
"Oh, Chief Warden, perfect," Dongmei lightly greeted the older officer and did a few more casual rubs on Wuxing's shoulder before finally standing up, acting as if their prior position was natural and that doing such massages for her patients was completely normal. "I was just ending the healing massage and thought of finding you. Glad you came instead."

Her private guards who saw that scene from behind the Chief Warden looked at each other and mentally promised to never leave their miss alone with another man ever again. As her long-time escorts, they knew that she was lying—she never did healing massages like that on any of her previous patients.

"Miss Guan, I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I have something I wish to ask you."

Chief Warden came to scold her but he still had to be polite with her. He couldn't allow himself to anger her, even if just by accident.

"I know what you are going to ask. I killed that guard because he is guilty of trying to kill the gentleman here. We don't need such guards here, right?" Dongmei beat him by explaining her actions before he could even ask. She turned towards Wuxing to highlight her point, patting his head in the process.

Wuxing brushed Dongmei's hand away from his head, but his attention was on the newly-arrived man. "Chief Warden, I thought you promised me that no one will bother me here? How come I almost got killed by your guard? Never heard of warning shots being shot at the prisoner's head. If I didn't dodge those two bullets, I would be dead already."

"Well, that's what I came here for. To apologize for this incident." The Chief Warden sighed in his mind—the scolding he prepared for this incident instead turned into a blaming session against him. "The guard highly likely got paid to do so by someone else, but now that he is dead, we can't get any concrete information on who is behind this."

"Well, isn't it obvious who did it?" Dongmei asked, showing full support for Wuxing.

"Even if it is, it's complicated," the Chief Warden could not help but explain his dilemmas. "We will have many troubles if we were to lock the suspect down, and the same if Prisoner 42960 were to die. We don't have foolproof evidence and Seven Stars will definitely investigate and find a loophole later on. On one hand, I already issued the notice that the suspect will lose his status as a new warden. I don't need to provide a reason to keep anyone in my prison."

Wuxing was not bothered by Long Qing's presence. Either way, he already had a plan to get rid of him. "It's okay, I understand. Can I at least hope for my previous request to be accepted?"

"That's right. Wuxing is innocent and I believe him. Why is he even here?" Dongmei interrupted them again, questioning the poor Chief Warden.

"Miss Guan, prisoners are just sent here, I couldn't do anything beyond my jurisdiction." After a while, the Chief Warden gave up under Dongmei's silent pressure. "I will try to contact the lawyer outside to represent Mr. Li."

"Good," Dongmei nodded. "Also, I want to move him to my apartment. I need to take care of his wounds in peace as he needs to properly recuperate."

Her command left no room for questions, giving a vibe as if she was in fact the real chief warden within the room.

Hearing her request, the Chief Warden had to disagree. "Miss Guan, isn't it inappropriate? His status is still that of a prisoner's. We can't leave him with you without any protection."

Her private guards also nodded their heads, agreeing with Chief Warden's decision.

"Didn't we already agree on the fact that he is innocent? He will go free very soon anyway." Dongmei stubbornly held a different opinion and asked while rubbing Wuxing's cheeks, "Look at how weak he is. How can you even think that he can hurt me?"

Wuxing was actually caught off guard, conflicted if he should stop her or push her away, but then he decided to simply let her be. She was fighting for him, after all.

"Miss, don't create problems for me… This will definitely start rumours…" the Chief Warden pleaded, fearing for the negative consequences of allowing that request, while at the same time wondering what magic Wuxing used on the cold lady doctor to make her act so friendly towards him, enough to fight for him like this.

Unfortunately, she wasn't having any of it. She cut the Chief Warden off, ending the discussion with the words, "I don't care about rumours. Just tell everyone he is recuperating after the gunshots. I already decided."

She gestured at her two guards. "You two, take him to my apartment. No more questions."

The Chief Warden was left speechless as he watched her leave with Wuxing, but there was nothing he could do with her behaving like that. Her terrifying background ensured that he couldn't push her around too much.

* * *

'I guess the pain was worth it. Now, it doesn't even feel like I'm being held in prison.'

Wuxing comfortably sat down on the sweet-smelling bed and looked around the lady doctor's apartment, reflecting on his current situation in amazement. He never expected for there to be such a luxurious penthouse apartment at the top of the hospital building.

The apartment looked brand new, tastefully furnished with careful attention to details. It was extremely wide and open, every room connected to each other with the living room, kitchen and bedroom being packed into one space. This arrangement might be due to the fact that only one person lived here and Dongmei liked to have everything easily accessible around her.

If one were to enter the apartment, that person would see greeted with a cosy living room area consisted of a stylish L-shaped sofa, a flat screen smart TV and a leather armchair for book reading. The modern kitchen was to the left and the bedroom with a king-sized bed—the very bed Wuxing was currently sitting on—was to the right. There was also a huge balcony with the view of the entire Ethernum mine behind the wide wall around it.

"Do you like it?" Dongmei asked after she closed the doors behind her, successfully kicking her guards out. "This was specially prepared for me."

"Who wouldn't?" Wuxing found that question ridiculous. He looked at the black-haired beauty and asked seriously, "Tell me, why are you doing this? You have only known me for less than an hour."

"Do I need a reason?" Dongmei countered his question with a question of her own. Slowly, she walked towards him, dropping the doctor's coat on the ground after several steps, leaving her in her sexy one-piece dress for him to appreciate.

"I just find you interesting. No ulterior motive," she said, stopping to stand in front of him an arm's reach away. Seductively, she brushed his lips with her fingertip before she smiled and laid down next to him on the bed. She placed her legs on his laps, asking, "Can you help me take these shoes off?"

"Huh, so I am your servant now?" Wuxing smiled back, finding it funny. If he were her, he definitely wouldn't behave so casually around a stranger, especially if that person was him. He wanted to know from where she found the blind trust that he won't do anything to her.

"Of course. As long as you want to stay here, you are mine," Dongmei grinned in agreement, the very epitome of having no worries.

Wuxing couldn't be bothered to argue and decided to bear with it. He would be gone in less than a week, anyway. "Fine, fair enough."

As he gently held onto her ankles, he noticed how smooth her skin was to touch. Earlier, he didn't get to admire her beauty, but now, with her putting her body right in front of him in such a way, he couldn't help but praise her figure silently. Her legs were slender and well-shaped, with toned muscles hidden underneath her silken skin.

She was wearing white docksides with a flat base and white straps leading from the sides which wrapped around each leg. They definitely weren't shoes meant for a trip to the mine, but she didn't seem to care. After untying all straps, he slowly took them off, showing a full set of tender toes. He noticed that she didn't wear any nail polish on them, looking all clean and natural.

"Do you like my feet?" Dongmei teased, feeling him handling them so gently. Watching him react like that made her more assured that she made the right decision.

"I do." Wuxing nodded, not ashamed at all, and placed them to the side as his job was done.

Dongmei found his action funny and proposed as she rubbed his chest with her feet, "How about you massage them for me?" Many would pay fortunes to have such opportunities, which he didn't take at all. It made her intrigued about him even more.

To her surprise, he placed her legs back onto the bed and asked with a smile, "Miss, don't you have work to do?"

"Tsk… You are no fun at all. I am going to take a shower first then." Dongmei sneered, unhappy that he didn't play by her rules and stood up, walking towards the glass door of the bathroom.

Just before she entered, Dongmei lowered her dress a bit, showing her bare shoulders and asked while giving him an alluring glance, "How about you join me?"