Mysterious Guan Family

Wuxing fixed the towel wrapped around his waist before opening the door. As expected, he was greeted by the sight of Dongmei's two guards who were standing there with a bunch of clothes in their hands.

Seeing him half-naked, the two guards blinked a few times as though they couldn't believe their eyes. Their gazes flickered back and forth between his face and the towel, then to the spot behind him to check if their miss was there.

"Dongmei is bathing right now," Wuxing explained. His gaze shifted to the clothes in their hands and he asked, "Are those for me?"

He noticed their expressions change when they heard him addressing their miss casually. It was Dongmei who told him to call her by her first name, so he didn't see any problem with it.

Unfortunately, he underestimated how big of a shock his words were to the guards. Their minds started working overtime, imagining what transpired between him and their miss.

'Did Miss actually fool around with this guy? For him to act so casual and calm while Miss is bathing...'

Both guards shared the same line of thought. They must investigate further!

One of the guards coughed to break the awkwardness. He handed a shirt and pair of shorts to him, before saying, "Yes, Miss asked us to bring some clothes for you. These are all we could find as there are no shops to buy new clothes for you on the island."

"Thanks." Wuxing gratefully accepted them and sensing that the guards wanted to ask him something, he calmly added, "Anything else?"

The guards regarded him cautiously. They were hesitant as they would get scolded if their miss learned about this conversation, but their need for answers was greater than their fear. One of them opened his mouth and asked, "Do you and Miss plan to do anything… you know...?"

Instead of replying, Wuxing countered him with a question of his own. "Will you be reporting everything that happens here to her family?"

Since he couldn't get anything out of Dongmei, he didn't hesitate to test if the guards would spill the beans for him.

"We don't report every single thing since Miss will torture us once she finds out, but if it's important news such as Miss being with a man, then it leaves us no choice," one the guards said truthfully, hoping Wuxing would give them an honest answer in return.

After seeing the guards' attitude, Wuxing decided to take a safer route. He knew that a wrong answer would undoubtedly bring him trouble, and his escape plan might get interrupted because of Dongmei's parents' intervention. He couldn't afford that—he wanted it to be as smooth sailing as possible.

"Well then, you don't have to worry," Wuxing said reassuringly. "We didn't do anything. I just had a shower, and she entered the bathroom only when I was done. I believe she has some work to do afterward."

"It would be best if it stays like this," one of the guards said, nodding in approval. "Once rumors of this leak out, even if Mister is innocent, I don't think the Miss' parents will let Mister go… so, let's not make problems for each other."

"Sure," he agreed. After a bit, he probingly asked, "but to be honest, I've never heard of a famous Guan Family. Can you guys tell me anything about them?"

Seeing that they didn't want to reply, Wuxing shrugged and started closing the doors on them. "On one hand, I find Dongmei quite beautiful. Maybe, I should get her to fall for me. It's quite easy as I think she already likes me—"

"Wait!" one of the guards exclaimed, frantically stopping the closing doors with his foot. "Mister needs to understand that we are forbidden to speak of it… It's better if Mister doesn't meddle in the Guan Family affairs as it won't be a problem for them to erase one's existence. Take the guard who Miss killed today as an example. His entire family will probably disappear as well. Those who are killed by the members of the Guan Family will have their families buried together with them."

Just then, Dongmei's voice reached them, coming from the direction of the bathroom. "Wuxing, who are you talking to?"

The sound of running water had stopped, so Wuxing figured she must have finished bathing already.

Upon hearing their miss' voice, the guard who handed him his clothes looked at Wuxing warily before pulling his foot away.

"Mister Li, I suggest thinking about your future actions carefully. We don't want a scandal." His words sounded more like a threat than advice.

Just as the doors finally closed, Wuxing heard Dongmei coming up from behind him.

"What happened?" Dongmei asked, leaving the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her chest. Seeing Wuxing holding a pile of clothes, she quickly realized what happened and commented, "Oh, they brought you clothes. I asked them earlier after I went for the waterproof bandages."

"Yup, that's exactly what happened. Are you going out now?" Wuxing asked, looking at her curiously. The guard's threat didn't affect him too much. If anything, it only made him want to know more about her.

Dongmei nodded and answered while wiping drops of water from her forehead, "Yes, there are other patients too besides you, you know. This prison is huge, after all. Many injuries happen every day. I can't only take care of you."

She entered one of the side rooms connected to the bedroom, which happened to be a wardrobe filled with all types of clothing. When she stepped out moments later, she was only clad in white underwear, two dresses held in her hands.

"Which one looks better on me?" Dongmei asked as she showed him both dresses, holding each one against her body, looking unsure what to pick.

"I prefer you just like this," Wuxing answered teasingly, giving her almost naked body a once-over. "But since you are going outside, take the light one with a flower design. It's quite hot today, and you will still have to wear a medical cloak over it too."

"Huh, okay. I will take this one." Dongmei giggled playfully, knowing that Wuxing meant what he said about preferring her in her underwear. She picked the one he chose and put it on right away. Then, she redid her makeup, applying a new coating of lipstick since the color got washed off in the bath.

"I will be away for a few hours," she informed him. As she was about to leave, Dongmei pointed towards the kitchen and reminded him, "If you are hungry, you can make something for yourself. There's food in the fridge. After you eat, you should rest. You can sleep in my bed, I don't mind."

She acted like a loving wife who was leaving for work and telling him what he should do until she came back.

"Wait," Wuxing said softly, dropping the clothes he was holding onto the bed and approached her. She was already wearing her medical cloak, but as usual, she didn't button it up, allowing others to see her body without any restraints.

Dongmei didn't shy away despite seeing that his hands were reaching towards her chest. However, her face looked vigilant as she asked, "What are you doing?"

Contrary to her assumptions, Wuxing grabbed her cloak and started buttoning it up. She looked at him strangely, but he didn't seem to care and continued to button her up until only her neck and legs were visible beneath the cloak.

"You shouldn't show yourself like this. You will distract others with your body," Wuxing said in a scolding tone, to which she didn't know how to react. "Now, you can go."

She could only reply with a nod, leaving him behind with complicated feelings.

"Miss," her two guards greeted her as soon as she opened the door.

She gave one last look at Wuxing before ordering her guards, "One of you, close the doors and watch over him while I'm gone. Don't let him leave."

"Yes, Miss!" The guard who handed clothes to Wuxing earlier stepped forward to stand beside the door.

Once Dongmei was gone, Wuxing approached the guard and shook his hand. "I will be sleeping now. Don't disturb me."

"Weirdo," the guard couldn't help but mutter as Wuxing closed the doors behind him.

Right at that time, Devil Face once again spoke inside his mind, saying mischievously, 'Yooo, that girl is spicy! I just finished going through your memories and damn, she is dangerously hot. You have to get her before you leave. Such a hottie—'

'Do you know Guan Family?' Wuxing asked suddenly, disregarding the devil-masked man's comments about Dongmei. Wuxing was not bothered by Devil Face's lewd remarks, but that didn't mean he would entertain them. There were more pressing matters at hand.

Upon hearing his question though, Devil Face went silent. Just when he was about to ask him again, Devil Face slithered his way out. 'You know, I actually need to go… I'll catch you later!'

Wuxing was rendered speechless for a moment. That was a quick exit.

Why did it seem like Devil Face was avoiding the topic?

"Guan Family…" Wuxing muttered under his breath, wondering what the mystery behind them was.