Helpful Wuxing - Part 2 (**)

The moment her nipples rolled between his fingertips, she exploded with ecstasy, her voice reaching high notes. He grasped them fully, unable to fit them both in his palms before rotating, rubbing and then sucking with his tongue wrapped around her, rotating and pressing. 

Scarlet grasped onto his head, squeezing it against her chest as if she wanted more. With his face sinking into her breast and her soft moans that were like a melody to his ears, Wuxing realized something. 

There was no guilt in his heart anymore. When he did it with Anna for the first time, Wuxing felt awful as if he was betraying Dongmei but with Scarlet, it was non-existent. It felt normal. Did he actually consider Scarlet as important to him as Dongmei or did he just get used to it by now?

One thing he knew for sure. He couldn't stop anymore, not until he finds out the truth. 
