The Truth

"You are not lying... You really kissed my man."

Dongmei pointed out, looking at Katherine with complicated gaze. She knew when someone was lying or not. Katherine was honest the whole time. 

"Yes, I did. I just felt like kissing him at that particular moment so I did," Katherine agreed, not showing any remorse after her act. "I thought you will immediately get angry at me but you are surprisingly calm."

"Oh, I'm not calm. I really want to slap you right now but I'm holding myself back." Dongmei replied, displaying a fake smile. 

Which women who respects herself wouldn't be mad when another woman flirts with her man? Even though Katherine was a friend, it didn't give her the right to do so. 

"I know that hitting an instructor can resolve in kicking out of the camp so I'm not going to do it for our sake," Dongmei added, staring coldly at Katherine.