New Invention

"I knew you would ask. You are right. I have never invited anyone here, and you are the first one. Also, you are not a prisoner as you are innocent. Don't compare yourself with them," Dongmei grinned as she skimmed with her fingers over his abs. "Let's say that I'm attracted to honest people. So far, you have never said a single lie to me, and you didn't even think of doing anything perverted to me."

She winked at him and corrected herself while looking into his eyes, "Well, so far until now, but I can forgive you for that…"

Dongmei walked away towards the edge of the bath and sat on it. "We are both adults. It just happens that I'm pretty shameless, so I can stay like this in front of you without worry. You can treat all of it as a test. Even if I have plans, you are still not qualified to hear them…Are you satisfied with my answer?"

"Well, no," Wuxing shrugged, shaking his head, and asked, "but will you tell me anything else?"

"Nope," she declined right away with a smile. She continued to stare at him with interest. "You know, when one can see through everyone's lies with ease, it's quite a rarity to meet someone who is fully honest like you."

"I wonder, how are you doing that?" Wuxing asked curiously. He was quite confident in his lying skills but she didn't even hesitate while telling them apart from the truth.

Dongmei turned the water tap off seeing the jacuzzi was full. Afterward, she once again approached him, this time tiptoeing to reach his ear. "It's a secret… but if you pass all of my tests, maybe I will tell you."

With a sweet smile, she pulled away, turned around and flipped her hair to the front, asking, "Can you unhook my bra for me?"

Wuxing nodded, wondering how far she would actually go. "Sure."

To his surprise, she didn't do anything lewd, covering her breasts with an arm as she took the bra off with her other hand. "Thanks, you are free to go. Go shower now and remember, no peeking. I will know if you did."


Wuxing was left speechless, thinking to himself, 'Did I actually expect something to happen?'

Seeing his moment of confusion, Dongmei laughed cheekily. "What? Are you waiting to join me in my bath? Didn't you say we can't as we aren't yet familiar with each other? Or, maybe, you want to see my chest? If you ask me nicely, then maybe I can show them to you—"

"I'm going." Wuxing didn't let her finish and instead turned around, walking towards the shower. It was a classic open shower placed in the corner without any glass doors and shower handle. The water was falling from the ceiling, its temperature and intensity controlled by a few buttons on the wall.


Before he even started his shower, he heard a splash of water as if Dongmei jumped into the hot bath. He didn't turn around knowing that she created such noise to bait him.

Placing his towel on the sink, he took off his pants and entered the shower. Setting the desired mode on the wall, hot water gently fell on him, warming up his body in a matter of seconds. Compared to the morning routine shower inside his cell, this one was simply a luxury.

Only after cleaning his body from the dirt and dust from the mine did he finally turn around to look at the reflection of the mirrors. Even if she said not to peek, Wuxing didn't even plan to follow her rules. He already told her earlier that he will watch if he is able.

On the parts of the mirror not covered in steam, he could see her submerged in the water up to her neck, her alluring body completely hidden from his view. Her head was placed on the special cushion in the corner, seemingly enjoying the hydromassages from the jacuzzi with her eyes closed. Her black hair was tied on a topknot so she wouldn't have to dry them later.

Realizing that he had no chance of seeing more, Wuxing refocused on himself. He used Dongmei's sweet-smelling body wash before letting the waterfall on him again.

He already had plans for his wounds, slowly mending them back to their original state in order to not alarm others, but aside from super healing, he wanted to find other ways to use his wonderous ability. Skimming his hands over his abdominal muscles, he suddenly got an idea. Would it be possible to actually strengthen his body to the point that he would be able to stop a knife or even a bullet from penetrating his muscles?

'If my muscles can achieve the hardness of steel, it will be certainly possible, but can it be done?' Wuxing actually started to test right then and there, thinking it shouldn't be that difficult, but he turned out to be wrong.

After he tried a few times, he, unfortunately, found it quite an impossible feat. He could increase the quantity of muscle tissue, but he couldn't make them denser. A better alternative, then, was to stop the incoming bullet by increasing the percentage of fat but obviously, he wouldn't do that.

'Wait a second, how about the bones?'

If he could modify his muscles, then covering his skin with bones shouldn't be impossible, right? Bones were harder and denser compared to muscle tissues, which would give him the protection he wanted.

After having such a realization, he couldn't get the idea out of his mind. He just had to try it.

Focusing on his forearm, he mentally ordered for his hand to be covered with bones, and suddenly, he felt his forearm stiffening. His two bones in the arm started connecting to each other, before breaking through the other tissues until it broke past a layer of skin. In a few seconds, his forearm suddenly turned pale white, but at the same time, the bone cover made it hard for him to move.


Wuxing couldn't help but exclaim quietly in amazement. He was expecting another failure but his experiment actually ended up with a success on the first try. Knocking on his forearm with his free hand, he found it rock solid.

The only drawbacks were its increased weight and stiffness. He didn't have any mobility in the forearm which already excluded his plan of covering his whole body with bones. He wouldn't be able to run or even move in such a case.

'In that case, this solution can only be used temporarily. It feels like having a cast on my forearm. I will have to test the durability later. Having such protection in extreme situations should turn out useful,' Wuxing thought, playing around with his new innovation.

Suddenly, Dongmei shouted from the bath. "Wuxing! Can you bring me my shampoo? I have left it in the shower."

"Okay, wait a moment," Wuxing called out, but in his mind, he was shouting, 'Revert, revert!' Fortunately, his ability worked quite fast and his arm returned to normal after a few seconds.