Dongmei's Confessions

The moment Dongmei entered the bathroom, Wuxing didn't waste time and quickly rushed towards the sofa. He took off his new Berettas and hid them in a small space between the cushion and the frame. Earlier, Wuxing had already looked around her place for possible hiding places for his guns before he went out and he found this one to be the most ideal location.

As the sofa was in the middle of the apartment, he could watch it all the time from any position. He could immediately prevent Dongmei from finding it if there was a case of her getting suspicious.

He also took off the ammunition holsters and dumped them both inside before quickly returning to the kitchen, just in time when Dongmei left the bathroom.

The lady doctor approached him with a happy smile on her face and asked cheerfully, "How is it? Can you cook?"

After she sorted out her thoughts, her mood had notably improved.

"Do you even have ingredients to make pancakes?" Earlier, he did not have enough time to look around the kitchen, aside from the fridge. Wuxing proceeded to check the shelves and cabinets in search for flour or pancake mix. "I don't think there is anything here other than ready food."

"I… don't think I have any...?" Dongmei checked the fridge and showed him the only ingredient she had. "I have milk as I sometimes eat cereals."

She didn't know how to cook, so she never asked for any ingredients. It would just be a waste of space.

"How about flour? Eggs? Baking powder?" Wuxing asked for more but Dongmei just shook her head over and over again.

"Then, I can't make you something from nothing." Having nothing to work with, Wuxing gave up on the idea of cooking. "How about we do it like this? I will write you a list of ingredients and we can make pancakes tomorrow after you ask your guard to gather them. For today, you can eat the leftovers from the fridge. I didn't eat everything."

"Okay," Dongmei sighed, agreeing reluctantly. "It is probably too late to get anything right now as the canteen is already closed. You will cook for me from tomorrow onwards, then."

With a pout, she opened the fridge and pulled out a strawberry yoghurt. Afterwards, she took some cereals out of the shelf. She poured the yoghurt into a bowl before adding chocolate-flavoured cereals into it. Then, she picked up a container of fresh fruits. As she liked fruits, her family made sure to deliver them to her every week and there were many packages laying around after yesterday's shipping.

She quickly cut the strawberries into halves and added other berries inside the bowl together with them, before mixing everything together into an unappetizing paste.

When she said that she couldn't cook, Wuxing thought that she was completely useless in the kitchen but looking at how she handled herself just now, he was sure that there is nothing wrong with her.

After she finished preparing her mixture, she called out to Wuxing while passing him the bowl. "Here, take this and follow me."

Without saying anything else, she took him by the hand and led him towards the bed, before climbing onto it. She looked at him interestedly and said gently while patting a space next to her, "Take off your shoes and lay down."

"What are you planning?" Wuxing asked after doing as he was told. He already had an inkling of what she want to do to him, but still asked, knowing how unpredictable she could be.

Dongmei didn't say anything and just reached out towards his belly and lifted his shirt, uncovering the skin underneath. She touched the spot where his previous injury was located, feeling how smooth the skin there was. There was no sign of a previous injury or even a scar after it, which really shocked her.

"It has already healed as if you have not been wounded in the first place. How did you do it?" Dongmei asked curiously, not believing that his 'regeneration ability' could be this efficient.

Knowing he didn't have a way to answer her without leading to more questions, Wuxing ignored the question and instead scooped a bit of food, proposing, "How about I feed you? Here, open your mouth."

"You didn't answer my question," Dongmei said with a frown, but seeing that Wuxing wasn't eager to answer, she ate what he gave her. "Hmm, I actually think it tastes better when someone feeds you."

Placing her head on his chest, she pleaded, "One more, please."

His actions so far made her like being spoiled by him. Wuxing didn't have any particular worries about it, so he gathered her hair gently before placing them all on one side and continued feeding her slowly. His free arm found its place and situated itself across her chest, inevitably embracing her while his hand rubbed on her smooth shoulder.

As he fed her, Wuxing also tasted a spoon or two, while also picking up blueberries with his fingers and putting them in her mouth. Seeing some yoghurt on his fingers, Dongmei didn't hesitate to lick them happily, biting him playfully in the process and expecting some reaction from him.

Wuxing indeed had a reaction because afterwards, he no longer used a spoon anymore and simply started using his fingers instead. There weren't many yoghurt left at that point, but they still had fun by catching the leftover fruits.

After they were finally done, Dongmei glanced at him and noticed there was still some leftovers on his lip. She boldly leaned over and licked it away before declaring softly, "This yoghurt is mine."

As she began backing away, Wuxing suddenly pulled her towards him and kissed her forcefully. His eyes glistened with desire. "You know that if you behave like this, I won't hesitate to eat you up?"

"Heh, silly, you can't." Dongmei only snickered and booped his nose before laying down on chest. „I won't allow any of that yet."

They stayed like that in silence for a moment before Dongmei suddenly said, quietly, "You know, sometimes I wonder where I would be right now if I was just a cute, innocent girl from next door… Probably living in a small duplex, somewhere in the suburbs of the city while having a garden with different types of fruits and a childhood friend who I would have fallen in love with and have two kids—"

"If that's what you want, just do it. No one is stopping you," Wuxing advised with a carefree smile as his hand moved towards her face and gently rubbed her cheek.

Dongmei turned towards him and looked at him with hope in her eyes, asking sweetly, "You think I can just escape from everything and live a normal life?"

Wuxing nodded and teased right after, "When you do, make sure you call me. I want to see Miss Guan behaving like a proper housewife, doing house chores like cooking, cleaning, washing clothes while taking care of the kids the whole time and then serving your husband after he came back tired from work in the office. It will be a good sight."

Hearing all of those, Dongmei opened her eyes wide. She had never considered the details that way, but now after Wuxing shed some light on her dream, it didn't look that colourful as before.

She quickly gave up on her dream and cuddled into his chest, closing her eyes and muttering, "Then, I will just stay like this…"

Wuxing didn't say anything but just patted her gently on the head, making her snuggle closer.

Encouraged to open up more, she continued, "I hated my gift when I was a kid. Imagine knowing that everyone around you is a liar and you can't trust any of them with their words. I used to hate the people who could look me in the eyes and just straight up lie about anything. When I finally entered a private college, I thought that there will be a difference, but I was wrong. It got even worse."

"That's how people are. Everyone lies on daily basis."

Wuxing had met many liars in his life, especially in his business where you basically couldn't trust anyone, so he could confirm it.

"You don't lie." Dongmei opened her almond eyes, staring at him.

"Why would I lie when I know you will discover when I do? I can only speak the truth," Wuxing sighed. Only idiot would lie to a person who can see through lies.

Dongmei nodded, not caring why, as long as she didn't hear any lie, she would be glad. "Mhmm, don't lie to me or I will hate you."

Casually glancing at her watch and outside the window, Dongmei finally pulled away from him and said, "It is getting late, let's go to sleep."