed up, put on some 'expensive' wax on my hair and DEO all over my upper body, ate breakfast and then I realized that I was really late for school! Shit, how could this have happened? I guess I am not used to these things at all, gotta run!

I finally reached school on time, when I entered the class, all of a sudden everyone looked at me, the ones who were talking stopped. I don't know why but I was the centre of attention now, I was feeling really nervous because of their sudden shift of glance but I held my own and sat on a chair, everyone was still looking at me but then the door to the class opened and a familiar figure entered. We both were stunned when we saw each other, we just kept on staring at each other but soon she broke the silence, "You… you piece of crap. You come to school for 2 days, become my best friend, save me from the thugs and then you disappear for a year without saying anything."

Well to be honest I didn't expect for her to call me a 'piece of crap', Lexi sure has changed, hasn't she?

She came rushing towards me and then slapped me in the face, kicked me, punched me and most of all she jumped high and kneed me. I was shocked by her appearance though, she always used to have two pony tails but now she leaves her hair untied. She held me by my collar and she had no intention to stop punching me but the homeroom teacher entered the class, so she had to go back to where she sat. It was the first day of school for everyone, so the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves. After 13 intro's it was finally time for mine, I stood up in style, put both my hand behind my neck and spoke, "I am Chase Stinson, I am a transfer student. Many of you didn't know that I was in this school for just two but Ms. Alexis' actions now you know that I was in this school. I hope that I make friends with everyone here." After saying that I sat down, when I looked around me, all the girls' eyes were sparkling, I could also hear them say, "He is so cool!", "Isn't that transfer student cute?" and "He is so hot!"

Man those comments were like heaven but this happiness was again turned to nervousness when another transfer student stood up and introduced herself, "I am Olivia Matthews and I was also a student of this school but I had to transfer because of personal reasons for a year. Many of you know me and many of you don't. I hope to make friends with everyone." When she sat down she looked at me and I looked at her and then something unexpected happened she smiled, she actually smiled at me but for some reason it creeped me out, it was the first time that she smiled in front of me. God it was cute!

The class soon ended and as expected I was surrounded by a crowd of people and I am proud to say that majority of them were girls. They asked me stuff like "Hey where do you live?" "What's your hobby?" "Do you like to read?" "You've got quite the muscle there, do you work out or are you a martial artist?"

So many good questions but a certain someone had to ruin it, Lexi got near me grabbed my head and smashed it on the desk, everyone present there was shocked. I got up and assured them that I wasn't hurt and then I finally apologized to Lexi the words she said after the apology were "You're buying me lunch for a week, dumbass!"

I was really shocked to see her badmouthing someone. Whatever! After 3 classes it was finally break time. Lexi and I were at the cafeteria eating our food, I finished ate half of mine and saved the half for a really important reason. I had to head go to the class for that reason that's why I left the cafeteria and again apologized to Lexi for bailing on her. When I was on my way to the class I heard girls talking to their friends about a hot and cute transfer student, many of them looked at me, sneaked glances and smiled. I was in real good mood but something had to ruin it, when I was about to step on a stair a boy came down running, lost his balance and collapsed. He was bleeding but he still stood up and was about to run but was surrounded by a group of delinquents. They were beating him badly, everyone around knew that it was brutal but no one came in to save him. When a guy was about to hit him with a rod, I jumped in and threw him away, "You should put this energy of yours into studies and not beating up the weaklings."- Me

"Lecture someone else you asshole! How dare you touch one of your guys?"- The entire group.

I finished the fight in a minute and stood high in style, I lifted up the injured boy and took him to the nurse's office. He regained his consciousness after 15 minutes, I was sitting right beside him. When he woke up he said "Thank… thank you!"

"Oh it's alright, no big deal."

"You are the transfer student aren't you? We are in the same class I sit right in front of you."

What? This guy sits right in front of me and I didn't even notice, God I am a fool.

"Nick… that's my name."

"Nick, huh? So, Nick, from now on you are my 3rd friend. If you need anything don't hesitate, okay?"

"Hump, now that I think about it the 'future class rep' did beat the shit out of you."

"Future class… oh you mean Lexi? Yeah even I was shocked to see her like this, I wonder what happened to her."

"I can tell you what happened, I was in your class last year and I also remember you now. You sure have changed in a year, I mean you are muscular and popular with the girls now. Anyway, back to the topic. So, as I was saying the reason for Alexis to change so much is her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend! When the hell did she? I mean how? Who"

"He is the same as you, muscular, popular and all that. The truth is that he is also very foul-mouthed that's why being in his company changed her. He pampers her a lot and she takes advantage of that by screwing with everyone but no one says anything to her because of her boyfriend."

"Why not? Is everyone that afraid of him?"

"Well, of course they are. He is the strongest guy in the entire school, no actually he is the strongest guy in the entire neighborhood."

"That so? Well now I want to meet him."

I then checked the time, crap the break was almost going to end and I have to go for that important reason, so, I grabbed my lunch box and ran like hell. I opened the door with a bang and entered the class, I was finally relieved when I saw her. She was eating lunch and my clumsy entry caught her attention, she looked at me and continued chewing her food. I got to where she was sitting, pulled a chair, sat right next to her, opened my lunch box and said "I knew you would be eating alone, I am really sorry for being late. Olivia."

"I heard you smacked some thugs on your way here and save a classmate."- Olivia

"So you were listening to the girls talk about me. Are you jealous? Don't be, cause my heart belongs with you."

"Oh please, leave me out of the couple crap."

"Come on don't be like that, you know I like you."

"Fuck off!"

I don't know why but flirting with her makes me feel refreshed.

"Hey did you know that your best friend has a boyfriend."- Olivia

"What you have a boyfriend!? Why didn't you tell me before and here I was getting my hopes high."- Me

"I am serious, dumbass. Actually he is also a childhood friend of mine. So, I told Alexis to bring him to introduce himself, they'll be here any minute now."- Olivia

"Childhood friend, huh? Well now I can't wait to meet him."

Lexi walked in through the class door, "There you are! Meet my boyfriend…"