
Hearing her mother's question, Dongmei thought for a moment but she couldn't find a world where Wuxing would disagree. Sure, they were only together for a week but knowing how strong their relationship was now, she could say with certainty that after three months it would be even stronger. 

She did not hesitate anymore and said out loud with a smile, "He won't decline. We love each other and marriage is just a paper. Wuxing is not a person who would worry about that. He knows what he wants. I also know I want him." 

Guan Mei breathed a sigh of relief as she patted herself on the chest while saying, "I'm glad. I don't have to worry about that anymore then." Dongmei's grandparents were people that you would love to befriend instead of making them your enemies. The benefits of doing that were just too immense.