Captain Dongmei

The Captain talked with one of the injured sailors already to learn what happened earlier in the docks so he knew that Dongmei jumped from the pier to catch the ship while being chased by two guys. Something must have happened so he figured out they were the same ones who chased after them now. 

He didn't have any plans on asking her or Wuxing to apologize for wounding his sailors as he still wanted to live. The Captain knew Dongmei was untouchable but even Wuxing, just by being her acquaintance, was safe as he was the one protecting her earlier. 

Instead of replying to his question, Dongmei changed the subject and asked, "How many free people can you gather right now?" She wanted to follow Wuxing's advice and keep her guards away from the ship so she didn't mind to borrow some firepower from him.