Playful Fighting

"Why should I tell you my secrets? I have nothing to gain," Wuxing said with a frown, internally sighing at how he was busted so soon. He never imagined her eyes would be this sharp, seeing right through him from the very start. In the end, he was also partially to blame. He didn't want to bleed out, so he might have overused his new ability a bit.

Dongmei traced her finger gently on his torso, trailing up slowly to his lips. She lowered her head and whispered seductively.

"Well, it is your choice, I won't force you. But I can make your life here very pleasurable—"

She then held his chin and continued talking with an evil grin.

"—and also very miserable if I want to."

Wuxing sighed, not sure if he should be happy or not meeting this demoness. 'Well, even if I tell her part of the truth, Li Wuxing will disappear forever after I leave this place.'


Just as Wuxing started to talk, he was interrupted by the nondescript metal watch on Dongmei's wrist. It suddenly beeped twice, before shifting its parts as if transforming into something.

"Damn, not now…" Dongmei cursed at the sight. She quickly put back the bandage she pulled away from Wuxing's wound earlier and then proceeded to methodically fix her doctor's coat properly, buttoned up, as well as tie up her hair in a sleek ponytail.

"Behave like you are in pain!" she ordered just as the watch finally transformed into something Wuxing had never seen. It looked like a metal spider the size of a palm with few cameras attached to it instead of having eyes.

Just then, a mature female voice came out of the spider.

"Dongmei~ Sweetheart, how are you doing?"

A small hologram of a lady appeared out on top of it. The image was so lifelike, it looked like a tangible miniature human. If it were not for the size, one wouldn't notice the difference between a real human and the hologram.

Wuxing knew that the tech industry was at its golden age right now, with many new technologies coming out thanks to the discovery of Ethernum, but he didn't expect to see such an advanced projector.

"Mom! I'm working right now!"

Dongmei showed herself to the camera, pouting cutely in the complaint. There was even a trace of pink showing up on her cheeks.

"Hehe, I know, I know. My great daughter is a doctor now. But you have to leave some time for your mommy too, right? I miss my baby every day," Dongmei's mom giggled, her voice filled with warmth. She looked like an older version of Dongmei, which made Wuxing understand from who she inherited all of her good genes.

"Mom, I'm with a patient right now! I need to operate on him soon." Dongmei rolled her eyes, acting as if she was extremely embarrassed. It was interesting for Wuxing to see her like that, but he knew she was just pretending.

"Oh! Where is he?" Dongmei's mother exclaimed and she operated the cameras remotely to find Wuxing. Seeing that, Dongmei quickly punched his ribs, making him cry out in pain.

"What a poor man! Don't worry, my daughter will help you," the miniature figure exclaimed upon seeing Wuxing curled up in pain and understood the seriousness of the situation. "Okay, sweetie, then I won't trouble you anymore. You can continue with your work."

Dongmei smiled with relief behind her mother's back and said, "Goodbye!" before reaching out for the call end button.

However, before she could, her mother turned to her. "Wait, I almost forgot! Your and your father's birthday is in three months. You must come back home to the party. It's your twenty-fifth birthday, after all. Maybe, you will be able to finally meet a fine man for yourself—"

"I will try to fit it into my schedule."

To stop her nagging, Dongmei gave a half-hearted answer just to get rid of her quickly, but her mother cut her off, crying out, "No! Promise me you will come! You were absent last year. You have to come this year!"

Seeing her mom's angry face, Dongmei had no choice but to agree unwillingly. "Tsk, fine… I will come."

"Okay~ Love you!"

Satisfied with Dongmei's agreement, her mom returned to being all sweet and lovable before parting on her own. The mechanical spider turned back into a wristwatch and the room turned silent.

"Now, I understand from where did you inherit your character," Wuxing commented.

"You!" Dongmei glared angrily at him, with all the cuteness from before gone. "Do you want to die?"

"Hah, you can call me Wuxing, not 'you'," he laughed, introducing himself. If she were to be his ally, it was only proper for her to know his name.

"Wuxing, let me tell you one thing." Dongmei reached out and threatened him while squeezing his cheek. "If you even breathe one word about what just happened to anyone, I will kill you. You hear me?"

Wuxing didn't say anything. Instead, he smiled, lifting himself up abruptly while grabbing her hand at the same time. Even with the gunshot wound on his left shoulder, he was able to exert just enough strength with his right arm to pull her into a tight hold.

With the momentum of the pull, her soft body fell onto his chest and he quickly finished his attack by blocking her other hand, holding it against her chest. It wasn't a peak performance move, but he still managed to lock her in place.

"You think you can kill me this easily?" Wuxing asked, whispering into her ear and teasing how easily she got herself played.

"Are my breasts soft to touch? Do you want to touch them bare?" Dongmei asked softly without any anger in her voice. Suddenly, she squirmed, seemingly trying to get out of his hold but her moving around caused her ample chest to rub against him.

At the same time, when she found that Wuxing's attention was on her round and soft breasts, she discreetly clicked one button on her watch and a small needle slid out. She silently pushed it against Wuxing hand, aiming at his nerve.

With the toxin smeared on it, there was no way Wuxing wouldn't be paralyzed for a second or two, and she used that brief moment to escape. She raised her leg and pushed her feet against the operation table, launching herself into the air. One of her fair hands used Wuxing's head for support to land right behind him.

"Do you think you could've caught me if I didn't let you?" she asked in the same fashion he did. As she taunted him, she lifted a knife up to his throat, a weapon she pulled from a hidden pocket under her dress.

"Okay, you can let go of me. I was just testing you." Wuxing managed to reach out in the last moment to grab her hand, stopping her from pressing the knife against his throat, but with his current weakened state, she could still kill him with one movement if she wanted. "When I recover, we can fight seriously if you want to."

However, Dongmei ignored his offer and did not withdraw her knife. "Tell me. What is your secret?"

Wuxing sighed. "Fine… I have the ability that allows me to heal my wounds faster than normal. Happy?"

He didn't mention anything about the shapeshifting part of his power as that's not what she asked for.

"Oh, you actually didn't lie. I'm liking you more and more," Dongmei smiled, impressed by the fact that this man had never lied to her since the very beginning, and continued to ask, "How does it work?"

"I am not telling you with a knife on my throat," Wuxing declined right away. He already allowed her too much freedom. "You should first pull it away. Only then can we talk."

Dongmei begrudgingly let him go. "Fine, can you tell me now?"

Knock, knock!

Without waiting for her response, the door opened after that quick double knock and a bunch of people entered the room. They were stunned senseless—what they saw wasn't what they expected inside an operating room.

An injured prisoner was naked from his waist up while the pretty lady doctor was sitting behind him, which from their perspective looked like she was… being intimate with him.

"Miss Guan…"

The Chief Warden came here to scold her, but seeing the situation, he didn't know what to say.


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