Prove it (*)

"What took you so long? You can't be shy now, are you? It's not like I haven't seen your chest before," Dongmei asked suspiciously after waiting for almost half a minute for him to get out. She even looked at the area around his crotch, which was covered by a towel wrapped around his waist, to check for traces of Wuxing doing anything indecent a moment ago.

"I was busy with something and it's not what you think it is," Wuxing vaguely answered, avoiding her question. He wanted to lie and say that his head had been covered in shampoo and he had to rinse it off, but he knew she would see through his lie right away so he didn't bother.

Before stepping out of the shower, not only did he wait for his forearm to revert to its previous state, but he also decided to double-check if everything else was alright. It was too big of a secret to tell anyone. If his abilities were to be leaked out to the public, he would definitely be captured and used as a lab rat. Even his mentioning of his 'faster regeneration' ability to Dongmei already brought him unnecessary risks.

Dongmei reached out with one hand for the bottle of shampoo while the other covered her breasts, and asked, "What were you busy with, then?"

"What else would I do in the shower? Do you think I would do such an inappropriate thing right beside you?" Wuxing rolled his eyes. "I was just cleaning myself properly."

"Prove it to me," Dongmei suddenly demanded.

"How?" Wuxing asked, feeling she was once again acting unreasonably.

"Take off your towel and show me," Dongmei said as if she was stating the obvious.

"Fine," he agreed, but then he decided to use the same method she was using on him in order to cut off her nonsense, "but you have to show me your body first. Would it not be unfair that you get to peek, but I couldn't?"

Who would have thought that she would only glare at him for proposing such a deal but still comply with his request, saying a begrudging "Fine" before revealing her breasts by lowering her hand? It was only for a brief moment as she covered them once again immediately, but Wuxing could still recall the wonderful sight with his almost photographic memory.

"Now, it is your turn…" Dongmei said with her cheeks slightly flushed. To be seen in her underwear was acceptable for her as it was like going to the beach in a bikini, but showing herself naked was another story.

On the other hand, Wuxing was enjoying the image he seemingly branded in his mind. He had the habit of only remembering certain traits of a person instead of his or her whole appearance, and he definitely classified this image as one of them. He realized that the view of her chest that was lightly covered by her arm wasn't as appetizing as the one that fell freely and jiggled as she moved.

Her perfectly round nipples, which were neither overly big nor small, matched flawlessly with the size of her breasts. He had the urge to rub and knead them on the spot—he'd be lying if he said he didn't think of testing their softness and tenderness at that moment.

Wuxing was, after all, a straight man. Even if he was overly cautious in nature, he still had desires that had to be fulfilled. Having a lot of achievements in the Seven Stars Special Forces made him popular with women, and he sometimes opted for private moments of relaxation with them before going on his missions.

"What, do you like them so much that you can't speak now?" Dongmei teased, watching him deep in thought.

Wuxing looked at Dongmei's pretty face. "They are indeed up to my liking… Listen, I'm a straight male. Do you know that teasing me like this while we're alone here won't bring any other results than me wanting more?"

"Why did you ask for it, then?" Dongmei glared at him. "You are not getting more."

"I didn't think you would actually do it," Wuxing admitted with a shrug. He expected that she would argue with him rather than give in to his proposal of equal exchange.

"Huh, I would never back out from a challenge." Dongmei snickered. "How about you? Are you going to back out?"

Being challenged like that, Wuxing could only untie his towel and show her what she wanted to see. "Here. I won't be a man if I reject such a request from a beauty."

At the sight of his crotch, she blushed heavily right away and commented quietly, "It's big… but why isn't it standing up?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Wuxing asked as he covered himself. "I lost a lot of blood today. I barely have enough blood for normal bodily functions. I will pass out if it did stand up. Aren't you supposed to know this since you're a doctor?"

"Of course, I know that! I just thought you're going to have a little bit of reaction anyway," Dongmei cried out to hide her embarrassment, before adding, "Besides, I can't treat you as a normal patient. There's probably no other person like you in this world whose wounds heal this fast. Do you know what will happen if someone learns about your ability?"

"I know." Wuxing smiled before turning around to get the blow dryer hung near the small sink on the other side of the bath. "I hope you can keep it a secret."

'Of course, I will. We are the same, after all…' Dongmei couldn't help but think as she stared at his back. Then, she lowered her head and started to quietly clean her body.

There was a mirror above the sink and Wuxing didn't hold himself back from sneaking a peek at her. If he didn't already have his plans, he was sure he wouldn't be merely satisfied appreciating her from afar. Even though he liked General Crimson Devil and he would continue to chase after his seemingly unachievable dream of having her, it wouldn't stop him from looking at other women.

After drying his hair and glancing at Dongmei for the last time, Wuxing decided to wait outside, leaving only the words, "You should finish your bath. I will be outside."

He didn't wait for her opinion and closed the doors behind him. Afterward, he lay on her bed, too lazy to change out of his towel. A lot had happened in such a short amount of time and his brain was calling out for a break.

Just as he calmed down and started relaxing a little, he heard a familiar voice in his mind cursing, 'Fuck, what the hell are you doing?!'

'What am I doing?' Wuxing was surprised that he was hearing from the devil-masked man on his own accord. He clearly said not to contact him before Wuxing could leave the prison.

'Yes! What are you doing?! I came to check out your situation and I saw you talking to a naked beauty inside a bath. Why didn't you fool around with her? That's an opportunity wasted!' Devil Face cried out, berating him for losing such a chance.

'Well, I just met her today. Do you expect me to force myself on her? That's not how things work,' Wuxing explained calmly, feeling that Devil Face was being unreasonable.

'Not forcing her, but you could have at least pushed her a little further. She even showed you her chest and asked to see your friend down there! Isn't that an obvious signal?' Devil Face still couldn't understand Wuxing's decisions.

Wuxing sighed. 'Go through my memories and you will understand the sequence of events.' He wasn't in the mood to explain what Devil Face had just seen.

Knock, knock!

Wuxing rolled his eyes at the timing. He couldn't even have a moment of break. Knowing that Dongmei was still bathing, he decided to just open the front doors himself.