Goodnight Teasing

"Mhmm, don't lie to me or I will hate you…" Dongmei nodded, not caring why, as long as she didn't hear any. Casually glancing at her watch and outside the window, Dongmei finally pulled away from him and said, "It is getting late, let's go to sleep."

"Do you need me to find any pyjama or you will sleep naked?" Dongmei walked towards her garderobe and asked while changing into one herself.

"I don't think I need one. If you can get me a blanket or anything to cover myself, I will somehow manage." Wuxing called out, before he walked towards the sofa, feeling it would be a good place to sleep. There was a chance that he could sleep in the same bed with Dongmei if he pushed her enough, but he didn't want to move too fast. At the same time, he could protect his hidden goods, which made the trade worth it.

"Where are you going? Don't you want to sleep on the bed?" Seeing him take off his clothes next to the sofa, she called out from within her closet room, showing only her head.

Wuxing fixed his hair with one casual movement and threw his shirt onto the chair nearby, before explaining his choice, "Well, if you want to sleep with me, just tell me. I will move and cuddle you to sleep. But, I'm already healed. I can't guarantee that I won't do anything to you."

Hearing his reply, Dongmei hid back behind the wall, her mind quickly filling with scenes of Wuxing hugging her the whole night in his manly embrace. She wanted to call out that she doesn't mind, but at the same time thought, 'If he wanted to sleep with me, he wouldn't hesitate to propose it himself… It means he is still not ready… Well, we just met, its understandable… He said he likes my body...'

She grasped her ample breasts, before sliding her fingers on her smooth and fit stomach. Testing the firmness of her butt, she couldn't help but thank her mother for her genes.

"Dongmei?" Wuxing called out to her after hearing no reply from her earlier and Dongmei quickly peeked once again, saying indifferently, "It's okay, you don't need to explain yourself. I was just teasing you. I will bring you a set of bedsheets in a bit."

Hiding back behind the wall, Dongmei decided to take it slow. She had a lot of time to work on him later. Taking down her panties, leaving her completely naked, she reached out towards the shelf with her pyjamas and picked up her favourite one. It was a two-piece pyjama with cute animals as designs and she liked how cosy it was.

Just as she decided to wear it, she saw something with the corner of her eye. It was a black satin material she saw sticking out from under her other pyjamas. Dongmei didn't remember having anything made from black silk, but when she pulled out that piece of clothing, she finally recalled.

It was a present for her birthday from her mother. A black nightgown made from high-quality silk, with a simple but sexy design. When Dongmei saw it, she suddenly had an urge to wear it and show off in front of Wuxing. He didn't want to sleep with her on the bed, then she will make him regret it.

Having such thought in her mind, Dongmei couldn't get herself to put the nightgown away. She threw the cute animals pyjama back onto the shelf before quickly wearing the black silk she found.

Dongmei looked at herself in the closet room mirror and other than it being too short, she didn't have any other complaints. It was gently falling from her shoulders on two straps, having two small cuts on the sides. As she abruptly turned around, it fluttered, showing both of her buttcheeks and her special place as well. It was the issue she reminded herself to be careful at.

'It fits me perfectly. I just need to hold the edges, so he doesn't see too much. I will leave that to his imagination. Hehe, I want to see his reaction when he sees me…' Dongmei thought as she picked the sheets and a spare quilt for Wuxing, before leaving confidently out of the closet.

Wuxing was sitting on the sofa and reading one of the magazines. As Dongmei walked towards him, she covered her nightgown with the quilt and when Wuxing glanced at her, he didn't suspect anything from her. He quickly stood up to help her carry it, meeting her halfway.

"Thank you." Wuxing took the quilt and bedsheets with both hands leaving her free and thank her. She only smiled in return and walked towards her bed as if nothing happened. Wuxing also began walking towards the sofa, but then, with the corner of his eyes, he spotted Dongmei's outfit with the view from behind.

Bam. As he fell with his gaze on Dongmei's silk gown gently fluttering under her butt, he knocked onto the chair, almost falling to the ground. As she hopped on her toes, the material teased him, almost showing what he wanted to see before returning to the original position.

Having no mercy on him, Dongmei finally approached her bed and reached out to the light switch saying with a hidden smirk on her face, "If you don't mind, I will be turning the lights off."

She intentionally waited so he can stop her and it didn't take long for Wuxing to cry out, "Wait a moment!"

Dongmei was already prepared for this, so she turned around to him while giving him a gentle smile and put a comb of her hair behind the ear, asking softly, "Hmm, what's up?"

Wuxing threw the quilt on the sofa and walked up to Dongmei, eating her up with his gaze as he approached her. She didn't know what he wanted to do, but she didn't run away from him and just looked him in the eyes, waiting for his reaction.

"You look beautiful like this," Wuxing took her hand and complimented her, before asking as he lifted it up in the air, "Can you spin?"

"Sure." Dongmei nodded and slowly turned around while holding the edge of the nightgown, so it doesn't flutter. She just wanted to tease him and make him want her on his own.

"Do you often go to sleep like this?" Wuxing asked while still gently holding her hand.

"Yeah, every day, why you ask? Dongmei asked confused as if such an outfit for sleep was normal for her, before asking happily, "Do you like it? I got it for my birthday from my mother."

"Yeah, it is really... suggestive." Wuxing nodded, not hiding his attraction before asking cooly, regretting his decision from before, "How about I change my decision from earlier and join you for tonight?"

"Heh, it is too late now. You will have to wait for tomorrow." Dongmei smiled and poked him on the nose, denying him right away. Having her job done, she let go of him and said satisfied, "I will sleep now. Good night," before reaching towards the light switch once again. Wuxing had a small lamp next to the sofa, so he didn't need the main light.

Just as she was about to reach it, Wuxing suddenly pulled her back and caught her into his embrace. His left hand quickly slipped onto her back and the right hand supported her head as he kissed her deeply. She didn't even have time to react before her lips were already sealed.

"Mhmm…!" Dongmei exclaimed from surprise before holding onto his back for more support. She didn't mind kissing, finding it quite enjoyable and she expected that her actions will lead to such an outcome. Just as Dongmei thought that she would tempt Wuxing to move further, he let go of her, saying cooly, "This is what you get for enticing me like this. Count it as a good night kiss. Sleep well."


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