Guan Dongmei

Miss Guan checked Wuxing's wounds once again before they boarded the elevator that led them outside the mine. The ride was slow. There were many levels in the Ethernum Mine and the industrial elevator wasn't known for its speed, leaving them to have just enough time for a short chat.

"You probably wonder who I am, right?" she asked with a playful smile, seeing that he had been quietly staring at her for a while now.

"Who wouldn't? You just killed someone without blinking an eye and yet you get no repercussions for that," Wuxing replied with a hint of amazement before asking, "Are you maybe the Chief Warden's daughter?"

"Hah, no, I am not. Don't trouble yourself with that," Miss Guan laughed and denied. "You will never guess my background. It's too big for you to dip your fingers in it. The less you know, the better for you."

Unfortunately, Wuxing was not a person who would easily give up when he wanted to know something. The more she rejected him, the stronger was his desire to know more.

Before Wuxing could ask more questions, he glanced at the burly guards in unfamiliar uniforms. "Can they be trusted?"

He already noticed earlier that they looked different from the other prison guards, not only with the gear and uniforms but also with their bearing. He recognized that they give off a feeling similar to his—specially trained and had worked dangerous missions for many years. They looked calm and collected, always looking around for a possible attack. For their kind, being prepared for every eventuality was like breathing.

Miss Guan glanced at her guards who had been carrying Wuxing this whole time without complaining. She cheekily patted their cheeks. "Them? They are the guards sent by my family to protect me 24/7. You don't have to worry about them. They are trustworthy."

"Well then, if you can tell me, why did you kill him? I don't think you have enough evidence to make a correct judgment in this case," Wuxing asked, recalling the whole situation. She couldn't be one hundred percent sure that the green-eyed guard wanted to kill him only based on his and the patrol leader's testimonies.

The beauty laughed hard. "Now that you mentioned that, did you see the face of that bastard Long Qing? It was all covered in that guard's brain. His face was so ugly, but he didn't say a word."

She couldn't help but happily imagine Long Qing's face from before. She especially ignored him later to annoy him more.

"You didn't answer my question…" Wuxing replied calmly, not following her mood by laughing with her.

"You are no fun… Didn't you tell me that he tried to kill you? That's more than enough evidence for me to act. If he wanted to kill you, then he better be prepared for death too." Miss Guan sighed as she explained her reasoning, but when Wuxing heard it, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"And you believed me just like that? You don't even know me… What if I lied to you?" Wuxing asked curiously, interested by how this woman's brain worked. They just met and she made her decision based on the few vague details he told her.

"Heh, let's say that I can see through people lies pretty easily. If you lied to me back there, I would straight up ignore you and even put the bullet back into your wound so you will suffer more. I hate liars and I was never wrong in spotting one."

Miss Guan snickered as she revealed her talent to him. At the same time, she gently trailed her fingers on Wuxing's wound as if giving him a warning to never lie to her.

"Oh? What if I am just a very good liar? I was trained to lie well, you know," Wuxing asked with a smile. He found it hard to believe her.

"I know you didn't. If you did, I wouldn't be talking to you right now…" Miss Guan said with a certain expression, but seeing Wuxing was looking at her as if she was crazy, she hit him lightly on his injured shoulder before saying, "What? You don't believe me?"

"I am confident in my techniques, I just happened to be speaking the truth earlier. If I did lie, you wouldn't be able to tell." Wuxing nodded, feeling confident, but then he noticed the lady doctor smile.

"Try me, then."

"Hmm?" Wuxing asked intrigued.

Miss Guan looked outside the window of the elevator and quickly counted the time to reach the top and said, "We still have about two minutes to reach the top. You will keep saying facts about yourself until the end and I will tell you which one is true or false. If you manage to trick me, I will shorten your sentence by ten years."

"Deal," Wuxing agreed.

Having someone challenging him like this, he couldn't say no to it. What's more, he wanted to see what methods she would use to keep such a promise. Knowing that she could kill anyone as she wished in this prison, it wouldn't come as a surprise that shortening prison sentences was possible for her.

A conversation was also a nice pain reliever as he was still suffering from the gunshots. He stopped himself from bleeding out while being transported, but he didn't fix any wounds as the lady doctor would find out about it later.

The guards looked at each other with serious expressions, turning up the level of their vigilance. It was the first time they witnessed their miss talk so much with another man, and she even played around with him while laughing. Now, she even proposed a game with him, even though she didn't know him at all. Those signs made them suspicious.

Without wasting time, Wuxing started, "I am an orphan."

His face turned completely expressionless as he stopped giving any signals that could give him away.

"That's the truth," Miss Guan said with a grin as she wrapped her hands under her full chest.

"I have two brothers," Wuxing continued right after.

"False," Miss Guan also replied right away, not even hesitating.

This made Wuxing frown as no one knew that he had three blood-related brothers instead of two that were recorded in his database. No one knew about the third one who died one month after being born due to health problems.

"You still have one minute. I thought you were trained? I saw right through you without any effort," Miss Guan teased him without mercy.

"My favorite color is blue." Her provocation didn't do anything to him as he turned serious once again and started giving out more statements.


"I hate seafood."


"I can disassemble a gun in eight seconds."

"That's the truth, but come on, only eight? Even I can do it in six seconds," the lady doctor added as she mocked him.

Hearing her being correct on every statement, he decided to hit her with something different right before the elevator hit the top, saying, "I am innocent, and I am being framed into murder. I didn't do anything wrong to get into this prison."

Miss Guan was now the one to frown. The door of the elevator opened but she continued to look at his face. She didn't expect him to be innocent. She knew he was from the Seven Stars Special Forces as she heard that from the short-wave radio.

Her interest in him was born from his tough vitality, his body that could survive two gunshots of that sort and his high pain tolerance. Miss Guan didn't care what he was even put into prison for as she wasn't that innocent either. He's not lying was also another factor that she liked about him.

"Miss?" one of her private guards asked in his deep voice.

"... that was also the truth. To think that you are innocent... I will try to do something about it," the lady doctor said in wonder before she assured him, quickly deciding to help him which made him both happy and confused.

Happy because his plan of running away was now much easier and confused because she found out all of his lies, just as she claimed. He didn't think that it was his fault but rather her skills were too good.

"Thank you. If you can help me get a lawyer here to represent me outside, I would be more than grateful," Wuxing thanked her sincerely.

"Sure. I can do this much," Miss Guan agreed before she walked out of the elevator saying, "Anyway, you lost. You owe me one thing. I will tell you later what I want."

"I'm fine with that." Wuxing didn't have a reason not to agree.

The lady doctor walked forward a few steps before she re-tied her hair and suddenly turned around, allowing stray strands of her hair to fly in the wind as she said coolly, "Also, my name is Guan Dongmei. Remember."