
"Damn bitch! She totally did it on purpose!"

Long Qing cursed as he stormed towards his office, rushing to rid himself of the blood and gore that splattered across his face and new uniform. Along the way, whether it be the guards or prisoners, mocking smiles greeted his bloodied appearance. He wished he could strangle each and every one of them.

'But at least she took care of that guard for me. It would be quite problematic to sneakily kill him,' Long Qing thought as he washed his face with cold water. Just as he was about to start calming down, his phone rang. He turned the call down, but his phone rang again. His temper flared.

"Does this idiot not understand I don't want to receive a call right now?" Long Qing pulled out his phone angrily. After finding out that the caller's information was not visible, he couldn't help but be pissed. "Who the fuck is this unknown number?"

He picked it up, venting his anger by crying out, "What?!"

"You dare 'what' me, you little bastard?! Where the hell are you now?" The person on the other side cursed right away, which made Long Qing shiver instead of getting irritated. He recognized the voice, one he knew too well that he could never forget it.

"D-Dad…" Long Qing replied quietly with all his anger gone, immediately replaced with fear.

"Shut up! I told you to not openly meddle in this affair with Li Wuxing, but you had to fucking go and meet with him. Do you think he will not know that it was me who pulled the strings when he saw you? Fuck, why are you not as smart as he is?"

General Long didn't have mercy on his son and berated his stupidity. He carefully planned everything so that his son could continue to slowly build his future, but his son had to ruin it all.

Long Qing choked hearing his father's words, feeling like a puppy in front of a tiger. "I just want to—"

But he was once again interrupted by his father. "I don't care what you wanted! Get your ass out of there right now or you are on your own from now on! I won't help you ever again!"

Long Qing tried to say something in defense, but he couldn't get words out of his mouth so he just mumbled a helpless 'fine' in agreement. He was always scared of his psycho of a father. It should be known that in order to reach the General rank in the Seven Stars Special Forces, one had to do a lot of killings, so it was not a surprise most top ranks were bloodthirsty and crazy, his father being a prime example.

"Don't you understand that if he could be killed, I would have done that already? Did you forget that each Seven Stars member has a chip installed in their bodies that informs the big boss about each death? If he died, the situation would definitely be investigated and I would be caught." General Long calmed down a bit after he vented his initial anger, explaining what should have been obvious to his son.


This made Long Qing speechless as he actually forgot about this issue. In his defense, no one ever talks about it. After he received one when he entered the Seven Stars, he never heard of it again, so it was not surprising he had forgotten it.

"I need to prepare for a mission, so I have to go. You should now understand the situation. Come back by the end of this week!"

General Long was about to drop the call when Long Qing suddenly cried, "Dad, wait! I have some interesting news!"

Long Qing didn't want to end the call with the issue of his uselessness hanging in the air, so he thought of mentioning something else.

"What? Don't waste my time if it's nothing important," General Long said irritated.

"It is, I promise. I met an interesting person in prison today. She is a beautiful young doctor, and she seems to be very important here. Even after she killed a guard, no one said anything," Long Qing said excitedly. Of course, he didn't mention how he was related to the situation or else he would be cursed at again.

"Oh. And? Do you want to bang her? Since when do you need my permission?" General Long's irritation grew as he listened to his son. He wished his son was a bright star just like him a few years ago, but he knew it was impossible.

"Well, I want you to check her for me first. They call her Miss Guan…" Long Qing grinned as he imagined the sexy doctor servicing him in the near future. However, his father suddenly exploded right when he finished saying the name.

"Guan? Did you say, Guan? Do you want to get us killed, you imbecile?! Don't approach her! Listen to me for once! Do not even approach her!" General Long shouted on the top of his lungs, a hint of panic in his voice.

Hearing his father's warning, he was somewhat scared to ask but in the end, he braved himself, asking, "Who is she?"

"You don't need to know. Just listen to me and leave as soon as possible. Don't talk to her. If you piss off one of the members of the Guan Family, you won't even know how you died," General Long advised with his tone grave. "You didn't make that lady angry or anything, right?"

"I…" Long Qing wanted to say he didn't, but then he recalled the incident earlier and couldn't say so with certainty.

"Fuck! You really did? We are so done for… No, it is your trouble. Don't think I will help you if they try to kill you. If they ask about you, I don't know you," General Long cursed before ending the call without giving his son a chance to respond.

"Dad?" Long Qing quickly called back and when the call connected, he sighed in relief. His father was his great backer. To just suddenly lose his support, it would be strange if Long Qing didn't panic.

However, it was the voice of a service provider that answered instead of his father, which made him fall onto the sofa without strength.

"We are sorry. You called the wrong number or the dial is currently not in service. Leave a message after hearing the beep…"

"Who the fuck is she…?" Long Qing asked himself with his face white as paper.


"Guan Dongmei… nice name. Based on your name, you seem to be from the same region as me, but you look much different from the locals there," Wuxing mused as soon as they arrived inside the prison hospital's operating room. After stepping out of the mine, the lady doctor didn't allow him to talk to her on the way as they weren't alone anymore.

Dongmei smiled hearing his question and commanded to her guards first. "You guys can leave us alone for a moment."

"Miss, with all respect, we can't leave you alone with another man in the room," one of the guards said after they exchanged glances, reaching the same conclusion right away.

"Even both of you can't beat me in a fight." Dongmei rolled her eyes and pointed at the frail-looking Wuxing. "Do you think a man who was shot two times can do anything to me?"

"Everyone knows Miss is the strongest," one of the guards coughed, admitting defeat, but still, he tried to point out the problem. "But Miss, that doesn't change the fact—"

Dongmei cut him off, saying coldly, "Bla bla bla, if you don't get out right now, I will chop off your friends down there. Stay behind the doors and wait for me."


The guards' faces paled knowing that she could do so if she wished and she wouldn't even be punished for it. Under her stern glare, they hurriedly left the room.

She waited for them to close the doors before she suddenly turned around and took off the temporary dressing on Wuxing's shoulder wound.

"Okay, tell me, what did you do? Do you think that I won't notice that your wounds are not even bleeding at all? You have only shot tens of minutes ago but the blood has randomly stopped flowing. Look, no blood." Dongmei looked interestedly at Wuxing's face before adding, "Remember, I will know when you lie."