Little Bunny

How could Wuxing not be worried after seeing his future wife argue with his friend that sneakily kissed him just a moment ago. He sped ran through the challenge as if it was a piece of cake before rushing to meet them. 

"Yes, we are fine, don't worry. We are adults," Katherine replied first, smiling at him. "I didn't want to lie to her anymore so I told her everything. She deserved to know our situation."

"What everything? What situation?" Wuxing questioned anxiously and immediately turned to Dongmei. "I can explain…" 

He really cared about her so he wanted to make sure they were good. Even though it wasn't his fault, he didn't know what Katherine told her. 

Thankfully, Dongmei didn't begin from scolding so he was off to a good start. She gazed at him with complicated expression and suddenly dove into his embrace, hugging him tightly. 

"I know already. She was the one who kissed you," Dongmei described without much blame in her voice.