
"Sir! That's too much! I can't accept it!" Scarlet shouted immediately right after she saw the notification on her phone, telling how much money Wuxing sent her. It was a full half a million! How could she even accept it?! 

She would be willing to do anything for Wuxing, even killing someone if she had to. She would only kill bad guys though but even with that, it was still murder! 

Wuxing already made the deal with her so he wouldn't cancel it. She had to do it now and Wuxing already hid his phone, not accepting any refunds as he said with a grin, "Just accept it like a good girl. I'm not paying you for anything. I explained everything to you already and you agreed to do it. I don't have the use for this money so you can take all of it. Of course, if you don't do what I asked you to, I can also take them all back."