Guan Dong's Promise

Inside the helicopter, both Guan Dong and Guan Mei were sitting silently across each other and observed Dongmei who supported her head on Guan Mei's shoulder. The Helicopter was already filled with the arguing of both parents since the moment they flew away from the ship but when Dongmei 'woke up' and fell unconscious right after learning that they were not able to find Wuxing in the end, Guan Dong didn't speak a word, knowing it was best to stay silent. 

The whole scene was naturally staged by both Dongmei and her mother but Guan Dong deserved such treatment after everything he did. Only after he saw how Dongmei cared for Wuxing did he understand his mistakes. Unfortunately, now that Wuxing was nowhere to be found with huge chance of him being dead, there was nothing he could do. 

"Hmm..." Just then, Dongmei let out a sound of waking up before opening her eyes, blinking a few times as she looked around herself to recall what was going on.