Who Are You...?

Cha Cha.

With a loaded gun in hand and the offender presented in front of her, Miss Guan aimed the weapon at the guard's head, asking imperiously as she pointed at Wuxing, "Tell me, who asked you to kill this guy?"

Feeling the cold barrel of the pistol touching his forehead, the green-eyed guard's body shuddered. When Long Qing came to take him away, he already thought that he will be saved but now he was back in the situation without a way out.

He anxiously recalled the words Long Qing told him just a second ago.

'I already sent the money. If you rat me up, they will die instead.'

Thinking that he already went this far for his family that he definitely couldn't stop anymore, the green-eyed guard decided to stick to his version. "I-I didn't do anything wrong! I was only doing my duty. He didn't want to surrender and I warned him that I will shoot if he doesn't surrender, yet he didn't move. I could only follow the protocol and pull the trigger..."

Miss Guan unlocked the safety lock on the gun and cut him off. "I don't have time for this bullshit. You either tell me or else, I will also pull the trigger just like you did before. Unlike you, I'm strictly following protocol. I gave you a clear warning, and lying to a person of the higher standing is your offence."

She then turned to the leader of the guards. "How many bullets did he shoot?"

"Reporting, he shot five times in total and of those five, at least two were aimed at the prisoner's head." Then, he firmly added, "Miss Guan, the wounded prisoner didn't move the whole time and from what I have seen, his actions couldn't endanger other people. Even if he did try to resist, which in fact he didn't, the prisoner should have been shot at the limbs to incapacitate him."

He could see that Wuxing was someone important from the Chief Warden, based on the officer's reaction earlier. Miss Guan was also an element he took into consideration. No one knew who she was, but her influence in the prison was at the top of the shelf. She was obviously siding with the prisoner…

"Okay, five shots it is, then. If you don't tell me what I want, I will also shoot five bullets into your body. Patients are waiting, don't ask me to wait."

The lady doctor showed them an evil smile as if she was almost impatient to pull the trigger of the gun.

"You can't just kill me! That would make you a murderer! I didn't do anything against the rules. I am a patrol guard here!" the green-eyed man cried out in panic.

"What does the new warden think we should do with him?" Miss Guan was smiling, but her eyes were glaring at Long Qing. Seeing the guard didn't want to talk, she could only use Long Qing to make him talk. She hoped that Long Qing ends up as stupid as she thinks he is.

Unfortunately, he didn't follow her plan and said with a frown, "I think that we should investigate first before we jump into any conclusions. Killing him right now would be unfair to him."

It definitely didn't work well with her plans, so she ignored him. The way he put it made her look bad instead, but Miss Guan didn't mind that. She didn't have to worry about anyone's opinions and could do just what she thought was right.

"So, are you going to tell me who hired you or not?" the cold beauty asked for the third and last time. She didn't have time to play with idiots anymore as she had to take care of Wuxing's wounds.

With Long Qing backing him, the green-eyed guard still decided to stick to his original story in the end. He said as he gritted his teeth. "There is nothing to tell. No one hired me to do anything."

"Too bad, then," Miss Guan sighed and didn't hesitate anymore to pull the trigger.


The pistol fired, sending the bullet straight into the green-eyed guard's brain. From such close proximity, it was impossible for him to survive. The bullet quickly broke through his skull, leaving a gaping hole at the back of his head and spraying brain fragments at the people standing behind him. With the force of the shot, his body was also blown back, dropping onto the ground lifelessly.

The entire mine was silent except for the echoes of the gunshot spreading. No one actually thought that she would really do it, and what's more, those standing close to her could see that her facial expression didn't even change as she killed him.


Just as everyone thought Miss Guan would let go, she pulled the trigger once more, sending another bullet towards the guard's head. It blasted another hole in the guard's head, right where his left eye was.

"Cough, Miss Guan…" the leader of the patrol tried to get her attention, thinking that it was maybe too much to continue shooting the dead man, but his voice didn't reach out to her.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three more gunshot sounds spread around the mine. She replicated the shots that she noticed on Wuxing: one in the shoulder and another two into the stomach.

"Five bullets just as I promised."

The lady doctor admired her good job and returned the gun to the leader of guards with a brief thank you. Then, she turned to the other prisoners who were watching the scene. "This guard is guilty of trying to kill a prisoner. However, don't think that after this situation you can revolt and avoid getting shot. I killed this guard because he lied to his superior. You will get the same treatment as before. If I see anyone trying stuff like this, I will be the first one to kill them."

Hearing her speech, everyone shivered as they knew she would do exactly what she said. They also thought, 'Will she get any punishment for that? She just killed someone in the middle of the day,' but they all knew deep down that she wouldn't get any repercussions from her actions today.

The prison on Badu Island was managed by its own rules as there was no court here. Even if someone died, unless it would deliberately spread in the outside world, no one would learn about it, aside from the Seven Stars Special Forces whose astounding intelligence-collection would somehow always had every kind of news reach their ears.

"Clean up the scene and proceed with the work as normal. I will take care of the Chief Warden later," Miss Guan commanded before she beckoned towards her own guards, "Let's go."

'Who are you…?' Wuxing thought as he stared at the back of black-haired beauty in front of him. He definitely didn't expect the situation to end up like that. The more he looked at her, the more mysterious she got in his eyes.

Just as he thought about it, a smile appeared on Miss Guan's cold face before it disappeared right after. She proceeded to move forward without turning around.


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