New Plan

Both Katherine and Wuxing were silently staring at each other, trying to figure out the other but in either of their minds were there thoughts of giving in. They were not the kind of people who would put down the weapon first, trusting their lives to a stranger without certainty that they would be alright. Wuxing did see Katherine before in the headquarters but she saw him for the first time today as she never looked at other males. 


Just as they started their silent battle, the doors to one of the toilets began to open. Both Wuxing and Katherine reached out with their other hand towards their second weapon, aiming at the doors at the same time only to see a fat, forty years old man walking out in his tank top while drinking soda. 


The moment he saw a gun and a katana being aimed at him, the man froze and dropped his soda on the floor. He immediately raised his hands up and begged in panic, "Please don't kill me!"