When Lexi entered through that door, I could feel my curiosity increasing, not because I was about to meet my best friend's boyfriend, it was because I was about to meet the strongest and most popular guy in the neighborhood. When she said "Meet my boyfriend…", I jumped out of my seat to greet him but now I realize that it was the worst mistake I made in my life cause when I got to where she was standing I saw a familiar face, of all the boys in the school why did it had to be him?

"You… you son of a bitch! After what you did to her, how dare you!"- Me

"Hey, do you guys know each other? Why are you acting like that Chase?"- Lexi

"Know each other? Why I am acting like this? So you don't know what this guy did to you?"- Me

I held his collar and smacked him on the ground.

"Should I tell her or will you do the honors? What happened why aren't you fighting back… you really like to test my strength don't you? Alex!"- Me

"Let him go Chase we don't want to create a fuss out of this. If you both fight here, you'll just be like an entertainment show for the entire class."- Olivia

"Entertainment show you say? You guys really are heartless aren't you? You know what fuck what others might think. Get up! On your feet!"

When I said that I didn't expect him to get up, I thought that he'd feel ashamed after all this but no, he is so shameless that he got up and took his fighting stance. I don't know a guy more shameless than him. I let him attack me first, when he punched I dodged, grabbed his hand and banged him on the floor again. The same happened thing happened 20 times, there was not a scratch on him. He stood for the 21st time without any problem and that really pissed me off!

"So, you are not going to get serious that easily are you? Fine by me, Yengkosu element Wind: Dragon Fist bomb."

In this move I gathered wind around my fist and then released the wind when my fist made contact with the target, it would then result into the target getting heavily injured by the Sharp Winds. If I had to use a reference then it would be like when Naruto gathered his chakra around his fist and defeated Toneri with that punch (the scene's from The Last movie). It was same in my case when my punch landed, the explosive winds sent Alex flying, the force of that attack was so much that it destroyed the entire wall behind him. It was all dusty because of the broken wall but when the smoke cleared, I saw him get up and go to where Lexi was, the explosion didn't just sent 'him' flying. The same happened with Olivia and Lexi, he lifted Lexi and took her to the nurse's office and I had to take Olivia to the nurse's office but she was fine and then I received yet another slap from her.

When we both came back to where the scene had happened, we saw a lot of students gathered there. When they saw us they came running in our direction, I thought they would talk to Olivia or Alex so I turned around and was about to leave when someone grabbed my hand, it was a feeling that I had never experienced. A girl was holding my hand! Man I got so nervous, I cannot begin how to explain it, she made the next move too, she got near me and whispered in my ear "Are you hurt?" she said. No one had ever asked me if I was doing fine or not, it was the first time.

"No, why would I be hurt?"- Me

"It's just that I heard you got into a fight with Alex, so I was a little bit worried about you but how are you not hurt even after he banged you into that wall, I mean even the wall broke."- The cute girl

"Heeeh, you thought that I was the one who got beat up by that asshole. I was the one who punched him so hard that even the wall behind him got destroyed."- Me

I was so annoyed that I raised my voice a little, when the other students heard that they were shocked, everyone gathered around me and started to ask questions like "How could that be?", "Is it really true that the new guy crushed 'The Alex'!?" etc. but the question that amazed me most was "How could a normal guy beat up an assassin?"

It was that moment when I realized that shit had hit the fan and it was about to fall. How could they have known about it? Do they know about Olivia too? To confirm what if what I heard was true I turned to the cute girl and asked about it and surprisingly she said yes. Then I asked her about Olivia but no one had an idea that she was an assassin, well good for her. Well it was the first time that someone had asked about my well-being so I asked the cute girl for her number and name. "My name is Misa Hendrickson."- Her

"Misa is a Japanese name isn't it?"- Me

"Well my mom is Japanese and my Dad is English."- Misa

"Oh, so I know that this is sudden but would you like to go out on a date with me?"-Me

"Heeeh! This really is sudden but I'd really like to go out with you."- Misa

I then got to where Alex was standing, "Hey asshole! I'd like to fight you one on one. Now I know that you really care about Lexi, I forgive you. I want to fight to prove that I am the stronger."- Me

The students started commenting again, "Who does he think he is?", "I think this guy has a death wish.", "A normal guy like him cannot defeat an assassin who has a Yengkosu Element!"

What the fuck! They know about the Yengkosu Element too? How much info has this guy revealed? The important question here is that how is the RAC even allowing him to live?

"The King and the UN has revealed many of RAC's secrets. Mine was one of them, I am the second strongest in the RAC that's why my secret was revealed before both you, Olivia and Lexi."- Alex

"Oh so that is why… what? What do mean? Why are you including Lexi with us?"- Me

"So you aren't her best friend after all. She didn't tell you did she? Lexi is also an assassin now and her Yengkosu is 'Iyashino Geijustu: the power to heal'"- Alex

"Well fuck that! I want to fight you, I've decided the date and time. We'll fight after a week, if you are not ready by then, then I'll kill you."- Me

"We could fight now if you want to."- Alex

"Well… actually I kinda have a date, so, we'll fight later."- Me

"The date will not last for a week, are you trying to say that you are afraid of me?"- Alex

"Keep dreaming asshole! As for why I want to fight after 1 week, I am not obliged to answer."

After that burn, the calm Alex lost his cool for the first time and made him look like a fool in front of everyone. We had the rest of the classes in the school garden and finally it was dispersal time. All of us packed our bags and headed for our homes, well except Me cause I was waiting for Misa's basketball practice to end. When her practice ended we both walked home together.

"Hey Chase"


"Are you in love with Olivia Matthews?"

And after that question I spit out the orange juice out of my mouth.

"Where did that come from?"- Me

"It's just that you gus are so close and the way she looked at you and smiled, it… it just made me you know. Ugh I can't say it."

"It made you jealous?"- Me

She blushed and pouted cutely after my question.

"Well you don't have to be, because she is just a friend of mine and she's also my teacher."- Me

"Really? What does she teach you?"- Misa

"Erotic science."- Me


"Come on I am just messing with you or on second thought maybe I am not."- Me

"Ugh you are so mean." She pouted again.

Time went by quickly and we didn't even realize that we had reached her home.

"See you tomorrow then."- Me


And just when I was about to leave she grabbed my hand again, "Hey, please don't bail on our date or I'll be really sad."- Misa

I saw tears in her eyes, her grip on my hands felt warm and her hands were soft and tiny. It this was the first time I had experienced something like this, I was so confused, I didn't know what to do. So, I pulled her close and hugged her. That moment was so epic! I then whispered "You have my number right? If it's about you or us I'll never bail. Do you understand that?"

"Yeah." She said in a soft and feminine voice.

"I'll be leaving then. Take care."- Me

"You too take care."- Misa

So after that I returned to my luxurious house and enjoyed what RAC had to offer. I'll show that son of a bitch who's stronger. I wonder what Misa will think if she comes to know that I am an assassin, well we both have a little bit of time before that happens. Actually I plan to tell her at Sunday night, that is, the night before the fight.