Will He Marry You?

Suddenly hearing another voice in her head was naturally a great shock to Dongmei but just as her expression changed, her mother explained what was happening in detail, "Don't worry, she is friendly. The lady that just spoke to you is a similar Spirit that Wuxing has. They are the ones responsible for giving us abilities. I have been passing on bits of it to you for many years until I finally told Layla to move everything completely." 

Dongmei regained her calmness as she sucked in the information like a sponge and commented when she realised something, "So that's what you meant when you said you have been sharing your ability with me… So it was never mine from the very start…" 

 "Yes." Guan Mei nodded with an apologetic smile, knowing that this ability made it really hard for Dongmei to make friends, but she knew it was the right decision. After knowing the benefits she could get, Dongmei definitely wouldn't complain about her mother's decision.