Anna's Seduction

'Haha, good! I knew you were a man of culture as well. Pretending to be injured and unconscious to melt a cold beauty's heart.' Devil Face laughed when he saw what Wuxing actually pulled his plan off before asking out of curiosity, 'How did you know it will work?'

Wuxing wanted to roll his eyes but at the current situation, he couldn't even move his body. 'Dude, can't you see I'm fighting for survival now? She literally cut my throat. I need to somehow convince her that I am innocent. I'm just buying time right now. I had to bet on that but fortunately, I was right.' 

Devil Face observed Katherine cold face as she cut her dress into pieces and confirmed, 'Yeah, she is a tough nut to crack. I wish you luck. I will have to disappear for a while. The closer she is to you, the more chances her Spirit will feel my presence. Call me when you need to use your ability. I will be taking the chameleon with me.'